Chapter 6: Heaven Light

After our little spar I used some runes to heal us. Since gramps only have a cut on his shoulder its was rather easy to heal him but it took a little bit of time to heal myself completely. In these more than two years I had healed myself so many times that I could call myself a healer, I still have problems with reattaching body parts but with time I will get better.

"I'm lucky that this time you didn't cut off my arm Gramps or else we could be in trouble."

"Please, it's always a clean cut at worst it would take you an hour to reattach it and another hour to recover full mobility."

"You just said it because it wasn't your arm."

"A true warrior would complain by just losing an arm, so don't be a crybaby"

"Jezz whatever Professor McGonagall should be here in any-"

*knock* *knock* *knock*

'Speaking of the devil'

"You know we should install a doorbell, it's kind of weird that we don't have one"

Gramps just nodded and went to open the door "Good morning, Miss McGonagall, are we going know or do you have time for a coup of tea?" Gramps asked politely.

McGonagall smiled slightly" As lovely as it sounds, we need to meet the Granger's, so please come with me"

I smirked at gramps {Hoh, flirting with my teacher so soon, I thought that you'll wait till I burned something}

{I don't know what you are saying little Yozora, I'm just being polite}

{Sure, sure whatever you say}

'Professor McGonagall how are we going to the Granger's, do we take a taxi? I asked even though I knew the answer.

"No Mr. Hoshimura we will use a faster transportation method." McGonagall said as she placed her hands in mine and gramps shoulder. "Please remain calm and try to not throw up"

After Professor McGonagall said that we leaved the apartment using apparition.


After a few seconds we appeared in front of a regular house.

If I have to be honest it was a weird experience to say the least, it felt like my whole body was twisting on impossible ways, I could breathe and my body was stretching without limits, I also couldn't hear anything and most of the time everything was dark, and it wasn't I couldn't figure it out what was I seeing.

"Well, it was like the worst rollercoaster ever" I said half joking.

"You need more training if that was too much for you" Gramps said teasing me.

"As if" I rolled my eyes, I turned around and see McGonagall looking at us with a weird expression.

"Both of you are handling way better than I thought, usually most people even throw up the first time"

"I can understand why this could make most people feel like that" If it was me before Gramps training, I don't doubt for a second that I would throw up.

"Miss McGonagall while indeed it was an unpleasant experience, since my younger years I trained quite a lot and I still do even with these old bones of mine, and for little Yozora is the same since he was young, I trained him, so maybe is because we are more in shape that regular people that it didn't affect us that much." Gramps said traying to make an excuse.

Professor McGonagall just nodded at gramps words and ring the doorbell. After waiting for a few seconds, a man opened the door. He looked around his mid-thirties, with short brown hair and brown eyes, he looked quite friendly if I had to be honest.

"Professor McGonagall, its nice to see you again, please come in." The man said with a big smile. But he realized that she wasn't alone. "Oh, I beg your pardon, I didn't see that you had company, were are my manners, my name is Elliot Granger" Elliot presented himself in a polite way.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Granger, my name is Lee Hoshimura, and this kid is my grandson." Gramps presented himself.

"Hello Mr. Granger, my name is Yozora Hoshimura it's nice to meet the father of a future classmate." I said presenting myself to Mr. Granger. Know that I think about it, I don't think that the names of Hermione's parents were mentioned either in the books or the movies.

"You don't have to be so polite, just call me Elliot."

"Then call me Lee." Said Gramps with a slight smile.

"Dad, is Professor McGonagall already here?" A girl with bushy brown hair asked behind Mr. Elliot

"Yes dear, she is already here but she is not alone"

"Oh, I'm sorry" The girl blushed "I was so excited that I didn't saw you"

I chuckled a little bit "Don't worry Miss. Granger." I said in a nonchalantly way." My name is Yozora Hoshimura, it's a pleasure to meet you" I said with a with a smile rising my hand for a handshake.

