Chapter XXXIII: The Plot Intensifies. (1/2)

August 17th of 1992. Glastonbury Tor, Somerset, England.

After my talk with Ragnuk, I prepared for our travel to Avalon as even if he said that they were allies with the Lucis-Caelum I don't want to risk it. With him was different as I was not expecting the kind of background that I currently have, seriously Fuga likes drama too much…not that I can't understand him.

While there are "fairies" on the outside, using Ragnuk's words: "they are just pretty flies", as he says that the faeries or Fae while having similar playful attitudes their intelligence is totally different compared to what the current Magical World knows.

Another thing is that as far as the previous Heir of Lucis-Caelum didn't interact with the Fae and I don't know if there is still someone alive that interacted with some of my "Family", sure I know that if Goblins in this world live longer than in the books, most likely they either live far too long lives or are "immortal" but as Moody says, "constant vigilance."

There are multiple reasons why I decided to go to this place. The first and most obvious one is that I have information about this place even if it is outdated something that saves me a lot of time as I wanted to finish the mission as soon as possible, sure o could have asked Death to take me to her domain...which I did but sadly my body was still not strong enough to resist the Death Energy of the ambient. *sighs* I also was interested if there was an equivalent here of the Land of Shadows but sadly there wasn't so not meeting with Scáthach…for now, though my travel to Dun Scath wasn't in vain.

The second one is that if everything goes right, I can get a better understanding of Fae Magic than what it was in the books in my library but even if things go wrong I am pretty sure if gramps and I go serious we can at the very least escape if they are strong as when "The great cataclysm" as I call if it existed. Besides even if they are not strong enough, I can get battle experience fighting enemies that can fly, something very common in the DXD world.

And the last but the most important of them, Excalibur. With the records of the magical world and most importantly Carnwennan, I know that almost everything about Arthurian Mythology is real, different from my former world where it was considered fiction for the most part. Sure, in the DXD world, there are "Excaliburs".... *ugh* I want to puke just by just thinking of how pathetic that sword is. When I first saw them in the Anime, I didn't think much about it but after getting Armirger... I think that either Artoria or Shirou would nuke the church for sheer audacity. Anyways back to the main point, sure if only by seeing it I can recreate it in the DXD world I know that other versions of Excalibur are weaker than that one most likely this one also is weaker but taking into consideration the power scale of that world… disappointing, but who knows maybe I could get lucky and find other weapons of the knights of the round table, or even the other weapons of Arthur though I doubt that I would be lucky enough to get Avalon whom Morgan Le Fay trowed to Kazuma knows where.

"Don't you think is quite ironic that non-magical people were right about Avalon's location? Shame that they will never know that."

"Sometimes is better to hide in that plain sight, after all, besides it was from the time before the Magic Community and the regular world separated, if my memory serves me right it was after Salem's witch hunting that the western community separated from the regular people. Way after The Battle of Camlann, it's not a surprise that non-magical people know some of what happened and it became a legend with the passing years."

"True and taking into consideration that in those years the way of knowing things was so limited that most of the time news was passed in a spoken way so, maybe the reason that's the reason why there are so many versions of the Arthurian Mythology even if in this world where it's real. Speaking of that now I wonder who in between Thomas Malory and Gerald of Wales was right about Arthur, well soon enough we will know."

A/N: Thomas Malory is the guy who wrote Le Morte d'Arthur one of the best-known works about Arthurian Literature that compels everything in Arthur's life since he is born to the battle of Camlann where Morgana and others take him to Avalon to heal his wounds since he is the "Future and Once King". Gerald of Wales was a churchman as well as a well-known author around the 12th Century and when "Arthur's Grave" was found on the Island of Glastonbury (Now is not an Island but that's not the point.) basically said that was obvious that he was dead and that the British were idiots for thinking otherwise.

According to Ragnuk, the whole hill is an entrance to Avalon, but you have to meet some requirements to enter or do what Merlin did and forcefully enter into that dimension…damn every version of him… or her if you include the Proto Version is broken, shame that I couldn't meet him. Back to the point, it seems that some other Magical beings have this requirement, for the most part, the ones that were close friends with the Fairy King in the era of "The Great Cataclysm" and me being the Heir of the family of the king's family and the answer is in the Ring of Lucis.

But at the time the whole place became a tourist attraction for people around the world, so I am setting a Boundary Field around gramps and me after casting a Notice-me-not spell in case there is a flashy display around us after opening the gate to Avalon, I mean I don't mind being flashy around especially around Wizards to annoy them, yet I don't like to involve normal humans in this who knows what kind of repercussions it can cause, also the boundary field will avoid anything else to leave in case the Fae are not so friendly.

