Green revolution, Economic situation and new Teacher

Adrian POV

Well, we have to start some changes first, the diet of the people, my town has a very precarious diet, a few foods are grown that are not of good quality, that has to end, I begin to remember which crops would be the best and the techniques for cultivating, I am thinking of Mulching, also called padding or mulch, which is a technique used for crop protection that consists of putting protective layers on the ground to control the effects of the climate on vegetables and plants, then the use of organic fertilizers such as compost, ashes, and algae.

Crop rotation will alternate crops according to their nutritional needs, and every two years at least we should include a legume that fixes nitrogen. Another of the keys to the success of the rotation is not to grow two plants of the same family in a row finally Crop Associations we simultaneously grow two plants that adapt well to each other, that is, that have different nutritional needs. Therefore, avoid growing two plants of the same type at the same time -two leaves, two roots, etc.-. Beyond allowing the correct development of the plants, these crop associations reduce the risks of pests and diseases and prevent the appearance of weeds.

Now that we grow, he began to make a list of foods that are beneficial for people:

1_ Spinach It is a great source of vitamin K, essential for strong bones. It also provides iron for energy and a high level of magnesium for muscle and nerve function.

2- Peas. They are a good source of protein and fiber, which support the good bacteria in the gut to ensure regular bowel movements and a healthy digestive tract. They are also rich in saponins

3- Sweet potatoes. They contain vitamins, potassium, and beta carotene, which help improve eye health and fight cancer. They also benefit people with diabetes, as sweet potatoes are low on the glycemic index scale and high in fiber, which can help regulate blood sugar.

4- Beet. Its high nitrate content improves heart health.

5- Carrots. They contain vitamin A

6- Tomatoes. They contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant

7- Onions. They contain vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese. I have to give Davos a point for bringing these to Stannis, they are what his soldiers needed after eating the rats during the siege.

8- Alfalfa sprouts. They contain saponins, flavonoids, and phytoestrogens. They help treat a variety of health conditions, such as arthritis and kidney problems.

9- Cauliflower. Contains dietary fiber, which improves heart and gut health.

Among other crops such as potatoes, wheat, and barley, allocate several fields for fruit trees for consumption and the production of liquors.

That is a list of good foods now for meats we have to teach them different ways to make them, we can make hamburgers, meat patties, stews and stews, vegetable soups among several other foods, such as raising laying hens for eggs and feeding them with grains.

The Dwarf Blacksmiths, forged metal tools from shovels, pickaxes, felling axes, saws, hoes, machetes, and diggers, we changed all wooden utensils for metal, more efficient and durable, the elves improved the land and taught us how to make compost, the fields can not only survive with my magic a balance is needed.

Step 1 Year of the birth of the lord year 281

Our house, honestly was unfortunate, we only had 2 thousand gold dragons in accounts, we only produced a little food and wood, fish that we sold to the land of storms, Robert's tax was 25% of the crops of the land, for fix this when the dwarfs arrived I put the alcohol factories in the plan, producing Hydro Honey was extremely easy to make it does not have much secret 1 and a half liters of water, 500 grams of honey and finally 1 gram of organic yeast, I asked colonies of bees that settled in an area of ​​the island and the dryads used their magic for the flowers together with my natural energy the honey was much sweeter and much more was produced, we purified the water several times with the mermaids' water magic, The first endowment was 300 oak barrels of 50 liters, they will take 3 months to ferment, we sent 2 barrels to Storm Bastion, to ask if it was possible to change the tax from 25 to 15% and give 35 barrels per harvest.

He replied that 40 barrels and 1000 gold dragons, as a tax to change the coats of arms, religion, and motto, we accepted immediately and informed him of the production of more Mead and the intention to market it, he was very much in agreement with that.

Another thing that happened was that the Master of our home, old Lous, announced that he would probably die soon, he was a very old man and lived in bed almost all the time.

