The Grand Ball

"Why are you so busy since you returned? I thought you would be spending time with your family but you are cooped in this small room with Sam all the time?" Alice grumbled as she sat on the nearby chair but her words fell into dead ears.

"Renee.. That new boy named Nathan is looking for you all the time!" she shouted this time, making sure that she would not be ignored again.

"Aah, then you can bring him here too." that was it? Alice lifted her brows as the simple light hearted and curt reply. 

"What are you doing exactly to be this busy?" she asked as she stood up from her seat and walked to Renee and Sam who were sitting on the other side of sofa and scribbling in their books.

When she snatched one of it, Renee frowned.

"Alice!" she exclaimed but the girl only clicked her tongue out and looked at the book.

Was it the design of clothes?