The girl smiled at me and accepted my handshake "The pleasure is mine; I'm Hermione Granger."


After a small and getting to know each other, McGonagall instructed us to follow her to the street.

"Excuse me Professor McGonagall can you tell us how are we going to go to the place that you mentioned the last time, we can use our car even if we'll be a little bit cramped" Hermione's mom, Catherine Granger asked.

McGonagall just smiled at her "While your offer is much appreciated, I want to show the kids something." After saying that she raised her wand.

When McGonagall showed her wand a lot of information started to register in my mind. I couldn't help but to grin a smile a little bit.

{Gramps, it seems that my theory was right and Armirger also register wands as weapons.}

{Good to know, so it seems that one of your plans is going to happen."

And after a few second, we started to hear something coming at a high-speed and before we blinked a purple triple decker bus was in front of us and after that the door of the bus opened and a very old man was present.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard just stick out your wand hand, step on board, and we can take you anywhere you want to go. My name is Shawn Shunpike, and I will be your conductor this eve- oh Professor McGonagall good to see you again, are these kids soon to be students?" The old man said with a smile.

"It's good to see you too Mr. Shunpike, and yes this young man and lady are going to be students at Hogwarts so I'm taking them and their family to the Diagon Alley." McGonagall answered the man.

"I see so to the Leaky Cauldron, come in every one of you, usually the Knight Bus cost 11 sickles but since you are new to the magical world this time it would be free." Said Mr. Shunpike.

After we entered, I noticed that this was exactly like in the movies with a lot of beds inside and people using them. And as soon as the doors closed, I grabbed something to hold myself.

{Gramp, grab something to hold yourself, even if you don't need it we need to keep appearances}

After I sent the mental message to Gramps, the Knight Bus started to go to the Leaky Cauldron. I saw the Granger's having a hard time trying to not fall. McGonagall was like nothing since she was used to this.

After less than 2 minutes we reached our stop.

The Granger's looked like they were recently in a rollercoaster and Hermione's brushy hair was even bushier than before.

"Well… that was something" Mr. Elliot said with an awkward smile.

"Yeah, but we are using our car the next time we are coming here." Said Catherine trying to fix her hair.

Hermione looked at me at noticed that I wasn't to shacked. "How are you fine after this?" Asked Hermione quite curious.

I just shrugged my shoulders "Grampa and I travel a lot, so I am used to messy rides"

Hermione just nodded at my words, but it seems that she wanted to ask more but McGonagall asked us to enter the to the Leaky Cauldron.

The ambient inside was quite lively and what surprised me is that even if it wasn't even the 12 and there was a lot of people drinking.

"Professor McGonagall?" A bald man with a lot of missing teeth asked.

"It's good to see you Tom, how is business?" McGonagall asked.

"As good as always Professor McGonagall but today was a very special day." Tom said with a big smile.

McGonagall raised an eyebrow "What did happen to be a special day?"

"Earlier today, Harry Potter was here with Hagrid" Tom said with a lot of excitement.

After hearing that McGonagall smiled. "Good, it seems that Mr. Hagrid did his job."

"Who is Harry Potter?" Asked Hermione very curious.

"I will tell you latter Miss Granger, but we most haste of pace so we can do everything we need today." McGonagall said.

Hermione just nodded at McGonagall words.

"Oh, this are the newbies of this year? Hello everyone, the name is Tom and welcome to the Leaky Cauldron." Said Tom is a cheerful tone.

After some pleasantries, we went to the back side of the bar where the entrance of the Diagon Alley is.

"Please pay attention to what I am going to do" said McGonagall as she started to touch some of the bricks of the wall.

After that the wall started to change its shape making an entrance big enough for everyone to pass.

Everyone looked excited after seeing what happened but the one who was more excited was Hermione as she looked like she wanted to make a thousand of questions.

"Welcome to the Diagon Alley" McGonagall said with a smile. "Please follow me and don't get to far from me."

