Fury of the Sea and a harsh truth

Storm's End

Dulan had heard about what happened in King's Landing he was upset, he had warned Robert that it would happen, the clouds were dark and the cracks of thunder could be heard, It's time he said Prepare the troops we will break the siege he shouted taking his hammer

At sea several redwyne ships broke the blocking formation and went straight to storm's end harbor, unsailed with the redwyne house emblem, and hoisted the green flag and gold tree, they went quickly to the harbor.

pov Stannis

We are screwed they will attack us by land and sea, he thought, he quickly organized his already tired and hungry forces, a last heroic defense he thought, he took his sword and marched to the port, when he arrived he saw something strange the redwyne boats did not have the crest of his house but the crest of house trant, on the deck of the ship several men dressed in very strange armor and with a trident, made signs with torches.

They are not enemies for the first time I was grateful we have allies, the ships anchored in the port, of the ship 50 soldiers got down, one took off his helmet and cried out.

Soldier: We are men of the Trant house, we steal the ships of the enemy fleet and bring supplies, our commander Ser Davos will break the blocking formation by sea and by land Ser Dulan will capture Fat Tyrell, soldiers unload the food, medicine, and clothes, the men need to eat, the 50 soldiers marched accompanied by Stannis's men the man was happy, he took some vegetables and began to taste them, he had never tasted such vegetables they were delicious he just got to say, the soldier patted him on the back and I told him to see the enemy fleet, a song was beginning to be heard in the distance, then the soldiers of the Trant house stood on the boats and with their tridents began to hit the wood and sing:

I know that my home will be the sea

where he is I am

I ho, everyone,

hoist the flag

Great warriors, they will never die

Yo ho, all together

hoist the flag

Great warriors, they will never die

Their song resounded through every storm bastion, the thunder roared louder, it was as if they praised the song, I was afraid of the men I saw, then I saw them 10 boats charged against the Redwyne forces what I saw was the superiority of the sea, only 10 ships smashed an army of hundreds.

Pov Davos

When the time came, he saw the sky and began to order, the plan was simple, the ballistae shoot large bolts with vessels of flammable oil, the dryads modified the oil so that it would burn even in water, and after shooting the rains of fire arrows would come On the part of the archers, we will advance if an enemy ship approaches, the flamethrowers will burn them alive or they will die from the arrows.

Men yell Davos prepare the songs, Today we will sail to glory yell, so the ships set off, the elven archers loaded the ballistae and fired at the enemy ships, shooting accurately at the mainsail so that the oil jars would spill all over the deck, then with torches the other archers, shoot a rain of fire, the first 10 ships began to burn, lightning and thunder roared and our song was heard throughout the sea, we had a more secret help the krakens led by Cecilia.

the ships sank slowly dragged them to the bottom of the sea, that day would be remembered as the nightmare of the sea 10 ships sank more than 60 enemy ships without losing a single man, the legend circled that if you saw a green and gold sail with the songs If you ran away, the curse of the sea would lead you to ruin.

Stannis looked at this without being able to utter a single word, he was frightened by the chants, suddenly they stopped, and the Trant soldier approached and said now Ser Dulan will break the siege by land, I ask that our soldiers disembark and position themselves on the walls, 200 soldiers They went to the wall taking firing positions, war horns were heard, the ground began to shake, in the distance soldiers charged against Mace Tyrell's distracted troops, the impact was bloody, hundreds of soldiers died in each cavalry charge.

Mace Tyrell shouted orders from his tent, a Soldier with two swords approached him decapitating every soldier who crossed his path and from behind a dwarf with a mace sent the enemy soldiers flying Tyrell was finished, the dwarf was approaching He thought it would be easy to beat him, what a big mistake the dwarf laughed at him and hit him with a shield that sent him rolling several meters, the amused dwarf cried

Troops Tyrell, your lord is in my hands I am Dulan of the house Trant surrender or believe me your fat lord will be missing more than a few teeth, I lift him easily with one hand on his chest, the troops saw this and began to throw their weapons, from the distance another host of soldiers began to arrive, the trants did not move, when the standards were seen they were men of the North.

Ned Stark arrived and saw them the battle was over, the Trant men had finished with the Tyrell, Mace Tyrell was unconscious and had several teeth missing, Dulan laughed and said that the fool I attacked him and gave him a blow with the shield, now you have to go after the girl, no, she is in the tower of joy, so it is rumored, I recommend you march with few men and light.

Ned agreed to this rest one day and left the next morning.