After everything is done, I follow Ragnuk's instructions, basically, the only thing that I need to do is to channel some magic energy into the ring while having the intention of going to Avalon. After doing so the mana of the ambient starts to go get focused right in front of me and slowly some kind of gates are starting to materialize, the process is rather slow, but it does not consume my Magic Energy, besides the one I used at the start of the process… similar of how most of Magecraft spells works.

Soon after the gates completely materialized, they are golden colored, about 5 meters tall most likely so the taller beings to pass without a problem and I can see that there are engraved with some Fae Runes that I can recognize from the books in my library but there are few of them that I haven't seen but I will study them in another time.

"Well, it's time to suit up," I say as I put over my organization XIII coat.

"I hate this damn thing," Gramps complained with some annoyance, which I ignored since I knew he would wear it since it was necessary.

"Just a reminder Gramps," I say with a serious tone. "Until we are sure that they won't antagonize us, no matter what, don't tell them your real name."

In many tales, the Fae are evil if we use human standards, but people tend to forget that no matter how much alike they look to humans, they are not. Their conception of good and bad is totally different. If you offer them something sweet, they most likely will let you alone if not favor you for a time yet if you are stupid enough to offend them you are done for, as they will make you fall into madness. And for them, the name holds out a lot of power, so if they know your name so they can "curse" you if they know your name and while Gramps and I have Magic Resistance D rank and C respectively and the coat give us a little boost, with this most of the spells in this world don't affect us yet we are on the blind with Fae so it is better to not risk it. Also, it's said that if you get to know the name of the Fae, they will let you alone.

Gramps just nods at me understanding, it's not like he uses his real name in this world anyways hell, it's been years since I have called him by his name since, but it doesn't hurt to be careful.

After everything was done, I pushed the doors, and despite how their big-looking appearance they were not heavy at all, maybe is something more metaphorical but like with the runes I will investigate on a later occasion and once they were fully opened golden light engulfed both of gramps, the light was so bright to the point that I have to close my eyes as I feel a special distortion similar as if I was traveling with a Portkey but many times less messy.

Once the light faded and spatial distortion ended I decided to open my eyes only to get the sight of the most beautiful forest I have ever seen in both of my lifes, the whole place was full of life and everything has vibrant colors, the trees are so tall that if I was a normal human I wouldn't be able to see the top of them and all of them seems to have some kind of fruits, there are smaller plants that have fruits similar like grapes and strawberries something weird as they have different types of ambient but you know "Magic". The whole forest as ironic as it sounds is fitting of a fairy tale, but what surprises me the more is the Mana density of the whole area, if I have to give an educated guess I would say that the whole place is surrounded by Lay Lines that interconnect each other.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

The sound of the system telling me that I fulfilled the mission brings me back to reality. As curious as I am about the rewards for the moment this place is not safe to take them and as much as I would like to take samples of everything for Magecraft and culinary research there are more important things to do.

{Gramps as we accorded before use [Sphere Boundary] and I will use [Zetsu] to diminish my presence as much as possible to make recognition around the place.} I say through our mental link.

{Understood, I will go to the northwest and you go to the northeast. Remember to not get overconfident if you engage in battle and do not hesitate to use your Command Seal to summon me if necessary}

After those words, both of us parted ways as we ran in our respective directions. I decided to move around the trees, since even if [Zetsu] helps me to conceal my presence it doesn't make me invisible or anything like that, plus using [Zetsu] increases my senses, and taking into consideration that my coat is very visible during the day, is a lot safer to move like this, besides even if I cannot stop to take every fruit here, at least I can grab one or two if I am fast enough.

Something fortunately that I found is that using [Reinforcement] on myself while using [Zetsu] doesn't diminish the effect but the opposite, it takes it further. In retrospect, I should assume that, as is not a simple "strengthening" spell but in reality, it reinforces the purpose of existence, such as increasing the sharpness of a knife, the nourishment of the food, etc. Of course, this just applies to physical objects but since everything is inside of my body that counts as an extension of myself. But at this moment I am not using it as even without it I am many times stronger than most regular humans.

As I ran through the forest I can notice that the air here is extremely clean and cleaner than any other part I visited. Something kinda obvious even if we take into consideration that I am a little more than 20 years in the "past" relatively speaking in comparison with my previous life, but with the industrial revolution and the ever-growing population there is no point in comparison in this place with another since this place has been at the very least 2000 years separated from the outside world if more. But my thoughts were interrupted as I feel the presence of two individuals near the area, so I decided to hide behind one of the trees before contacting them.

