Chapter 10: Plans

After my talk with Ragnuk about world domi-*cough* *cough* I mean my future plans, Gramps and I returned to our apartment to decide more things about Hogwarts and check my rewards as well as the new mission.

"Well, that was interesting…." Gramps said almost not believing the level of bullshit of the god of this world.

"I know right, when I took the job, I knew that the gods that wanted entertainment world ask some random things, but to believe that they changed the world history…" I mean nobody can blame me for not expecting this.

"So, what are your plans now since our previous plans are mostly useless now." Asked Gramps somewhat annoyed since we have been planning things for almost 2 years but as a professional, he knows that no plan survives first contact with the enemy.

"Well since I'm no longer hidden from Dumbledore's sight I can't be a push over and with my complicated background that I don't doubt that he knows or at least the part from Britain he will try to control me in some way, either by his subtle brainwash about the greater good bullshit, a more rash way like treating me with you since you are a 'normal' human or blatantly put the public against me." Oh, in Aqua's name if only he knew that Gramps is the most dangerous being in this world. This time unknowingly to me certain blue haired goddess was humming happily.

Gramps just snorted since even if he didn't look down at Dumbledore, he didn't think that he would be easily put down. "So let me guess we will still play as you say, 'The hidden boss' against the so-called Dead Eaters and other mild annoyances and on the outside you will be just another 'young master'" Gramps hypothesized my action plans.

At gramps words my eyes couldn't help but twitch a little bit. "You are mostly right, but I won't advertise me being an heir, but I will also not deny it, but for fucks sake never call me a 'young master' again!" I said rather annoyed.

I seriously hate those mother fuckers they are always the freaking same, and they are disgusting as fuck. 'I'm Peng clan young master' 'You are courting death' Don't you fear my ancestor?' 'The difference between us is like heaven and earth' and more stupid bullshit.

"Ho? So, you don't like that term" Gramps smirked at me and with that look alone I knew that he will be annoying until he gets bored.

"Whatever I will check my rewards and the new mission." I tried to pretend ignorance, but I knew that I was not doing a good job. "Accept all rewards." I said in out aloud.

*Ding* *Ding* [Generating random book.]

*Ding* *Ding* [Generating random mystic code]


Book. Source: Shokugeki No Soma (Food Wars)

Foodgasm Anthology: Why should you make simple food when you can take it to the next level! This anthology contains the best recipes from the universe of Shokugeki No Soma, a universe were having orgasm while eating is normal. So why are you waiting? Start cooking right now!!!

Warning there are possible side effects if you use the recipes of this book like:

Vivid hallucinations.

Spontaneous striping.

Weakness in the lower side of the body.


Precautions must be made before eating. We advise to not ingest any of this food in public places.


Item. Source: Kingdom Hearts.

Black Coat: A coat used by the people of that universe to walk in the darkness without being consumed by it also the emblematic uniform of the Organization XIII.

The abilities of the coat are:

Increase resistance to darkness corruption.

Increase in the magic resistance.

Change according to the wielder's body.


I stared at the book and the coat in front of me and the room remained in absolute silence.

"Little Yozora if you don't like your rewards you don't have to feel down after all-"But gramps was interrupted by my laughter.

"Hahaha suck it Kazuma, I got the Jackpot!" I screamed loudly.

Gramps looked at me as if I was a mad man "So what did you get?" He asked curiously.

"The first one is a cooking book." I said with a grin in my face.

Gramps looked at me with a confused face. "Little Yozora I was the one to tell you to get a hobby but honestly isn't that quite common?"

I shacked my head "You don't understand Gramps, this is not a simple cooking book. This is a book from a world were having Foodgasm is a thing. The level of cooking of that world can't compare with others and if I use reinforcement with the ingredients…" I smiled evilly at the last part.

Gramps just nodded at my words but somewhat expectant of the result of my food since I was the one who always cooked in the apartment. "And what about the coat?"

"Well, I'm more exited as a fanboy if I had to be honest about the coat." I said quite happy, after all Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite games. "But is actually quite useful since in gives me an increase in my magic and darkness resistance. Also has some concealment effect that only works with my face and more important it does change with my body size so I will be able for a long time since it also repairs itself."