Joy Tower

Lyanna was screaming in pain, she was close to giving birth, Ser Arthur was frightened, they didn't have a master and the child had been suffering from a fever, she was very weak they didn't have as much water anymore Ser Oswell Whent and Lord Commander Gerold Hightower was worried The girl would not survive childbirth, and rumors said that the prince had died on the trident, the child was the last with royal blood, Lyanna cried, in pain.

Something snapped us out of our thoughts, a loud cry of a bird scared us, the tower trembled from the cry, and we ran out of the tower with drawn swords, we were not ready to see a pair of giant eagles as big as the tower, they were looking at us Staring, we all wanted to drop our swords, but we couldn't. The prince's orders were absolute, to protect the little wolf and her son until the end.

From the back of one of the birds under a blonde woman in an emerald green dress, two swords on her waist and a bow on her back.

Elentari: lower your weapons, Ser Arthur, Oswell, and Gerold, I'm not here to harm you, I'm here by order of my lord, Adrián Trant, to take the girl and you.

Arthur: that's not going to happen, my lady, I answer

The 3 take combat stances.

Elentari: So be Arthur.

draws his two swords and starts attacking the 3, the speed of movement, the swords moving faster than the human eye could capture, he wasn't trying to kill us just paralyze Arthur thought, Oswell fell first a cut on the legs and couldn't stand up, it was very strange I just brushed it lightly, a thought crossed my mind, poison

Elentari: Not exactly just a powerful stun, my lord ordered me to quickly get them out of the tower to safety and heal the girl.

Arthur pondered for a while then sheathed his weapons just like Sir Gerold, he replied he's fine you can come in.

Elentari sheathed his weapons and took out a basket with different ointments and potions, he went inside the tower and saw the girl, she was a few days away from giving birth, she looked at me and asked

Lyanna: who is madam, what is she doing in this place?

Elentari: Calm down girl, I am from the Trant house, my lord Adrian Trant sent me to help you and take everyone to the island for their safety.

Gerold: Island that is in the StormLands, under Robert's rule as we know that you do not serve him. And remembering the lord of the islands is not Adrián Trant, it is Ellyn Trant.

Elentari: I only serve one lord and that is Adrián Trant, champion of the old Gods, it seems that none of them noticed anything, take a good look at my face and tell me what you see.

The 3 gentlemen and the girl looked at her with a surprised faces, none had noticed a detail when she adjusted her hair, they saw her ears, two irregularly shaped ears that were longer and ended in points.

Lyanna: you are a child of the forest, she said surprised

Eliana makes a face and says: No girl, don't compare me with them, they are exiled for terrible crimes and they deprived them of naming our Gods, I am the same as Dulan although he is a Dwarf and I am of the elven race of the Elves, we swear to our lord I think he told you not

Lyanna nodded, he said that his master was the child, and he begins to have more pain, Elentari rushed to give him a potion to calm her pain.

Elentari: Quickly we have to take her to the island, in the eagles we can travel quickly and reach Lunara she will bring the child to the world, quickly lowers some dolls of all those present from the eagles, everyone stared at these dolls they were identical to them, Elentari she put her hands on the dolls and a green light flooded them, the dolls came to life and looked like human skin and flesh, she said that the Lord had made them emulate them.

The eagles left the next day, Ned and his entourage arrived, and everything happened as is, except for the death of Willam Dustin, he was injured, the dolls could not capture all the fighting capacity of the people, and screams were heard in the tower, Ned and Howland ran inside They saw Lyanna crying, she had a baby in her arms.

She was screaming inconsolably, Ned hurried to see why she was screaming and Lyanna refused to release the baby, she had been born dead due to all the stress the girl suffered, between tears Lyanna told how she had married Rhaegar, who did not want to be Robert's wife, who knew what he was as he had begged and implored that she did not want to marry him, she ended by saying you Ned you sold me to your friend for your honor a friend who had sons of his prostitutes, who enjoyed the drink I just wanted to be happy, he said with a broken voice.

his face was turning white, for you Ned my son has died, the only thing that makes me happy is that I can go with him to see him and take care of him in my death but I wish you the worst, I swear to the old gods, you killed what I loved the most just because of your selfishness. Adrian wanted to punish Ned for what he had done to Lyanna, he would let the Martells come see Elia first, but Lyanna would wait a little longer.

Ned was white, he couldn't speak his sister hated him, and she was dying, she was crying for a master, Howland was clenching his fist, he loved this woman she had defended him at his worst and now she was dead and so was her son because their fault they just had to have listened to his words just that.

Howland asked: what will you tell Robert? And what will we do with the child?

Ned was heartbroken Lyanna's words echoed in his mind, her last curse on him came out and he replied, Lyanna has died of fever, we will hide the child and bury him in Winterfell, it is her son who will sleep with her in the family crypts, so least so I hope she can forgive me when I leave.