"Seriously, why do we have to do rounds around this place?" A person with a juvenile voice says complaining, I am somewhat surprised that I understand him, before coming here I was expecting them to speak something like Breton, Cornish, or Welsh so I studied enough to have a conversation, so what is the surprise that I understand because I am hearing them in Japanese. If only I was in an Anime world maybe I could take this as "Anime logic" but since I am not, so there must be a reason behind it, like with Devils on DXD that have the gift of speaking all languages, but I will think about this later.

"For the 10th time, we receive signals that the door was opened." Another person answered that sounded to be around the same age group.

Looking at them I noticed that they look uncannily similar to the Fairy Clan from Nanatzu No Taizai. The first one looks a little bit tall, slightly above average if we follow human standards, and has a robust complexion, with dirty blond hair and he looks no older than 17. On the other hand, the other guy had honey-brown hair and a thin complexion looking younger than his comrade. And both of them have big butterfly-like wings with a greenish tonality.

"So?" The previous young man said with a sardonic tone. "It's not like young ones going for a bit to the outside is a secret, even you and I used to go to prank humans back in the day."

"Shut up and just follow the orders." the serious one said with a tired tone. "Besides you never know, when someone as crazy as Merlin will come here."

'Well, that offends me slightly,'

"Realistically speaking what are the odds of that happening?" The one that initially complied says with a mocking tone. "If that happens I will buy you mead for the rest of the year hahaha." But his laughs die off after I decided to show myself.

"I came in peace," I say, raising both hands showing that I was not holding any that it was true, but they don't have to know.

I decided to show myself not just for the sake of making someone earn mead for the rest of the year but for two important reasons. The first one was because I used [Clairvoyance (Beast)] while observing both Fae and relatively speaking neither of them had that bad desire, a little abode of what can be considered "Dark." but nothing too surprising. And the second one is because they are weak, one of the first things that Gramps taught me, was to assert the strength of people as that can be the difference between life and death, and as far I could see they were nothing too surprising, sure above of a normal Wizard in both physical and magic, yet nothing I can't handle.

The bigger guy grunted, most likely because he just loses a self-proclaimed bet. "Stranger how dare you invade our land!" The Fae says with anger with notable anger in his voice, while his partner remains quiet but he remains vigilant on me.

"As I told you I came in peace, invading a place would mean that I have harmful intentions towards your people which I don't," I say rolling my eyes even though he can't see my face.

"So, what are your intentions, outsider?" The other Fae asks with a serene tone yet trying to gather information in a very direct way...He doesn't look like a simpleton, so he must feel that I do not have bad intentions against them otherwise he would use more subtle ways.

"Well I was curious about this place for a time if I have to be honest, a place of everlasting spring with vegetation growing in all the places and without pollution so you can't blame me for wanting to see the place, besides I wanted to talk with your king," I say with a sheepish tone. "I even have something that can convince him right here." I say as I was about to take my glove off...but I "had" to crouch as the bulkier Fae tried to separate my head from my neck with his broad sword...sometimes you can't escape the cliché.

"I knew that you humans were nothing good." The Fae says with disdain permeable in his voice. "You lot are just greedy beings that do not know better."

"Come one man, don't act like a generic guard," I said looking at the man still in a crouching position. "Look at your partner, at least he has the common decency to listen before acting even if he is "secretly" preparing something if I have bad intentions."

"*tsk* Av get back, the human's intention is still not clear." The cleaver Fae calls for his not so cleaver partner however his words fell on deaf ears as he tries to kick me on the head.

I just backflipped at this landing still within his reach. "Oi, oi don't hit me on the head, what if you made me even dumber than you!" I say mocking "Av" since I know this kind of person would not listen to reason unless you beat them first and talk later, I mean I could just knock him out with my bloodlust and [Ren], but this is a good chance to fight someone capable of flying before going to the DXD world.

"Damn you." 'Av' screams as he keeps slashing his sword in my direction, yet none of them land on my body.

'Me fighting against weapon users feels like straight-up bullying. Armirger let me "see" the history of the weapon and while I can't replicate the movements like EMIYA/Shirou, I still get valuable information, plus Sasaki's [Mind Eye(Fake)] that allows me to see through any weapon and fighting style, [Zetsu] that enhanced my perception even more and with my experience sparring almost every day with gramps, and that is without using [Reinforcement] or [Runes], I almost feel bad for the guy, almost.'

"Come on is this the best you can do?" I taunt Av as I keep easily dodging his sword. "Why aren't you using your wings? Are they ornaments or something?"

"A coward like you who only knows how to run is not worthy enough of using my wings," Av says in a condescending tone, most likely because his fragile pride would not allow him to win against someone because of a disadvantage.

"Is that so? Or you are just searching for excuses after I kick your ass." I say with a sneer while stepping back from the incoming arrow. "And I thought that your partner was an advocate for peace...well at least he is smart enough to use his natural advantage," I say half gazing at the quiet Fae that is flying around us waiting for another opportunity.

