Chapter XXIV: Don't say it.

In a certain workshop somewhere in the omniverse.

A certain blue-haired goddess is tapping her feet with a lot of impatience while staring at the white-haired loli working on her computer.

"*Yawn* You know that tapping your feet won't make me work faster." The loli said while rubbing her eyes full of eye bags.

"I know Celes-chan, but he can literally finish the mission in that world at any moment!" Aqua said in annoyance. "Even though Fuga likes to create mayhem, at worst it would take Yozora another 2 years before he ends the main mission of that world."

"If that world is that weak, why did you ask me to send him there in the first place," Celes said while deadpanning at Aqua. "Do you know how much Kuzuma yelled at me for "messing" with the system and sending him to the wrong world?"

Aqua sighed in exasperation at the words of her fellow goddess "Because I didn't though that he would get that strong this fast. I mean can you blame me? Even with the "newbie package" I didn't know that he was this talented. He used to train in "secret" because he thought that Seol Jihu was cool" Aqua couldn't help but giggle at the memory of him holding a wooden spear repeating the same training that him "But besides that, he didn't give any signs of being this capable with weapons, let alone magic since in his world that didn't even exist. So, I was worried about him being thrown into that world with hentai logic full of overpowered idiots but now it seems that my worries get in vain."

"You know both of you are exaggerating about the dangers of that world, there are a ton of worlds worse than DXD. Sure, for a beginner, it has multiple beings that seem overpowered, but the cultivation worlds are a lot worse than that world. In some of them, there are beings capable of obliterating a solar system with a sneeze. But I understand you being worried about your lovey-Dovey."

"Lovey-Dovey, huh?" Aqua couldn't help but give a self-deprecating smile. "I highly doubt that we can call each other like that anymore. As far as he knows I am just the drunkard idiot that killed him by mistake."

Celes frowned at her friend's words. "We both know that's not how things really happened, maybe if you explain to him how things really happened, he will understand why you had to do that."

"And what I am supposed to say?" Aqua said with some annoyance. "Hey! I am your former girlfriend from your previous world who abandoned you without prior notice?"

"Or something like "Hey! I lied to you our whole relationship and in reality, I am a Goddess that works in the very same organization that wanted to recruit you, but I had to kill you and make everyone forget everything about you and even make you incapable of remembering your OWN freaking name! Yeah, that sounds like a nice conversation." Aqua snorted with a lot of sarcasm and self-loathing as tears started to fall from her eyes.

Even though Celes looked like she didn't care about people, she cared a lot about one of her few friends. She understands how difficult that decision was that day more than 2 years ago and would never forget how she crumbled when she saw the dead body of her beloved. At first, Yozora seemed too recent to Aqua about his death but as time passed, he slowly started to forgive her, Kazuma's words actually helped a lot in that regard, and even cherish the "gift" that Aqua left him.

"Look I know that I am not the best when it comes to…feelings. But I saw how he cherished you when you were together, I am sure that he still misses you. I'm not going to lie in saying he will take this easily or that he won't hold it against you for some time but if he loves you as you love him with enough time, he will accept you back."

Aqua listened to one of her few friends and smiled a little bit. "Thanks, Celes-chan."

"No biggie, so woman up so when you meet him again don't take you a lot of time to finally make me an auntie," Celes said nonchalantly raising her thump at Aqua.

But at the words of the white-haired loli, Aqua's face turned so red that would put Lake Tuz in shame. "Wh-What are you talking about!" Aqua yelled at Celes while covering her face with her hands. "We are too young to have a child!"

Celes on the other hand rolled her eyes at Aqua. "Please, even though Yozora currently looks like a kid you perfectly know that he is over his 20s and you are…" Celes was about to say but looking at the gaze that Aqua was giving her, she decided to hold back. "Besides don't act like you never thought about it."

And even if it was seemly impossible Aqua's face become even redder. 'Of course, I have! Even though everyone thinks that I am an airheaded idiot, I take my relationship with him very seriously and not just a fling, and is natural that after years of relationship to have those kinds of thoughts. And as proud as I am of my perfect body… I won't deny that more than once I daydreamed about caressing my bulged belly feeling the little person inside me giving me some little kicks or having in my arms a cute little baby that has both physical characteristics of Yozora and me…But there is no way in my name that I would say it out aloud!' Aqua thought to herself as steam was coming out of her head.

With a grin on her face, Celes decided that it was enough of teasing her friend…for now. "All right, all right, changing the subject I have made some advances in fixing the bugs on the system."

At her friend's statement, Aqua stopped fantasizing about the possibility of future children. "Really!" Aqua said with stars in her eyes. "That's great, now my Yozora will become even stronger than he currently is," Aqua said puffing her chest with a proud smile.

