How To Be A Good Father

"What do you mean by she is not here? Did she not say that she is going to have a competition of some kind just a few hours ago?" Leo stared at Alice who was cowering with fear while her head was bowed low.

"I.. don't know, your majesty. I am sure that I had followed the princess when she ran from the palace but when I came here, she was not here anymore." she replied in a low voice while raking her brain.

Did the princess not say that she would come back by night since her father would come only when his work would finish.

Why was she not here then?

  She was not worried that something had happened to Ren since her brother was with him. But what if this bloodthirsty demon would skin her alive if Ren did not return.

"Maybe she had gone to the library? She often spends all her day and night there reading strange kinds of books." she asked in a suggestive tone when his eyes only truend sharper.