"What are you doing Hei, this is my battle, I don't need your help!" Av growls at his partner for "getting in his way".

"You are getting things wrong Av." "Hei, says in a cold tone. "We are here to fulfill our mission, so you either take this seriously or get out of my way." Wow, this dude is kinda scary when it comes to duty, so he is one of those. "And you," he says looking at me. "You are dangerous, even if you came here without bad intentions I can't let you roam around without surveillance, so if you come with us as our prisoner peacefully, we will release you after everything is clear."

"I's an understandable request if I have to be honest..." Even though they forgot/ignored that I have proof that at least have some relation with them, everything he said is pretty reasonable.


"But I refuse!" I say with an authoritarian tone. "So far I have not done anything to be treated like a criminal and believe me I know a lot of that." After all, you don't get recognized as a "terrorist" for nothing. "Besides, it would harm my reputation to be "arrested" by a couple of grunts."

{Oi gramps, I am fighting a couple of guards on my side, what about you?}

{I am watching some soldiers heading towards the direction in which we entered. Do you need any help?}

{Nah, these guys' strength, if we use servant parameters, doesn't even reach E-Rank for the moment, that is. You should approach the guards near you, if they act well, then fine it's not necessary to engage in battle but in the case that they act like the muscle-head that I have in front of me, you should use this chance to get somewhat used to fighting to humanoid being capable of flying, after all in my "home world" it's quite normal besides the result of the battle can help me to improve your new gear.}

{Understood, remember to not make a bloody mess...again.}

Third Person P.O.V

"Fine," Av says finally changing his posture. Before he just was swinging his sword at Yozora without a proper form or technique but now it was a different story. "Cryfder" After muttering that word, the aura around him changed and his feet slightly left the ground and in the next second dashed at a speed totally different from before. "Haaa!" Av screamed as he made a horizontal slash aimed at Yozora's throat and when his sword was about to touch him...

"Huh?" Av said confused as Yozora disappeared from his sight, but soon after he felt touching his head

"Above you!" Hei screamed at Av shooting arrows in Yozora's direction.

But his warning didn't help at all as Yozora was above Av doing a one-handstand and in the next moment drop kicked on the head.

"Ghwaaa" Av screamed in pain as he crashed into the ground creating cracks around him.

"I always wanted to do that," Yozora said jokingly, side-jumping to evade the arrows, but weirdly enough they changed their direction and started to chase him.

"Hoh so they are like a low-budget Hrunting," Yozora said with mild amusement. "Let's see how far they can go."

Then Yozora kicked the air and started to run on it. Usually, he displaces the air under his feet to stand in the air, but now he is using the runic array engraved on the sole of his boots that allows him to run in the air, is not flying as Yozora wanted but it's a little victory in his book.

"So far it seems that they are not that intelligent, it's just a pre-programmed spell engraved on the arrows," Yozora commented moving in between the trees as some of the arrows got stuck in the branches or trunks of the trees. Then he abruptly stopped in the middle of the air and an almost invisible magic membrane coated his hands as he deflected and brake all the arrows that were coming in his direction. "Well, it was easier than I thought," Yozora murmured as he dispelled the Protego spell of his hand.

"Don't you dare to ignore me!" Av yelled flying in Yozora's direction but his sword was stopped by the blade of a Guandao that Yozora summoned in an instant.

"Don't blink," Yozora said smirking behind his hood. "Chūka Zanmai(Chinese Slash dance)!" Yozora Guandao moved at an incredible speed making tents of thrust towards Av's direction.

Av at first could defend against Yozora's barrage, but little by little he was getting overwhelmed by his insistent attacks. Hei tried to provide support from afar but it turned out to be futile as each of his arrows was absorbed by blue diamond-shaped constructs to God knows where. And soon enough Av couldn't keep up with Yozora's speed and his Guandao started to pierce multiple parts of Av's body.

"Gwaaaa!" Av screamed in pain as his heart was pierced.

"Av! Nhymest!" Hei for the first time loses control of his emotion and at a speed even faster than Av moved behind Yozora with a pair of daggers in both of his hands.

"You are fast," Yozora said with an arrogant tone as the dagger was about to reach his throat.

*Bzzz* breaking the sound barrier Yozora disappeared from Hie's sight just to appear behind him the next moment.

"I am faster," Yozora said making Hei's eyes wider in fear as an agonizing pain started to creep around his chest area.

Before passing out Hei could hear Yozora's words.

"It's all right, you are just going to sleep for a little bit."

Hei couldn't understand the nonsense of the outsider as he had seen that his weapon pierced all the way through his chest, but soon after everything got dark.