'Yeah, both are weirdos, they are perfect for each other.' Celes thought to herself as she has seen Yozora's… antics. "Whatever you say gal, but there is something that has to be done before I can completely fix it."

"And what is it?" Aqua asked curiously as she wanted to fix this problem as soon as possible.

"He needs to momentarily go to the DXD Universe." Celes bluntly stated.

At this Aqua looked at her friend very confused. "So, what's the problem? He was going to go there anyways, just being a couple of minutes over there won't cause many problems"

Cele's right eye twitched at Aqua's words. "Seriously Aqua even though you are not as stupid as other people think, sometimes I am surprised by your stupidity."

"WHAT!?" Aqua yelled at Celes' mean words. "What did I say this time!?"

"Aqua we forcefully changed Yozora's teleportation coordinates, which caused some ripples that affected that world making the timeline go nuts, Antanas is mad at me, even though he gave his consent to use his world for Yozora's home world, which caused unpredictable things that made him have extra work something that he was not very fond of, and he started to have second thoughts about letting him be in his world," Celes explained with some exasperation while Aqua's face turned pale. "Fortunately, Belldandy talked with him and convinced him to still let him live there, apparently he is a big fan of Verum Rex, and the thought of having a person who looks a lot like Yozora and has a similar skill set was enticing and the that she sent some interns to help him solve the problems also helped a lot." After Celes' explanation, Aqua breathed a sigh of relief, even though she is not quite happy that her paramour must live in a world full of perverted dumbs that was a thousand times better than the second option… Warhammer 40K. Aqua shuddered at the thought of letting him live in that world, but still, she didn't understand what the problem was.

Celes looking at Aqua's clueless face decided to explain further. "The main problem is that those ripples will affect not only the place where he will be sent but also the time when he will be."

"So that means that he might be sent to a dangerous place…" Aqua said with fright in her voice.

"Exactly, but to avoid I am working with Ristarte so we can send him to a safe place, but I doubt that we can control the time where he is going if everything goes well, at the very least the time in comparison with the "canon" will of 500 years give or take, is not much but it's better than him getting caught in the middle of the Great War. But the biggest problem is that when he arrives in that world it would create ripples again, so it would take longer to fix the system."

"How much?" Asked Aqua with

Celes shrugged her shoulders. "I can't give you a specific amount of time but at the very least around 2 months and in the worst-case scenario around a year."

At this Aqua felt a big headache "Even if Fuga is an easy-going God, he wouldn't be pleased with Yozora leaving for that long."

"I know but I am sure that we can convince him somehow."

Aqua decided to not proceed further with the conversation since she knows that is meaningless to worry about it at the moment. "Fine, I have to go since I am still "grounded" for making a "mistake", see ya later Celes-chan."

Celes couldn't help but sigh at her friend's parting. She feels sorry for both Aqua and Yozora even though she hasn't met the latter in person but at the end of the day, he is her best friend's paramour. Celes took out a photograph of a black-haired man in his twenties carrying on his back a smiling short-haired blue-haired young woman making a "V" sign.

"Maybe I can ask Fuga a little favor," Celes said before returning to work.


December 8th of 1991. Hogwarts Castle. Room of Requirements after midnight.

"*munch* so I noticed that the wand changed master, nothing unusual since most of its owners die, the old fox is the person who had it for the longest *much* but what surprised me was that after a short while my connection with the wand was blocked *munch* If it was severed I wouldn't be surprised, that would be that someone destroyed the wand but to block it? That made me curious *munch* So I wanted to find the one that was the current owner and lucky for me a soul was sent to my domain a little before I lost the connection with the wand, and you can imagine my surprise when I saw a child put to the ground a lot of "experienced" wizards and witches, without magic and later displaying magic that I haven't seen before and of top of that showing a magic trait that I haven't seen in decades, so I wanted to find you as soon as possible, but I a typhoon in Bangladesh send too many souls in one go so I got busy for a while*munch* And know I got to see that "child" humiliating that filthy wizards that wanted to avoid me so hard that the idiot splitted his soul in 7 fragments. By me how can a human be so stupid *much* Can I have some more?" The beautiful lady in front of me asked, many would be jealous of my current situation, me being alone with a beautiful woman in a very private place, while I feed her with cake, sure that more than one would vomit blood in jealousy, of course, that would be the case is the woman in question wasn't Death herself.

"Sure." I took the third cake of the night, this time taking out a Three-layer Semifreddo.

Death didn't wait for a second and started to eat the cake. "Fuu~ So good~" Death's cheeks turned slightly pink while she softly…moaned?

Okay, you can be jealous.

"So, you want the wand back?" I asked trying to leave behind all the horny thoughts as I took the original elder wand out of Armiger. 'Honestly, I don't care too much about the wand since I can make a copy of it, besides I would rather not have the enmity of a Deity for now as she could squash me like a bug... probably.'

