The Tea Party 2

Elric stood up and personally welcomed Renee while holding her hand and kissing the back of it.

"I am glad that you accepted the invitation. When I did not receive the reply, I thought that you were still ignoring me. But I am glad that it was the tardiness of the staff." he smiled softly.

He was trying to soothe the matter for her in the last line. Most of the time when nobles commit a mistake, they place the blame on the staff conveniently. 

But instead of nodding her head, Renee smiled, 

"No! My staff is quite diligent. It is just I was not able to decide whether I should come or not since you did not invite my play mates and brother. I never go anywhere without them.`` The smile on her face did not falter but the chest of the maids following her swelled instantly.

They looked proud that she did not belittle them to hide the truth. While the face of Elric crumpled a bit before he smiled again.