Yozora's POV.

After my little encounter with Av and Hei, gramps gave me a signal that he ended up with things on his side so I opened a portal so he could come with the Fae that was knocked down after their fight.

"So how they were on your side?" I say looking at the passed-out Fae.

"Decent, much better than Wizards."

"Agree, at least these guys could follow me for a bit of time." As arrogant as I might sound, it's quite a compliment since Auror and their equivalents are supposed to be the best of the best, yet fighting them is quite boring since leaving aside their stamina and resilience, they are too simple-minded at least in most of Europe.

Gramps raised an eyebrow looking at the guards. "Really? They seem to be berated."

"Of course, I didn't go all out, I don't want to repeat what happened in Spain." Or worse, after all, I have become a lot stronger since then. "And don't worry about those guys, they just passed out of pain." Gramps looked at the Guandao in my hand and immediately understood everything.

I came across this Guandao about a year after I came to this world, from the information that Armirger gives it was created in the 12th century and was used by a nameless monk, literally he didn't have a name as all of the people in the little town he lived only called him Monk as his home was an abandoned temple. Day and night all he did was train with his Guandao and when bandits came to the town, he was the one to take care of them. But as time passed the Monk only felt one thing, boredom. All the people that came to his town with ill intentions were weak, so weak that with a thrust of his weapon, every each of them died. Of course, he could go outside the town to look for stronger opponents but he was still worried about the people of his town so he looked for a way so they didn't die so fast. So, his obsession passed to his weapon and it never give a wound to an enemy ever again.

The Gundoa like his original owner didn't have a name, so I just call it Téngtóng which means pain in traditional Chinese, very simple and unoriginal but I don't want to break my brain thinking of a cool name.

"Well, I think that is time to awaken these fellows." I take off my right-hand glove say and pointed my index finger like a gun and cast Aquamenti to the Fae fellas.

"*Cough* *cough* what the hell!" One of the Fae whom I didn't know his name said.

"Please not again! Huh? It was just a dream." The guy said with a relieved tone... May Kazuma bless your soul.

"Uh? Am I not dead?" Av said very confusedly, while Hei remained in silence as confused as his partner but he looked around most likely trying to find a way to escape.

"Morning sunshine~"

"You..." Av said with

"Me.... Look as much as I enjoy making fun of people let's save us the whole "I am gonna kill you!" "You don't know whom you are messing with" "My ancestors will hunt you down" "You are courting death....." "Though the last one is not inaccurate in a way... " But first does anyone of you recognize this ring?"

Av just made a confused expression... seriously dude you are making the stereotypes hard to shake off. The first of the guys to awaken had an expression like he has seen it before but he can remember where. Hei's eyes got wider after looking at the ring and he had a hard-to-read expression and the last one...

"I am sorry your highness!" The one whom I pitied before said in a panic, lowering his head so low that almost touched the ground.

'I have the feeling that he knows....'

"Oi pipsqueak you know who is this bastard?" Av said with a lot of hostility, still glaring daggers at me.

But surprisingly the guy answered back in a way that none of his teammates expected. "Don't call your highness a bastard your brainless imbecile!"

'Okay call me crazy but I think that he is overreacting'

"How dare you pip..." Av tried to say, but he was interrupted by his partner.

"Shut up Av, don't get us in more trouble than we already are," Hei said giving him a fulminating stare before looking at me. "I implore you for forgiveness, your highness, I know that simple words cannot amend the transgression that we committed but at least let me express my apologies," Hei said lowering his head.

I scratched my head at how confused I am feeling right now. "To be honest I am quite overwhelmed by both of your reactions, I know that my "family" used to be friends with your people, but aren't you overreacting?" I mean the Goblins treated me with A LOT of respect, but seriously this is almost fanaticism.

"It's understandable that your highness doesn't know how high your family is regarded in our society since it's been more than 2 millenniums since someone from your family had set foot in our land. But our king after the terrible end of Somnus declared that all his descendants be treated as part of the royalty, so you might understand how severe our transgression is." Hei briefly explained why he and the other guy, were acting like that.

'Damn...if I thought that it was troublesome how Ragnuk treated me even after nagging him for a year to drop all the honorifics, in this place would be nearly impossible to call me by another way...'

"Wait... Somnus as Somnus Lucis-Caelum?" The first guy said with his face turning pale. "Shit,"

"Your highness," Av said surprisingly respectfully and lowered his head. "As Hei said, there is no way that just simple words will be enough to gain your forgiveness, but I beg you," Now his head was literally on the ground. "Please at least spare Hei's life, he is a good man. It was my recklessness that made him act that please-"

"Okay, I will stop you now," I said interrupting Av's noble sacrifice and ending this whole drama. "Look if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it before, not because of a bullshit reason as allegedly being from a high-status family." I mean I kinda taunt them to test my gear so it is partially my fault, sure I have killed people before because they attacked me but this case is different.

