A Lab full of Rats

Planet Flaxen F9DA7F

Flaxen is a planet with some mining colonies where Kesorium 4 gets extracted. It is also a place known for having some laboratories that study the environment and other resources.

A small acorn-shaped ship, with small wings and lots of weaponry, is floating in orbit around the planet.

Maple: There I was, Maple, the best Space Ranger in the galaxy, tireless fighter, powerful, three-time champion of the Xtreme Fighting Club, indestructible, fearless...

Neve: What are you doing?

Maple: EH?

Neve: Who are you talking to?

Maple: Shush! I'm working on my flight log and you just took me out of the zone.

Neve: Flight Log? This is not Star Wrek! You should be checking the proximity sensors.

Maple: Check what!? There's nothing here! It's the most boring mission we've had in years; I even forgot what we're doing here.

Neve: Chief Maustash asked us to find the illegal lab of Dr. Grecia M. Gorgonia and bring her down, remember?

Maple: But we're not even sure if Dr. "Morgonia" is on this planet, and it's been days since we got here...

Neve: Do you think I'm having fun? Why don't you stick to your duty while I keep looking for the lab.

Maple: Yes Ma'am! (sheesh).

Maple approaches the proximity sensors which start to flash red right away.


Maple: OH, NUTS!

The ship is hit by two proton charges, causing it to shake violently.


Computer: Automated Navigation Systems damaged, Stabilizers offline, Proton Shield integrity compromised.

Maple jumps on to the ship's cockpit controls just before more gunfire hits the ship.


Maple performs some evasive maneuvers; she spins and spirals, until she manages to get in front of the attacking ship. The foe's ship is a little bigger than hers, looks like a cat's head facing upwards and the front would be the ears.

Maple: Got you!

Maple pulls the trigger, but nothing happens. A red sign with a large exclamation point appears on the main screen.

Computer: Weapon systems offline


Two more shots land on the ship causing it to spin out of control


Maple: Thanks, "Captain Obvious"!

Using all of her skills Maple barely manages to dodge the repeated attacks of the aggressor and scapes towards the planet.

Computer: The following systems are offline:

A huge list of systems appears on screen blocking all the outside view.


The ship enters the atmosphere covered in flames following a semi straight line and ends up crashing on the surface of the planet...


Amazingly, The ship takes minimal damage upon crash landing, however, it is enough to render the ship completely inoperable.

The interior of the ship is a mess, there are things thrown off everywhere, small steam leaks and smoke are coming from the walls. The last systems shut down as Maple, who is lying on the board with some visible bruises and a smile on her face, begins to react.

Maple: Heh! He he! That was close, But nobody flies better than the great Maple! Right, Neve?

There's no answer.

Maple: NEVE?

Maple gets up from the pilot's seat and starts looking for Neve until she finds her unconscious on the floor.


The computer is off.

Maple: Well F. ME...

Maple hurries to get a small first aid kit.

Maple: Come on girl, hang in there.

Maple takes a small automatic syringe filled with a pink liquid and proceeds to inject Neve who, after a few agonizing seconds, suddenly comes to her senses.


Maple lets her go and falls flat on her butt feeling relieved, while Neve checks her body for injuries.

Neve: What happened?

Neve looks around, picks up her visor from the floor and starts checking it for damage.

Maple: You okay there?

Neve: I think so, I have a bit of a headache but nothing more. Where are we?

Maple: We crash landed on the planet. We were attacked by a whole squad that came out of nowhere. You should have seen me. I was about to defeat them, but reinforcements came and we had to flee.

Neve stares at her with a bit of disbelief but decides to give her the benefit of the doubt

Neve: A-ha... Well, we better get out of here before "they" finish the job

Neve puts on her visor and they both exit the ship cautiously and walk away.

The surface of the planet is mostly rocks and sand, little vegetation can bee seen here and there and very few insects roam around the ground.

Neve displays her wrist computer, and attempts to communicate with R.O.E.S. headquarters.

Neve: Control? Come in control!

No response, just static.

Neve: Control! Rangers Neve and Maple here, do you read me?

Still no response.

Neve: Someone must be interfering with communications.

Maple: So... there's definitely something here... right?

Neve: Just before the attack, I was able to find an unregistered facility not too far from here.


Neve: Could we NOT kick the door down... for a change?

Maple: Oh come on, Grandma! Where is your sense of adventure?

Neve: It fell off with the blow to the head!

Maple: Ugh! Okay, but don't expect me to help you cross the street now.

The Rangers reach a mountainous area where they see some small buildings that seem to come out of the interior of a mountain. Maple hides behind some rocks while Neve scans the place with her visor.

Maple: What can you see?

Neve: Not much, some lab rats, vehicles... Wait!

Maple: WHAT!

Neve: Purrcats!

Maple: OH YEAH! TIME TO...

Neve: Time to be careful and try NOT to draw attention!

Maple: UGH!! I'm starting to miss Mauzarella!

They reach the side of the complex, looking for a way to enter

Maple: There are only two guards at the door. Piece of cake!

Neve: Yes, two guards who can call more guards and then more...

Maple: So what do you suggest, "Granny"?

Neve takes the cover off a vent in the wall of the building

Neve: This way

Maple: The ventilation system! Again! You know I haaaate the ventilation system!

Neve: If we get noticed, Doc. G. could escape and all this would be in vain.

Maple: ARRGHH, FINE! But I'll be the tail this time.

Neve: Have it your way.

They both enter the building and start roaming through the lab looking for clues.

Maple can't help but cough from time to time.

Maple: These things always have dust and crap all over, Why isn't like the movies?

Neve: Excuse me your majesty, I'll have the chimney sweep over here in a jiffy.

Maple: Shush! You're too loud, Someone will hear us!

Neve rolls her eyes and starts moving again. They get to a series of vents that lead into a large room. They each stand on a different vent from where they look down.

The room below was very large, there's lab equipment and a series of cages with thick translucent walls. Some of the cages were empty, others had evidence of violence.

Only two cages had something inside. One of them had a very large creature filling the thing almost completely so a defined shape cannot be seen, the other was full of small snakes of various colors.

Next to the cages were four Purrcats and three Lab Rats, among them a taller and thinner one. It was Dr. Gorgonia, a white rat with red eyes and long light gray hair, who gave orders to the other two.

Maple: That's crazy, a rat playing with snakes.

Neve: She must be Dr. Gorgonia!

Maple: What's the plan?

Neve: We wait until Dr G. enters the corridors and we capture her without anyone noticing

Maple: Booooring...

Neve: But that way the chances of success are much higher.

Maple: Promise that if we fail, next time I'll take the lead

Neve: I never fail...