A Look Into The Past

"What are you looking for?" asked Alice as she saw the sheer amount of books on the floor.

Renee looked like she was about to get one with books with all these books rolled around her.

"I am looking for the articrafts you have told me about. Could there be something that could help in hypnotizing others?" she asked as she closed another book.

The royal palace hardly had books about magic, not to forget things that could be used by humans to be part of magic.

"Hmm, that is a rare one. But I think I have heard about sirens that had the power to control other human beings through their voice. But it had been ages since the last siren was seen." she said as she tapped her chin and then nodded her head.

"No! What if a human had an artecraft but they did not have power in themselves. Like a chain or a necklace?" Alice frowned and stared at the books showing different kinds of art crafts and sat on the ground.