"Besides I came here unannounced and you were just doing your job. Though I will advise you to control your temperament, who knows when you will meet someone even less reasonable than me." That's also one of the reasons that I have not killed any Auror or other kind of law enforcement. "And stop all the "Your Highness" thing I don't like formalities just call me Noctis." While a little part of me likes it, it feels kinda weird so I would rather be called by something that I have not earned, also I gave them a fake name, even if they act respectfully you never know.."He is Fan Mo by the way." I said pointing in Gramp's direction.

All of them sighed in relief but then they mildly fell into panic

"B-but your highness we cannot do that!" The fae seems to have anxiety problems said.

"What are your names? And I don't mean your full name." I clarify so they don't think badly. "I know that they are Av and Hei, I am getting tired of calling both of you without a name."



"All right, Av, Hei, Mel, and Lean I order you to call me Noctis, is that acceptable?" I said hoping that I will get this over with.

"Understood Noctis-sama."The four of them said at the same time.

I facepalm myself at the words, and gramps chuckled a little bit. "Well, it's an improvement... I guess, anyway can you take me to your king? I would like to talk to him." I say undoing the seals that I put on them. Now that I know that the "friendly" relationship remains, things will be much easier.

"Of course, Noctis-sama! Do you want to go by foot or do you want to go flying?" Lean said with a lot of energy.

He didn't say anything about using teleportation magic... meh whatever as long as I can do it. "Let's go by foot, I would like to check some of the fruits around here, is it fine if I grab some on our way?" Even though I already took some, now since we have a "friendly" relationship I want to be as polite as I can...not that I will return the ones already taken though.

They looked quite confused at my question but then made a face that seems that now understood something. "Sorry Noctis-sama, I forgot that you are not from around, for us is common sense that we can take any of them as the forest is public property, so don't mind and grab as much as you want," Hei explained.

"Thanks, please lead the way." After that, we proceeded to go to the capital where the king resides, of course, I asked some questions to fill the gaps between the knowledge that I have with what it's true, at least from what they say it's true.

"Say Av, I heard you telling Hei that it's common for young Fae to go outside the boundaries of Avalon, from the knowledge that I have from a friend of the family, he told me that your people locked themselves from the outside world, yet some of you go outside from time to time, why is that?"

"Well, your High- Noctis-sama." Av corrected himself awkwardly. "After Somnus's sacrifice for a long time, our people didn't have contact with the outside world except for his son and daughter, but after Merlin forcefully entered here and surprisingly got along with everyone, some of our people decided to experience the outside world, like Morgan and her sisters. So after King Arthur's demise, Merlin lived among us for a time and the young people back then adopted some of his...uniqueness. So more and more people wanted to see the outside world, and since our King didn't forbid anyone to go many young people went to "prank" some humans, even with Arthur, Merlin, and the members of the round table the hate against the humans dismissed somehow, they were considered "special cases, even Hei and I took part of that new "tradition" when we were younger."

'My theory was right, all Merlins across the omniverse are quirky people, it seems that all geniuses are eccentric people… Also, Arthur is dead, so no new team member for the moment...well it can't be helped, maybe in the future I can summon him or Artoria, but Aqua helps me if I get to summon that I think about it, I am more worried about what will it happen to everyone around us.'

"Were you alive when that happened?"

"Hahaha as much as I would love to have lived in those years and fought the members of the round table, I am just 250 years old, but my grandfather had the pleasure and the disgrace to meet Merlin so he told me stories about those times."

"Well you are indeed young," I said nonchalantly as in the supernatural world is not surprising to find a random Tom, Dick, or Harry that is over a millennium.

"Mmm you don't seem surprised Noctis-sama, from what I know is not common for wizards to even reach my age, if you don't mind can you tell me your age?" Av asked respectfully but was a lot less tense than before.

"Mmm, a little above 12," Now that I think about it I wonder if the system will register my age taking into consideration the time when I use the Time-Turner, and if that's the case would that mean that I can celebrate my birthday twice?

""What!"" Everyone yelled in surprise.

"*Cough* Sorry for our misdemeanor Noctis-sama is just that your voice sounds older and your battle proficiency it's admirable," Hei said returning to his serious demeanor.

"Mo Fan-sama is an excellent warrior!" Lean said with stars in his eyes. "Before I was scared because it didn't take him more than a couple of seconds to defeat us, but now I can feel nothing but respect for him."

"Kuhaha I am flattered young man." Gramps accepted the compliment and called him a young man even if he is probably older than him.