We started to walk behind McGonagall while we looked at every shop here. I most say that I was very happy to see the Diagonal Alley in person. There were a lot of people here with garments that by modern standards looked very old.

"Where are we going first Professor McGonagall?" Asked Catherine.

"First we are going to Gringotts, since you need to get some of the Muggle money for our currency as well to open a vault for the young ones for their future use." Explained McGonagall.

"Can we exchange other things than money?" Asked Gramps.

"Besides money the Goblins accept precious metals as well as jewelry, besides that I don't think so"

"Understood, thank you Miss McGonagall" Gramps replied to McGonagall with a smile.

McGonagall just smiled at Gramps and continue walking

{Get a room} I said teasing Gramps

{Don't know what you are talking} Gramps said without changing his expression.

{Whatever just say}

After a few minutes walking we were in front of a big building with an interesting architecture design. And in front of the gates there was a sign.

"For those who take, but do not earn, Must pay most dearly in their turn, So if you seek beneath our floors. A treasure that was never yours, Thief, you have been warned, beware"

'I don't know why the sign gives me the vibes as if I was going to face a hidden boss'

"Here we are at Gringotts Wizarding Bank, one of the safest places in the world except for Hogwarts that is." McGonagall said.

'Yeah, so safe that every year there's a different death treat' I thought to myself.

As we entered the Grangers looked curious to the Goblins.

"Professor McGonagall are they goblins?" I asked the question that almost everyone wanted to hear.

"Indeed Mr. Hoshimura, but don't let their appearance deceive you they are quite temperamental and proud so be polite to them."

"Souka." I said quoting a certain slayer.

"What does that mean?" Asked Hermione quite confused.

"Ah sorry, sometimes I speak in Japanese without realizing" I apologized as it's quite rude to speak in a language that other don't understand. "It's an expression that 'I see' or 'Is that so?' depending on the context."

Hermione just nodded at we kept until we reached the reception.

"Welcome to Gringotts, what is your business today?" A goblin in the reception desk asked McGonagall.

"Good morning Brodob, today I came with two future Hogwarts students and their family, so they want to exchange some muggle money and open a vault here."

The goblin now know as Brodob looked at us and then looked back at McGonagall "Very well, first of all while we accept muggle money there is a limit of 500 galleons per year that you can exchange."

"Excuse me Mr. Brodob but how much does a Galleon is worth?" Elliot asked to the goblin.

"The current exchange rate is one Galleon is equivalent to 5 British Pounds, you can also exchange gold, jewels or other precious materials, but for that we need to verify the quality of the goods so to tell you how much is worth."

"Thank you very much." Elliot thanked Brodob for the explanation.

"As for opening a vault here since they are minors and muggleborns as stated by a consortium that the ministry has with us, they won't have to pay until they turn seventeen, but after that they would need to pay 25 galleons a year to keep their vaults, so we will need just a drop of blood from them as well as the sign of the legal tutor to make everything legal." Brodob explained to everyone.

The Grangers looked quite hesitant at the mention of blood. "Is blood necessary? Can't we just sign the legal paper" Asked Catherin with a concerned expression.

"Is you are concerned of us bringing harm to your daughter you should not worry, we use an enchanted needle that makes everything painless and for use to bad use of the blood there is no way of that, we take our deals with out clients very seriously as it would be a disgrace to our kind to go against it" Brodob said with a serious expression.

While I know that goblins are not saints and will take any chance to make profit. I know that they take their jobs very seriously so they wouldn't make bad use of that blood.

After a few moments the Granger's accepted it after McGonagall also explained to them that this was necessary.

"So, who of them will go first?" Brodob asked now a little bit irritated.

I looked at Hermione and made a gesture with my hand. "Lady's first"

Hermione looked at me with a weird expression.

"Just ignore my grandson mannerism, you'll get use to it." Gramps said with a tired face.

"What that supposed to mean?" I said with an 'annoyed' face.

