
Riccardo drove out to a club he had recently heard of,he wasn't the type to drive himself around he usually lets his driver drive him around,but today he wanted to get out there by himself,he didn't want just anyone seeing him like that,except for Paul who used to be his close friend,he needed a distraction from all that had been happening,getting to the club he went straight in for a seat and ordered for a drink why he put a call through to Paul.

"Hey man,where are you?" Riccardo asked Paul over the phone.

"Am somewhere around came to tidy up some businesses in the neighbourhood," Paul replied.

"Could you make it over here at a strip club," Riccardo said.

"What would you be doing there?or are you with company," Paul asked.

Am here all alone,I just figured I will step out to have some fun today?So what do you say? Riccardo asked.

"Okay sure I will be there with you shortly, just share with me your location, " Paul said.