Vs Green Python Bandits (2)

//Last Updated on June 22, 2024


Hearing their taunt Liu Feng smirked a little and launched his attacks again. This time also they blocked the attacks with their sheer strength but the attack did make several cuts in their arm.

"Let's attack him together! This kid is a skilled Qi cultivator, and at an advanced level too. But don't be fooled. He cannot last very long this way, he'll soon run out of it."

Unfazed by their taunts, Liu Feng remained composed.

"I know, you Qi cultivators look down on us body cultivators, but today, you will fall by my hands," Ma Jin declared.

Utilizing the [Beast God's Movement Art] at full capacity, he created open space and then engaged in battle with Ma Jin, soon the duo started engaging in close-quarter attacks

*Mighty Ape Fist: Barbaric Assault *

Liu Feng kept dodging and parrying his attacks but suddenly, Ma Jin jumped back.

"Boss! Beware of those attacks! That kid is using poison!"

The poison Qi from his has already started affecting the duo and they were feeling paralyzed all over their body!

Liu Feng has recently discovered that his poison-type cultivation technique added a poison property to all of his attacks. This gave him an edge in battles. Those attacks only grazed them but his poison Qi affected their body and soon they collapsed.

'Youuu....!', Ma Jin screamed.

This made Ma Jin distracted for a second, and noticing this opening Liu Feng unleashed two powerful attacks from his [Beast God's Claw Art]

However, Liu Feng was also aware that what Ma Jin said earlier was true. He cannot drag the fight much longer. He has already depleted a significant amount of his Qi with those attacks.

Ma Jin responded confidently, "So what! Let me take this on!"

*Mighty Ape Fist: Stone Arms*

"With this, my arms become as strong as stone mountains!', Ma Jin declared confidently.

Ma Jin positioned his forearms defensively, using them as shields to withstand the attacks.

The attacks only managed to graze him slightly. Ma Jin sneered, "You must be running low on Qi after so many attacks? I am already in the middle stages of the Blood Refinement realm. This level of poison is nothing to me. Before it takes effect, I'll kill you."

Realizing that he couldn't rely solely on his Qi attacks, Liu Feng decided to change his strategy. Focusing on his [Beast God's Movement Art], he decided to dodge Ma Jin's every attack.

"Ha ha! It must be true! You're running low on Qi. But you can't escape from my hands today! Die, you bastard!"

*Mighty Ape Fist: Thunderous Strike*

With a mighty battle cry, Ma Jin unleashed his technique.

It was evident that Ma Jin's speed had significantly decreased since the beginning of the fight.

"Stop running away and face my attack like a man!" he taunted, trying to goad Liu Feng into a direct confrontation.

*Mighty Ape Fist: Thunderous Strike*

However, Liu Feng remained calm, reinforcing his body, he constantly evaded Ma Jin's strikes. Meanwhile, Ma Jin's also was getting slower, and the effects of the poison were getting visible.

Zhang Yan, on the other hand, was also engaged in a fierce battle with Brother Xiaoli.

"You bastard! You'll regret ever crossing paths....", Ma Jin yelled.

But before he could finish his statement, Liu Feng seized the opportunity and appeared near him in a flash, catching Ma Jin off-guard.

In that split second, Liu Feng unleashed a full-powered [Beast God's Claw Art] at his opponent.

Three sharp streams of green blades rushed toward Ma Jin, and he instinctively raised his forearms to block the attack. However, to his surprise, these attacks were even more powerful than before.

"Aaaauughh..." Ma Jin cried out in pain as the green water blades pierced through his defenses, inflicting severe wounds on his arms and chest.

Liu Feng knew it was not finished yet and he had to finish his opponent.

Struggling to stand, Ma Jin declared in desperation, "You have left me no choice." He took out a crimson red pill from his pocket, intending to consume it.

"With this Blood Burning pill..."

