Boku and Goku eagerly continued to drain the mana organs that were on the tray in front of them. While continuing to eat, their concentration remained on the flowing dragon prana into the generator room. Now they have successfully opened 5 lotus petals, only 2 more petals are left and they can open the gate of evolution.
Moku stared at the two orcs that were about to evolve from outside the carriage with his inner eyes. He could see dragon prana flowing from the genitals of the two orcs towards an invisible place within their bodies.
Moku started to think that after this he would not be alone anymore. At first Moku thought that he would be the only evolved orc for a long time. It takes physical, mental, and will strength to be able to pass all the tests to get the classification to evolve. Because of that Moku never thought about what kind of being he is now.