Gramps touched his chin. "I see they are quite good rewards taking in consideration that didn't need to do much besides what you were going to do in the first place" Gramps stated, and he was right, since the rewards were random even with my bullshit luck there was the chance to receive a useless book or a mystic code that is trash. "But what about the new mission?" Gramps asked and for moment I forgot about that,

Mission: Mayhem In The Wizarding World.

Description: Yo! Do you think that it was Dio but its me Fuga!

To be honest I am quite bored of this world, but nobody wants to change with me so as you may know after all the background that I gave you I want you to make this world more entertaining.


Declare your self as the heir of Lucis Caelum to the Ministry of Magic (0/1)

Raid at least 5 Death Eaters Houses (0/5)

Slap the face of Umbitch (0/1) Note: Extra rewards will be given if it's in a public place with a lot of people.

Create mayhem in the Ministry of Magic (0/1) Note: Other than declaring yourself as an heir and the rewards will be based in how much mayhem you do.

Note: You have to finish this mission before you end the mission "The Downfall Of The Magical Hitler".


1,300 store points

1 magic related skill.



Note: Objectives and Rewards will be added as time progress since it would be pretty boring if I lay out everything isn't it? So, take that in consideration.

Sincerely yours

Everyone's favorite god, Fuga <3

"In a hindsight it could be worse, but I expected something like this after the dramatic past of my 'house' and my two years of 'vacation' "I said and explained Gramps about the mission.

"While the objectives are not difficult perse but most of them will make you the center of the wizarding population and without a doubt many will plot against you because you are what they will describe as a "Mudblood" or to gain some benefits either by fawning you, giving their daughters in hope that you wed them or something similar."

I snorted at the last part. "Don't doubt it for a second, this society is so drawback in time that even if I don't want to marry them, they will hope that I take them at least as concubines or something akin, disgusting shits."

Gramps nodded "I can relate, in my younger days when I started gaining name for myself many people wanted something from me so I had a lot of women trying to court me and while it was fun for some time that only leaves you with the feeling of emptiness after all they just are close to you because they have something to win." Gramps said the last with some bitterness in his words but after second a smile showed. "But not everything is bad, from the many people that will seek you for benefit there are also people that will follow you because they really care about who you really are."

I already know this, after all, from time to time I can see Gramps past in my dreams because our Master-Servant connection but… "Why are you telling me this? I thought that you will tell me something related of how I can use those idiots for my own benefit." I ask bluntly since I know that Gramps never say things without a reason.

Gramps smiled at me. "You will realize it when you grow up."

I sighed at gramps answer, like the good teacher he is he never gives a direct answer when is not of utmost necessity or something that will stop my growth, for most of the time he let me find the answer for myself but the last part of he said annoys me. "Gramps, you know that I am an adult."

He smirked. "Maybe you are, but in my eyes, you are just a brat wet behind the ears."

"Whatever you say old fox." I said rolling my eyes with an obvious fake annoyance in my voice. "Changing the subject, the ring is also quite interesting"

"What does it do? I doubt that is just an extravagant piece of jewelry taking in consideration the messy background behind it" Gramps asked rather curious.

"Well for starters it gives defense against Legillimancy and other types of minds reading techniques." I liked this very much since I didn't buy the occlumency book.

"That is actually pretty good after your foolish action of not buying that book and instead you bought something that I still have not knowledge of."

"Well, it would not be a surprise if I tell you, besides Zelretch book had some basis of mental protection and I can't spent the points that easily for something that I can get in this world, speaking of it there was some of them in the vault by the way." In all honestly, I was very tempted to buy it from the start but points were not easy to get since I couldn't complete any mission at all, so I made a gamble and won it spectacularly.

Gramps sighed since he knows I am right. "Fine and what else it does?"

"I have not the slightest idea." I said without waiting.

Gramps looked at me as if I was toying with him. "Hey, I am telling the truth, I know that there is more about the ring but it seems that is restricted or something akin, the most reasonable scenario is that is that the Fuga will give me more objectives and open more of the functions. "I mean maybe it has the same abilities than in the game, but I highly doubt it since the god of this world is annoying.