But Liu Feng didn't allow him the chance. In a swift move, he kicked Ma Jin right in the crotch, causing him to cry out in agony. The pill fell from his hand as he collapsed, blood foaming from his mouth.

Meanwhile, Brother Xiaoli, who had been watching the other battle, was filled with horror at the sight of Ma Jin's defeat. He screamed in distress, but Zhang Yan took advantage of the moment and decisively plunged his claw into Ma Jin's heart, putting an end to the battle.

"Kugghh... ahhh...", His final gasp echoed as his eyes became lifeless.

Both battles had come to a close, leaving Zhang Yan drenched in blood. Despite his injuries, he was elated. This was his first victory in front of Liu Feng, and he couldn't help but feel proud.

Noticing this, Liu Feng gave him a thumbs up. "Good job, Zhang Yan," he praised, acknowledging him with a bright smile.


After some time, Liu Feng stood up, having already recovered from their intense battle. He marveled at his new ability from his cultivation technique – the [Enhanced Healing].

It proved to be quite useful, not only healing his bruises but also recovering from his fatigue.

Zhang Yan also tidied himself up and, with their combined efforts, they bound the three unconscious bandits to a nearby tree.

Liu Feng examined the effects of his Qi poison, realizing that it only induced a temporary paralysis that caused the bandits to collapse. He realized the need to enhance his techniques to inflict more lethality.

'Now…what to do with them?', this question troubled him, as he found it difficult to take their lives, struggling to make the decision of killing fellow humans.

As he contemplated whether to spare them, Liu Feng thought about the consequences of releasing them.

'Would they return to the Chen family and attack us again with a bigger force?'

Searching the bandits' belongings, he discovered another of that Blood Burning Pill and a mysterious compass-like object. Among the loot, he found a booklet for a martial art called Mighty Ape Fist.

Zhang Yan recognized it as their family martial arts. Both concluded that it must have been stolen by the Chen family. He decided to hand that over to Zhnag Yan after taking a look.

To gather more information, Liu Feng woke Ma Jin up. He was still feeling groggy probably from the effects of the poison, but soon he realized that his right-hand man, Brother Xiaoli was dead, anger consumed him, intensifying his emotions

"You.. You.. You..!!!"

The duo used some strict 'persuasion' techniques to calm him down and they extracted valuable information about the Chen family. Although Ma Jin was not aware of everything, he had some educated guesses.

They learned how the Chen family used the Green Python Bandits to gain huge wealth. They had every inside information about the major families. Ma Jin disclosed that the Chen family patriarch had promised him a rank in their family in exchange for their cooperation. They had also offered him the martial arts of the Zhang Family as rewards.

Liu Feng demanded to know the whereabouts of the other Zhang kid. Ma Jin claimed only the Chen family head knew that. But again with some strict 'persuasion', Ma Jin confessed. Although he was not entirely sure, the girl was most likely kept in the Chen family's cold dungeon.

Hearing this, Zhnag Yan was visibly angry and he knew very well about the cold dungeon, after all, it was a place of horror in their childhood.

They learned the Chen family had spies in every major family, including the City Lord.

Liu Feng was conflicted, "I can't even send you guys to the City Lord's place," he sighed heavily, knowing that the Chen family would be alerted the moment they arrived.

Summoning his courage, Liu Feng made a difficult decision. "Zhang Yan, execute them," he commanded, stepping away from the scene and looking towards the green horizon.

"Wait...wait...we can cooperate...", the bandit pleaded helplessly.

"Noooooo..." Ma Jin's cries echoed through the forest as he took his last breath. The others met the same fate, quietly passing away in their sleep.

At that moment, Liu Feng felt the weight of his new life. The forest fell into an eerie silence, marking the end of the Green Python Bandits.


If you like the story please vote with power stones.

If you have any suggestions for any weapon techniques like sword, spear, etc. comment them and let me know, I'll try to use them in the story if possible. I am looking for low level techniques that will mostly be used by others.

Fist Technique

Palm Technique

Sword Technique

Cultivation Techniques
