Party’s over

Riccardo and Rissa were gone for a long time and Elma started to guess what had befallen those two. With everyone busy with the chit-chats and draining out the content of champagne flutes, Elma sat secluded by a corner of the beach bar, musing. Riccardo had mentioned earlier that he was going to "handle her". The "her" in question is that troublesome Rissa. Now that they had exhausted nearly half an hour in his quest to "handle her", Elma lost all hope altogether of those two ever breaking off their relationship. It was clear to her now that Riccardo and Rissa possibly had something romantic bonding them together. Elma did not mind it really. She just hoped that Riccardo would desist from dragging her into their drama by making her assume the role of a "second fiddle". She was Elma Gray and would certainly never assume the role of being anyone's "second fiddle".

Elma let out an exhale and took a few sips of her margarita. She had something more important to think about.