"Okay so what else you discovered about this world besides what you knew from the book." Gramps asked since even before the shitshow of the god of this world, we knew that many things were not going to be the same as the book and there were things not explained in them.

"To begging with I was wrong thinking that wizards and witches have a magical core." When I came to this world I thought that what many people wrote in fanfics about magical cores was actually real since it was not fully explained how wizards and witches are different from regular people and could use magic. "When I first meet McGonagall, I thought that she was hiding her Od or whatever they call it in this world to the bare minimum since I felt that my reserves were many times larger than hers, but a full community of them hiding it while doing magic? Almost impossible." In the Nasuverse is almost impossible to find differences between a regular human and a magus without them using their magic circuits but after seeing them using magic is almost impossible for me to not distinguish it. "Even more after analyzing the wand and using it I found out that wands acts as a pseudo-magic circuit making easier for wizards the use of magic but ultimately is not the sole factor for a wizard to be able to do magic since skilled wizards can do wandless magic."

"So how it is possible for them to use magic?" Gramps asked, even if he does not use magecraft he knows the basis of it.

"That is what I am having trouble with" I said while scratching the back of my head. "I know for a fact that it doesn't have anything to do with heritage since pure-blood wizards are not inherently stronger than muggleborns or half-bloods they just say that they are to inflate their stupid egos."

In the books it was never clearly explained how magic worked, J.K just said that 'Magic was something special and couldn't be explained' or something along the lines. In the first book it is said that it is not enough with waving the wand and incantate the spell, concentration and focus is also needed. And in the third book when Harry leaned the Patronus spell he looked quite tired after using it once so it gives the idea that it takes some kind of energy from the user but that gives me more questions since the Od levels of wizards and witches just a little above a regular person, so they most likely use the magic energy of the ambient to make a change in the world…

Damn! I have it in the tip of my tongue, but it is evading me.

"Whatever I will get some answers at Hogwarts, and I need to do more research to make a solid conclusion." After all it is not like I have a time limit to figure it out.

"So, what do you want to do in this month before the school year starts?" Gramps asked out of courtesy since he already knew the answer.

I smirked at gramps. "The same thing that we do every day, gramps…. Train to become a nuke"


September 1st of 1991. King's Cross Station.

{Well finally all will start, the grangers should be arriving in any given moment}

{So, what is the excuse that you are going to give since I am "not" here} Gramps asked in his astral form.

{I'll just said that you had an important business trip.} A lame excuse? Yes. Do I care? Absolutely no.

{A man of my age that still work, what a sad thing I need vacations.} Gramps faked a sob.

{I told you ages ago to take some vacations, but you always use my training as an excuse} I said while I shake my head.

Gramps snorted at my words. {As if I could leave a weak KID like you alone.}

I seriously can feel my blood pressure increasing. {I am not a freaking kid!}

But at my reaction gramps laughed smugly {Fufufu whatever you say young master}

{Mother-} but before I swear…

"Yozora!" A bushy brown-haired girl called my name.

"Hermione" I smiled at the girl. "Good to see you."

"Good morning Yozora, I'm glad to see you again." Eliot smiled at me.

Catherine noticed that I was alone "Yozora where is Mr. Lee?"

"The feeling is mutual Elliot and gramps had to travel yesterday out of the country." I said to the Granger's

"It is everything find?" Catherine asked a little bit concerned.

"Worry not Catherine, it is just a business trip, that is one of the reasons of why we traveled a lot." I said not entirely lying, after all looking for Noble Phantasm can be considered 'businesses' "Are you ready for Hogwarts Hermione?" I asked to the bushy haired girl trying to change the subject.

"Yes!! I already read the first chapters of all the books!" The girl says with excitement in her voice "But sadly I couldn't practice any spells since it is against the rules, what about you?"

Oh yeah 'Da rules' with all the excitement of Hermione about the magic world, I forgot that she does not like to break any rules, I hope that I don't give her a heart attack in the future. "I read till the second chapter of all the books, but I look a little bit more in the potions book."

"Kids I hate to interrupt you, but we need to leave if you don't want to be late." Elliot says.

I looked at the clock and there was still half an hour before the Hogwarts Express leaves the station, but I assume that they want to arrive earlier to avoid any problems.

