“Safe heaven”

Elma did herself a favour by continuing on her way. The sound of Sasha's victorious laughter and Emily's questioning of this colleague's insensitivity to people's emotions was giving Elma a serious headache. She had to get out of there, and fast. Not only did she need to leave for her own sake, but she was also hurrying to avoid seeing Riccardo. It was a miracle she hadn't run into him yet. It was his company, after all.

As she made it to the front door, she let out the breath she didn't know she was holding in. Everyone should be leaving the complex soon. Ishaq was someone she wasn't ready to face either.

"Miss Gray..."

Elma was stunned as she lifted her eyes to meet his. The one who had just called to her wasn't Riccardo, but she hadn't expected that person to be here, let alone talking to her.

"I've been ordered by my boss to drive you home."