But Death shook her head in negation. "Nope," she said popping the "P" "As I told you a was just curious about the one who "stole" the wand, I was just teasing you when I called you Thief-kun~"

I couldn't help but sweatdrop at her words, usually I would use my clairvoyance to see other people's intentions, but that's the catch she is a primordial being in this world, so I am not able of looking through her, at least not for the moment. But what makes me curious is that she seems…. overly friendly with me. "Miss Death don't get me wrong, while I am glad that you are not being hostile with me, I find it weird that you are acting too friendly with me," I asked bluntly.

Death looked at me a smirk started on her face. "Ara~ am I making you feel uncomfortable?"

"Not at all. I just find it odd."

"Fufufu~ I admit that most of it started because I was rather curious about you, but being in front of you makes me feel… what was this word again? Oh yeah, aroused." Death said playfully while her index finger roamed around my chest.

'Ugh?' / {Ugh?}

{Yozora run! This is one of those crazy women you told me about!} Gramps said in a joking tone.

"I am sorry you said what?"

But my question just made Death's smirk wider. "Believe me, I found it as weird as you. Since the beginning of my existence, I never felt this kind of emotion, while looking at the memories of the deceased I learned about it, but this is the first time I am experiencing it myself. Your soul is something that I have never seen before. The aura that emanates from it, is simply too enticing."

'I remember that Kazuma said that my soul was special but to think that would have this kind of effect. *sigh* It's good that I found out about it now than later in a less-than-pleasant situation.'

"As much as it would please me to…help you with those fillings, I must admit that currently, I am not in a position to help you." Those words were harder to say than I believed at first, I mean she is gorgeous, and it doesn't help that going through puberty again. But…

"Fufufu~ While I am curious about the wonders of carnal pleasure, I don't want to put too much pressure on a soul in pain like you." This time her hand started to caress my left cheek but instead of being on the previous playfulness, it was more like a carrying touch. "I may not know what causes you to feel pain, but I can see is something related to a woman."

"How do you know?" I asked very surprisedly since I have never talked about this with anyone, not even with gramps.

"Trade secret, cutie." Death said playfully once again. "And as much as I would like to continue talking with you, I must part as there is still work for me to do."

I give her a small nod. "If you want to, you can come to visit, just try to come whenever I am alone since it would be rather weird as no one else can see you."

At my words, Death smiled slightly. "First you reject my advances and now you invite me to pass time when you are alone, what a strange way of courtship." Said Death with a teasing tone.

"Huh? I didn't mean it like th-"But before I could continue my sentence tendrils of darkness started to surround death.

"See you later cutie." Death said and with those words she left the room.

After death left, gramps undid his astral form, I am not quite sure why he remained like that since I am pretty sure that Death could, either way, see him in that form.

"Little Yozora" Gramps said with the widest smirk that I have ever seen on him.

"Don't you dare!"

"You are courting Death."

"God dammit!"


December 25th of 1991. Gryffindor's Common room.

"Merry Christmas Harry," I said while giving the boy my presents.

"Thank you Yozora," Harry replied while also giving me a present box.

"How did you get here?" Ron asked confusedly, "Harry and I are the only members of the house that decided to stay, so how did you enter?"

"Magic," I said with a smirk, well technically I used magecraft but hey, semantics. "Here, I got one for you."

"A little piece of advice Ron. Don't use logic with him." Harry said while opening his gifts.

Deciding to follow Harry's advice, Ron started to open the gifs that I gave him. "Candies, a book, and… a notebook?"

"It's pretty obvious that you have a sweet tooth, so I ordered some candies hard to find on the British Island, also I know that you wanted to enter the Quidditch team the next year and while I don't know much about it, so I asked Madam Hooch about a good book for beginners and as for the notebook read it yourself."

Ron did as I said and opened it but after reading the title, he made an awkward expression. "The Aim to Pass the American Dream? What is this?"

"I also got one," Harry said as he started to read it. I also gifted him other things, but it seems that he is rather curious about what is written inside.

"Different from what you might think you actually have some kind of talent when it comes to Quidditch." Ron smiled at my words. In both the books and movies is portrayed that Ron is a good player at the sport and that he actually joined the team in his Fifth and Sixth years. "But" After saying that Ron's attention returned. "If you just rely on that it would take you a couple of years so maybe around your fifth or maybe sixth you can pass the selection. But with the 'Aim to Pass the American Dream.' If you follow the instruction word by word you might be able to enter the team the next year."

Of course, that wasn't the actual trying that All Might gave to Izuku I just plagiarized the name. While indeed I didn't know how to make him a better player, the training plan that I gave him, would take his body to the next level. Obviously, the difficulty level of training was not on the level of things I usually do, but a normal human boy of his age would not be able to handle it, but wizards and witches are more resilient so he would be able to handle it.