"That's just natural after all he is my grandfather and teacher hahaha." I boasted as well not seeing harm if they knew our relationship

"So, Mo Fan-sama is also royalty!" Lean said having even more respect for gramps.

{Congratulations gramps, you have your first fan in this world} I send him a message through our mental link.

{If my memory serves me right you were also my fan when you summon me}

{And I am, but since I am not from this world, it doesn't count}

"If we use technicalities I am, however since I am just a normal human I don't think so, I think that he got his lineage from his mother instead of my son," Gramps replied as we practiced in the past for this kind of situation.

"A normal human? So, you are not a wizard Mo Fan-sama!?"

"No, I am just a fragile old man that knows a trick or two," Gramps said making everyone but me surprised.

'Fragile my ass' I thought to myself remembering the time that he blew up the castle of the Tepes vampires with a single punch.

"Impressive," Hei muttered. "There are some old records about the war against "it" there were humans that were not Wizards fighting alongside the rest of the world as they used another source of energy that was not magic, but from the information, we received from Merlin-sama there were no humans with such description, the only ones that fitted somewhat the description were some eastern-wizards that use magic to increase their physical capabilities, so Mo Fan-sama must be using a Lost Art."

If what I've been hearing from the Goblins, Death and the Fae is not the pure invention of Fuga my hypothesis may be right.

"As I said, I am just an old man who knows a trick or two."

"Noctis-sama if I may ask, why the two of you decided to come to our realm?" At Mel's question everyone including gramps and I looked at him.

But at the feeling of our gazes the poor man started to panic. "P-please don't get me wrong, I am honored to be in your presence, is just that I am quite curious why after so long someone from your family decided to visit us."

"*Pfff* hahaha it's all right you don't need to panic and your question is a valid one from your point of view," I said with an aloof tone as it doesn't bother me. "To be honest, I just wanted to sightsee a little bit, I tried to go to the realm of a friend of mine but sadly I was not able to set a foot on that place for now, and since I knew that my "family" had a good relationship with your people I decided to come, yet I came here in secret as you said it's been too long since the last time from my family came here, so I didn't know if the friendly relationship remained, but thankfully my assumption was wrong."

"I think that is impossible unless something big happens Noctis-sama," Lean said with a smile on his face.

"Hoh and why is that?" Gramps asked as it was quite rare to find such kind of loyalty.

"Until this day our king visits the grave of his dear friend, tales say that he used to visit it daily but now he "only" goes once a week, something admirable if you take into consideration that she passed away more than 2000 years ago."

Honestly, this feels more like someone grieving a deceased lover, but I will keep that to myself as I do not know their circumstances and how the minds of long-living people as I am just a human....for now, that is.

"We have arrived Noctis-sama!" Lean says cheerfully.

Looking at their city I couldn't help but admit that is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen, just behind the Salar of Uyuni at night.

Every house around here is made of pristine white marble with some vegetation around it that make it a beautiful look. All of them are made around a big three that reach as far as what the eye can see. The roads even if are made of earth, they look very well kept and the color of them looks very healthy. But using my enhanced senses, I can see a big crystal in the middle of the city irradiating colors like the kaleidoscope, but outside of it looking pretty. I can feel a lot of Mana coming out of it, most likely the crystal is connected to the lay lines and acts as a catalyst to maintain this whole dimension.

Everyone looked at us specifically at gramps and me walking on the streets with curious looks even if they can see our physical appearance thought that maybe just increase the mystery from their perspective. But from all multitude of people staring at us a middle age looking Fae wearing the same uniform as the rest of the guys came in front of us.

"Squad 14 why the intruders are still covered? and more importantly why they are not restricted?" The fae that seems to be their superior asked why gazing daggers at us.

""Commander"" Everyone made a salute at the man.

"At ease." He says making everyone drop their hand. "So? Are you not going to answer?"

"Commander Ennel they are Noctis Lucis Caelum-sama and Mo Fan-sama, Noctis-sama guardian and they are requesting an audience with the king," Hei says while I show up the ring of Lucis to not waste time with a lot of questions.

"To be honest if the king is too busy I wouldn't mind waiting until his schedule is free since I came without an invitation or if he is not available for a long time we would like to make some tourism around " I mean I can't be unreasonable all the time, as a king he should be busy most of the time, even if he and his people are isolated from the rest of the world.

Ennel stared at the ring for a bit. "Nonsense your majesty, the king since a long time ago orders us that in case of someone from your family arrives here to send them directly to the castle, Lean-kun please go ahead to inform the king." He ordered Lean whom immediately did as he ordered going at full speed towards the castle.

"He is an enthusiastic young man kuhahaha," Gramps says with a heartful laugh.

