Kill Wendy For Peace

Wendy was scared! She had never thought that she would be sold like this.. She looked around but there was nothing she recognized.

She didn't even know if she was in the same building or they had shifted her somewhere else.

"Wait! Do not kill me. I have a lot of gold to offer you if you let me go!" her hands moved to her waist where she had attached the small bag with her belt. But… her eyes widened. 

She touched all around but did not find the bag of gold. Her face lost all the rest of the colors immediately.

"Ha! Are you talking about that small bag of gold? Since you are ours now, the bag belongs to us too. Of course, we have already taken it." her voice was filled with disdain as if the girl was a fool to still say that it belonged to hers.

she took a deep breath as her body started to turn cold. She looked devastated.