"You really believe so?" Ron asked nervously. This was also one of the reasons I decided to give him the training, the boy has an inferiority complex so hard that he doesn't believe in himself. And that is the source of most of his negative feelings, so helping him with this aspect would hopefully help him to overcome them.

"I don't believe it, I know it," I assured the boy.

"Thanks," said Ron with a smile in his voice.

"And what about me? I am already in the Quidditch team." Asked Harry rather curious.

"You are too skinny," I said without thinking.


"While you have gained some weight in this couple of months you are still underweighted, so this can be a good opportunity for you, I know that you are interested in dueling after reading about that and if my sources are right the next year the dueling club will be reinstalled." And while I say my sources, I mean that I would make Dumbledore again and I will definitely make sure to not employ that buffoon of Lockhart. "Besides it will also help you to run faster after you prank people."

Harry on the other hand faked ignorance. "I don't know what you are talking about."

I rolled my eyes at this. "Please, I saw when Fred, George, and you planted the stinky bombs on the entrance of Dumbledore's Office."

"It was you?" Ron asked surprised.

"Also, I know that you were the one who turned Malfoy's hair pink."

"A-anyway, what did you gift to the rest of the guys.?" Harry asked trying to change the subject.

"Well, I gave everyone a training manual and while I used the same name with them, each of them is different since everyone has different body types and goals but besides that, I gifted Neville some Herbology books and seeds of different kinds of plants. Blaise was got interested in muggle entertainment, so I gifted him some comic books and mystery novels. Tracey wouldn't stop asking me to teach her with a katana, so I gave her a wooden one along with a manual of the basics. Daphne, I gave her a green Wayfinder and some books about curses since she is investigating them. And for Hermione…"

"Books," Harry and Ron said at the same time not surprised at all.

"Talking about her, she found out who Nicolas Flamel is, apparently he graduated from there," I said to the guys.

"But wasn't Beauxbatons a school only for girls?" Ron asked.

"No, is just that there are more women than boys, but continuing with what I was saying, she also found out that he is the only known who successfully created the philosopher stone that produces the elixir of life, which make the drinker immortal," I answered him and explain to him why Flamel was famous.

It seems that Ron wanted to say something, but Harry beat him. "That's it, Fluffy is guarding the stone and Snape wants to steal it."

I didn't bother trying to correct him this time since it would take me an eternity to do so, besides the stone is not there as I already "kindly asked it" to Dumbledore. "By the way, Dumbledore worked with him in his paper "Twelve-uses of dragon blood.", so that is how they know each other."

Harry grunted at the mention of his name after Hermione left, his despite for Dumbledore became more apparent. "Wait, that sound oddly familiar…" But after a few seconds, Harry face-palmed himself. "Ron we are idiots."

"Now why?" Ron asked with some exasperation.

"On the train, I got Dumbledore's card from the chocolate frog."


"And in the description mentions that he became famous for his discovery of Twelve-uses of Dragon Blood in collaboration with Nicolas Flamel."

Ron made a face that reflected a plethora of emotions, but mainly embarrassment since he fawned that he owned more than 10 copies of Dumbledore's card. "Yes, we are idiots."


Hello, nieces and nephews, it's daddy *cough* *cough* I mean the author.

Sorry for the late update but I had to make extra hours yesterday and today. So, the next time I won't say anything to not taunt the universe hahaha. And even if I couldn't reply to your comments on the poll, I noticed that everybody hated the idea of short chapters hahaha, I know that I said that the voting would be till Monday but it's pretty clear that "Keep with the current chapter length" won so there would not be any changes.

Also, I wanted to thank everyone since this FF current views are over 550K and 2.7K adds to the library!!! I feel very happy and grateful about this. *The Author makes a small bow* We are halfway to the goal to reach the 1M (Well, at least mine. Hahaha)

So Aqua got some time screen today. So, we got to know a little bit more about her relationship with Yozora before he got hired/isekai'd but the reason of why she had to do what she did is still a mystery but don't worry this would be clear in the future. Also, our MC will have to go for a brief period of time to the DXD universe but not to the start of the cannon, so in which period do you think that he will end up? And our MC had an… awkward conversation with Death. Since the beginning of the story, I wanted to make her a possible love interest, and before you ask no Yozora is not chicken out is just that the kid has some unresolved issues, but I won't talk about it for the moment.

The next chapter will be the last chapter of the first-year arc. So, we can move with other things, and remember that the canon has been thrown out through the window so there would be a lot of things that may and will change, so stay tuned for them.

So, with anything else to say, thanks for reading this chapter, if you like this ff so far please leave a review, it will help me a lot so more people start reading it. Also, leave a comment with your thoughts on this chapter and the ff in general, and maybe drop a stone or two hahaha (I mean come on is Saturday night)

See you again in the next chapter.

*The author leaves the chat since he needs to go for a midnight snack*