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Elma had started to wonder if her getting a job at the Di Mauro's was truly a blessing or a curse in disguise. By the time she'd ascended the lift up to the upper floors and had warmed herself onto the lush leather chair which sat behind her desk, she became convinced that she was truly not cut for this spot. Because how could she explain away the fact that a lot had happened on her first ever day at work?

Encountering that 'Prig' brunette witch, who went by the name of Sasha was even the least likely event of her day to make her sweat. Although, that woman's direct remarks; cold and forward, did bother her for a while. However, Elma had done her best to shove the bitterness of her words — the venom she'd rolled out of her tongue to hurt her with, to the far back of her mind. Or at least, she thought she was doing a pretty good job at it thus far.