Queen Burden

Blue eyes like ice shone brightly in the dark cave.

Piercing through the golden glow of the flying karambit shards and the red scarlet emanating from Moku's eyes.

Blue eyes did not show fear but a depth that soothed the hearts of anyone who looked at them.

The blue eyes that filled the entire space behind the queen's eyes made no room for any color beside it.

All the sylphs lowered their heads when the queen opened her eyes, they didn't dare to look directly at them and silently praised the beauty of those eyes.

Nerphyl stood up from his throne, her wings spread wide, and carried her body flying.

Nerphyl reached the palm of Moku's outstretched hand, walking slowly through the palm to the forearm until the upper arm.

Nerphyl flew and floated right in front of Moku's nose. Staring at the face that was bigger than her body fearlessly.