Unexpected Guest

Chapter 70 Unexpected Guest

The night had passed and the morning had come, but Elma was still unable to shake off the results of the previous day. Her mind was filled with thoughts of all the millions of ways she could have prevented yesterday's situation between Ted and her former boss from happening. Right now, she felt like sinking into the ground and disappearing from everyone's life. Her mood was so bad that she hated having to be alone in the house today. The others should not have left without her.

"God, what if he decides to sue? How would I get out of this? If only Teddy had listened to me..."

Elma, her hands on her hips as she puffed and paced the floor of the living room, continued to sigh frustratedly, over and over again. Her temples throbbed as she replayed the events that had followed Teddy's and her departure from Di Mauro's Inc. yesterday.