Two Secret Meetings (2)

Moku rested his head on the soft pillow, gazing at the beautiful wooden ceiling before him, his mind wandering through all that had transpired that day.

Moku's eyes closed. Even though he was cursed to find no peace after passing through the second evolution gate, he had found another way to rest his mind.

Moku always believed that every living being depended on others. If he lacked something, someone else surely possessed it.

There were two ways to acquire something one didn't possess from others: trading through a barter system or compelling someone to relinquish it through coercion. Moku favored the latter approach.

Thus, if he couldn't sleep for his entire life, he would find a way to seize the sleep of others.

[Dream Walking]

The dragon prana within Moku's body stirred, connecting with the stored Orb Intent in his chest. He activated Pandava, his mind entering the Mind Realm while his body remained in the Astral Realm.