Twisted Emotions

It was 8am the next day,Riccardo was up early and stood at the balcony in his suite to catch a view of the sand at the beach,the early birds singing in the sky made the view more exciting,he watched slowly as the waves moved aggressively and slowed down as it approached the shores,as he stood enjoying his view he had heard a knock on his door twice but he tends to ignore because he didn't want anyone ruining his quiet time,he had his eyes fixed on the view in front of him,he wasn't in the mood for any distraction,for a moment he felt at peace,that was just what he needed some peace and quietness after all that transpired last night.

As he stood he couldn't stop thinking about how poorly he treated Elma yesterday.

'Why the hell was I even bothered to see Damien with Elma at the party last night,'he paused to think for a while and wondered why it bothered him so much to see them both.

*********************Flash back***********************