Hermione just giggles at our exchange. "Then I would take you offer Yozora." She said as she starting to walk in front of the reception desk.

Brodob just took a red orb with some gold decorations from his desk. "Please place a drop of blood here."

Hermione just nodded and took pinched her finger with the needle and after the drop of blood fell on the orb it glowed a little bit.

"Very well, know please the parents of the girl come forward so we can end the procedure."

After a few minutes the Grangers finalized the required procedure and exchanged some money.

"Now boy come here so we can continue"

I nodded at him and went to the front desk; I took the needle but I was kind of worried that it couldn't pierce my skin since it had become more resistant with time. Lucky for me it seems that the metal of this needle was not simple as it could pierce my skin, Armirger didn't qualify it as a weapon so I couldn't verify it's history and I didn't want to risk to using Structural Analysis as they would notice the use of magecraft.

As soon as the blood fell the orb glowed but this time it was somewhat different compared when Hermione did it.

Brodob frowned at this and after checking something his expression changed. "Well Professor McGonagall it's seems that the boy wasn't as muggleborn as you assumed."

McGonagall looked at me with a complicated expression then she turned her gaze toward Brodob. "Mr. Brodob can you tell us what did you find?."

"Only if Mr. Hoshimura gives his permission." Brodob said in a more serious way than he did previously.

'Okay what the actual fuck, Kazuma told me that they made me some background and that I had a vault, but this doesn't look that simple.' I just nodded at Brodob so we could end this.

"Well for starters Mr. Hoshimura is at the very least a Half-blood and apparently the heir of a long-forgotten house."

"Is that true Mr. Hoshimura?" McGonagall asked me a little bit angry.

"Professor McGonagall this is the very first time that I set a foot on the magical side of the world and while I don't know much about magic, but I think that you can know that grandpa doesn't have a once of magic, so how would I know anything about this?" I said to McGonagall.

I said half lying, since I never met the magical community of this world. And I know that McGonagall could think that grampa could also be a Squib, but it would make any sense to hide this all the time just to make a dumb mistake and reveal it.

McGonagall calmed a little bit after my 'explanation. "And what about your parents?" Asked McGonagall not letting this go.

If I was honest, I was a little bit angry at her insistence but I kind of know that is her job as Deputy Headmistress. "Dead, they died in a plane accident when I was a baby." I said bluntly as I recalled what Kazuma wrote in the file that he gave me.

I see that McGonagall now feels a little bit ashamed of making me talk about this.

"I apologize for making you recall some bad memories and offending you" McGonagall said in a very apologetic tone.

"Don't worry professor McGonagall, if I am being honest I also feel conflicted about this situation, so it is obvious that anyone else would feel the same." I said to McGonagall, so she doesn't feel to bad and maybe gaining some brownie points. Then I just turned towards Brodob direction. "And Mr. Brodob can you tell me from what house I am allegedly the heir?"

"Please you don't have to be formal while talking to me Mr. Hoshimura" Brodob said in polite tone.

I was quite taken back by this since while the goblins work with wizards and witches, they don't think highly of them. 'What the fuck did you did Kazuma?' But before I could say anything Brodob started to talk again.

"Or should I call you Heir of Lucis Caelum?" Brodob said with a crooked smile while the Grangers were surprised, and McGonagall was confused since she never heard of a house with that name.

After hearing the name my right eye twitched a little bit. And I felt quite annoyed that this was my supposedly background but above that I just had one thought.

'Fuck you Kazuma'


Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry for the late update but today was the Us Open and I watched it with my dad.

Well Yozora finally meet someone from the golden trio and visited the diagon alley. But its seems that Kazuma played him. So how do you think that this is going to affect the plot.?

And before you ask no, I will not change the last name of Yozora to Lucis Caelum, it just would sound weir "Yozora Lucis Caelum" and also the meaning behind it.

Also leave your comments if you like the chapter, also if you didnt like it hahahaha who knows maybe one of those can help me to improve.

See you later in the next chapter.