Meeting Her Nightmares

Ian turned to look at the door where a young girl was standing with a smile on her face.

No one needed to introduce him to know that she was the daughter of Evangeline. Her green eyes are just like her mother even when her dark locks matched her father.

His eyes looked at the girl with wonder. 

"Princess, it is my honor to meet you here." he bowed his head instantly when his shoulders trebled a bit.

A surge of emotions filled his chest. If only he could take a step forward and hold the girl in his arms.

"It is nice to meet you, sir Ian. I have heard a lot about you." the girl smiled brightly as if she could not sense the tense atmosphere in the room.

"There is a way to know if the man betrayed you or not." she repeated her words as she walked closer to his father whose face was too dark showing he was seething in anger.