"I swear to God I will skin that weasel if he pressures Akari," Sachi growled as she paced the waiting room.

"This is all messed up," Mari mumbled tiredly. "It's like everything we did was built on sand and it just got washed into the ocean. I don't even know what's going on anymore."

"How can you even think about that stuff right now, Mari?" Sachi demanded, glaring at her as she continued to pace.

"How is she?" a voice said as the door opened. Mari and Sachi turned to find Yukiko standing by the door bashfully.

"You!" Mari snapped, her exhaustion immediately forgotten. "Where have you been?"

"I-I'm sorry," Yukiko muttered. "I was…"She was interrupted by Sachi grabbing her arm and escorting her out of the room, followed closely by Mari.

"We're talking," Sachi snarled.

"You're hurting me!" Yukiko protested weakly.

"You're lucky if this is all I do to you," Sachi whispered angrily as she rushed Yukiko down the halls.

"What the fuck is all of this, Yukiko?" Sachi finally said as the three of them emerged from the hospital into a small garden on the roof.

"I-I panicked, ok?" Yukiko said weakly.

"What does that even mean?" Mari demanded. "Who panics and decides to go out with someone?"

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen," Yukiko protested. "I didn't think it would come out like this. I got set up with him and it was a couple of dates only. I figured if it got serious I'd break the news to you all then but just playing around wasn't a big deal."

"What about Akari, huh?" Sachi was livid. Even Mari, who had known her for years, stepped back a pace as Sachi raged, hands clenched in fists at her sides.

"It was just some fun, you know? We were nothing serious. I mean, we're both girls," Yukiko replied. Before she could react, Sachi's hand snapped out and caught Yukiko across the cheek, snapping her head backward.

"You're a goddamned monster, Yukiko," Sachi screamed. "Nothing's ever serious for you it seems but it sure as hell was for her!" Yukiko's hand came up to her face where a welt was quickly spreading across her cheek.

"And now you've fucked all of us," Mari snapped. "Great job, Yuki." Yukiko stared at Mari blankly.

"What do you mean?" Yukiko whispered.

"She can't go on tour," Mari replied, taking some small measure of satisfaction as realization dawned on Yukiko's face.

"No Akari, no us," Mari snarled. "Everyone knows Akari's the star. Hell, I've found at least three letters management wrote to her trying to get her to go solo."

"I-I didn't think i…"Yukiko began.

"Fuck right you didn't think you ignorant bitch," Sachi interrupted. "You shattered that girl's heart into a million pieces on national goddamn television and didn't even come to visit her when she damn near died and even now you only give a shit about your own career." Sachi was trembling with rage. "And you, Mari. I expected more from you than selfish bullshit. I guess I was wrong. Fuck this. I'm leaving. Both of you can roast in hell." The doors slammed shut and the garden was bathed in silence.

"I fucked up," Yukiko finally mumbled, tears rolling down her face.

"Plenty of that going around, it seems," Mari murmured. "I'm going home."