Every day, I send a raven to a friend, Archmaester Marwin, who assured me that he was a trustworthy person within the citadel, loves magic, and knew that he was looking for it to cure his own daughter who had a bone disease in addition to being an outcast in the citadel for his study of magic and occultism, who hurried to come for the content of the letter Master Lous told him that he found something magical a heart tree emerged from one day to the next on the island, but not everything would take a little surprise when he saw everyone, he arrived 2 months after sending the raven, he was the only Master of the citadel looking for magic it was fun to see the man with a thick neck and a prominent jaw. He is short and chubby. with huge hands, a thick chest, and a beer belly.

An interesting thing, his ring and mask were made of Valyrian Steel, I asked Dulan King of the Forge if he knew how to forge or make it, and he replied that he was cursed steel, his creation is extremely disgusting and profane.

Pov talks about steel Valyrio Dulan Dwarf King (the title is the king of the forge)

Dulan: mmm that Steel is a small blasphemy, it is created from the sacrifice of hundreds of magical beings and several hundred human souls, it is a refining of high-quality steel, Dragonglass in certain quantities, it has to be cooled in the blood of beings with magic and heating in dragon flames and souls as fuel about 20 times, that gives them the anti-magic properties for the Dragonglass, its great resistance, sharpness, and lightness.

We have other metals that we imbue in our magics for example we have an alloy called Black Steel, where we imbue high resistances to the ingots and we imbue them in salamander flames, the elves have their Mithril which is silver refined by magic, but unlike the Valyrian steel that anyone halfway competent can reforge, our metals can only be worked by us, also I have news about the glass you were looking for, you're fucking kid, the sand that we have nearby will not work, it has little silica content, Mauren found a mining area with enough translucent gypsum (known as Lapis specularis) that's good it's almost like glass and with advanced geomancy, we can make bottles and windows for houses, but the real glass would be to look for sand in other regions like Dorne or areas of Essos.

Continuing with Marwin, the man had practiced all kinds of magic seeking to heal his daughter, the man had had a wife before becoming a Master and joined the citadel looking for a cure when he could not find it, he turned to magic, his daughter seems to have Myositis From what she described, she used several magics but refused to sacrifice a child, Lunara commented that many healing spells were lost with the water magic branches of Rhoynar and the few that were transmitted were more attack magics than healing ones, but it was possible to heal her. , the poor man told us that his daughter lived in the vicinity of the citadel cared for by a relative, we agreed to bring her to live in the city of the castle and cure her but we had to see how to look for her without hurting her the fastest thing was to send a ship or that the Grandma Saleria was to open a portal to the emerald dream and I was to breach the castle to bring her in quickly but we needed Marwin to go and get all his materials and present his u asked to be the master of the island

Marwin: That will be easy little Lord, I'm not really loved in the citadel for my specialties, they hate magic and everything they can't control that's why I have so many freedoms otherwise they wouldn't even let me leave those walls.

Adrián: Hahaha the truth is nonsense, magic needs talent and an initiator in it, speaking of which, Marwin, we would also need several books on topics such as economics, geography, history, and several more that can be used to teach young children.

Marwin thought a bit and replied: There may be some in the citadel, but why would I need them?

Adrián: I think to teach ordinary people the basics, of reading, and writing if they wish they can then specialize as doctors, bankers, and more jobs among others.

Marwin: Boy, do you know what you're saying? You literally know that the citadel doesn't distribute knowledge because they are fucking greedy, the high officials have never done it for a plan, the more stupid the people are, the more control and power they will have, look at the private council, grand master Pycelle, even elsewhere look at Mace Tyrell is a fucking giant Full-fledged idiot, only his mother Olenna is the one with the power, that's what the citadel does.

Adrián: yes, and that has to end Marwin, sometimes the masters forget that if society rises up, they would be lost, how many masters exist, and how many small people? Burning people can be useful 1 or 2 times, but when they are no longer afraid of you and everyone gets up for as long as they will last in power.

End Meeting with Marwin