"Okay let's go" I said to Elliot and Catherine.

"What about Harry? Do we search for him?" Hermione asks.

I shake my head at her words. "No, it would be hard to find him with all this people so it would be easier to look for him inside the train." Also, he I don't want to interfere with him meeting the Weasley's. Even if they are Dumbledore blind followers, I think they are nice people, I just hope that they are not the version that wants to manipulate Harry… for their sake that is.

We walked a little bit and in no time were in front of the entrance of the platform 9 & ¾. I always wonder how people without magic don't enter by accident by leaning in the wall. Maybe the wards are arranged so they can enter if someone with magic are with them, there is also the possibility that you need to know about the existence of the platform or maybe is something related with movement? Who knows.

"Dear you and Hermione go first, and I will go with Yozora." Elliot asked his wife.

As if they talked about this previously Catherine went to Hermione's side. They walked towards the wall between the platforms 9 and 10 while phasing the wall.

Elliot looked at me as if he wanted to ask something, his expression seems a little bit complicated, but I don't feel any negative emotion from him… Oh for Yunyun's sake is he going to give me the 'talk'? First of all… gross I am an adult over 20 years so it would be weird to have feelings for an 11 years old girl. Second WTF! I only know them for a little bit, is he one those overprotective parents? But Elliot finally decided to talk.

"Yozora… I want to ask you a favor." He says in a somewhat pleading tone. "You see my little girl is brilliant, and I do not say it just because I am her father, has always been the smartest kid in her class and some teachers even recommended us to let her skip some grade but she is not good with people…"

"Is that so? She does not give that feeling." I said even if I know her 'bossy' personality from the books and movies but in no moment, she has been acting like that in front of me so I just thought that the butterfly effect of my presence change that part of her but that doesn't seem the case anymore.

"It is because she has been excited about all the magic stuff and your… quirky personality." Elliot says. First of all ouch! but I don't get angry since I know he is saying the truth. "But she can be bossy when it comes to school things so Catherine and I are afraid that when her bad habit comes to light, she will have problems to make friends, so I want to ask you to take care of my little girl." Elliot says as he made a small bow, I don't know if he does this because I am half Asian or for the formality, but I can sense the sincerity at his words.

I smile at Elliot "Do not worry Elliot I will look for her and if someone tries to bully her..." I flex my biceps "I will give them hell" I said in a somewhat playful tone.

"Hahaha good, now let's go before they get worried" Elliot says many times more relaxed since I said that I will look after Hermione.

I nodded at his words, and we started to walk towards the platform. As I phased the wall, I noticed that for a moment even with my senses above average everything is dark so I wonder if there is something like a middle dimension between the walls, but I will check that in another occasion.

"Why it took you that much!? We are going to be late!" Hermione asked.

I scratch the back of my head "Sorry my bad, one of my bags opened and the things were all over the floor, so your dad helped me." I say before Elliot says anything.

"You should be careful with your things." Hermione says in a mild bossy tone. Oh, I see it now that was quick. "Let's go already the train will leave soon."

The Granger's started to say their goodbyes and like any the caring parents they are they asked Hermione to write a letter any time that she could or if she needed anything. They also said goodbye to me and asked me to send their greetings to gramps when I communicate with him. I nodded at their words but since gramps is on my side even if they don't see him so it will be not necessary.

'Well let's see what Hogwarts has to offer.' I thought to myself with a small grin in my face.


Hello everyone it's me Dio *cough* ´*Cough* I mean the author i hope you enjoyed the chapter. So we finally reached the chapter 10 and also over 100 K reads, I am so happy about that. Sorry for not updating yesterday I had a lot of workd these few days and I was unable to write the chapter.

So he got the rewards for his very first mission, and maybe some of you wont like them but lets be honest it was an easy mission so if I had gave him something OP it would be pretty stupid and boring from me. Also remember that this world most of the mission will be for the sake of entertainment for the god Fuga. Also the MC is a step closer to Hogwarts and meeting the old coat Dumbledore.

In which house do you think our MC will end up? Maybe in the next chapter we'll see/read.

Without nothing else to say, thanks for reading the chapter and see you in the next one.