"He is by the way Ennel-san I don't like formalities very much so Noctis is just fine."

"There is no problem Noctis-sama, please follow me to the castle." He says respectfully like the others but in a way less formal, it seems that he is used to this but he still uses the "sama" honorific as a form of respect.

"Please lead the way," I said resigned at the fact that they will not act as casually as I would like, but I notice that the rest are not following us. "Are you not coming?"

"No, Noctis-sama, we are just low-ranked soldiers, there is no way that we can be present in a meeting between yourself and the king," Hei says respectfully but I can see with [Clairvoyance (Beast)] that he really wants to go.

"Is that so? Ennel-san can they accompany us? I will feel a lot more comfortable if they come with us." I said as this will serve as a kind of "compensation" for kicking their asses.

At my words, they widen their eyes at the surprise and Av is the first one to talk. "Noctis-sama we appreciate your feelings, but we are not worth-"

"Don't mind, don't mind, I am not lying when I say this. Besides we are at least acquittances at this point, so having some familiar faces will be nice." I said with a carefree tone, so they feel better.

"Well since it's a request of Noctis-sama I see no problem," Ennel says looking at the squad. "But make sure to behave at your best in front of the king."

"Yes, Sir!" The three of them answer at the same time.


After walking for a few minutes finally we are at inside the King's castle, in the way there I asked them a few more questions about their culture and magic, which they happily answered to the best of their capabilities. It seems that the way use magic is with words similar to Wizarding, yet they don't necessarily need a Foci to cast it, but their use of magic is more centered in concepts akin to Dragon words in other worlds.

They divide it into two major branches that are specialized in concepts towards themselves and the one that influxes the world around them. Of course, those branches have ramifications in which they specialize but that is a conversation for another day.

Finally, we arrived at the king's room and honestly it wasn't what expected. The whole room was full of plants that I had never seen before, the mana of this place was even denser than it was already on the outside. There were some Fae around whom I presume it's the king. The King was sitting on a white marble throne, wearing a plain white colored tunic, his androgynous face makes it harder to distinguish if he is a man or a woman, with deep green colored eyes and long light-green colored hair, and azure wings like a butterfly.

But looking at him makes my heart ache. "Enkidu?" I unconsciously mutter a name even if I previously knew it feels foreign yet familiar at the same time. My head starts to feel as if a thousand needles are being stabbed directly into my brain, like the first time I saw Durindana but many times stronger.

{Little Yozora!} Gramps yells in our mental link, making me snap out of the pain.

{Gramps... something strange is happening to me} I said a little bit worried about the implications of it.

{You had another episode, didn't you? You called the king Enkidu.}


{Little Yozora...} Gramps says with a lot of concern.

{I'm fine gramps, for the moment let's not worry about this.} It was not optimal but for the moment there is nothing that I can do, though maybe sooner than later I will need to confront this.

"Are you all right Noctis-kun? You don't look so well." A gentle voice says will a lot of concern.

I look at the person that said that and it was the king who has a worried expression on his face, but at his words, I noticed that my hood went down...well it doesn't matter I was going to take it down anyways. "I am sorry your majesty, it's just a mild problem that I have from to time, but I must admit that I am surprised since you look like someone I used to know."

"What a coincidence, it seems that both of us got surprised by the same thing." He says with a smile noticing that I didn't want to talk about what just happened, but I can notice a nostalgic feeling in his eyes. "After all you look a lot like Somnus when he was younger, if it wasn't for the color of your eyes I would have mistaken you for him, though many of your facial factions resemble the people of the lands of the east."

"Well, most of my heritage is from Japan, one of the countries you are speaking of." Well at least in this life. "Thought you already know my name let me introduce myself, I am Noctis Lucis-Caelum, sorry for the late introductions your highness."

"I am Mo Fan, Noctis guardian it's an honor to be in your presence, your highness." Gramps introduced himself giving a small bow to the king.

"You don't need to be so formal both of you." The king says with a kind smile. "Lean-kun told me that you don't like formalities and I share the feeling, so just call me Oberon."

Hearing Oberon saying his real name made my eyes wide in surprise and it seems that the feeling was shared by all around us. A name has a lot of weight for the Fae and even if I knew his name from Ragnuk before coming here, it is a totally different thing that he willingly gave his name. He just basically allowed me to have power over him, that is the reason why I clarified to Lean and Mel to not tell me their TRUE names.

"*Sighs* Now you are making me feel guilty for giving you a fake name," I say as I realized that he had seen through our lie.

"Do not worry by such a small detail, if anything I am glad that a descendant of Somnus is not a naïve boy. In modern terms, your people would be 'Trust is a two-way street. For people to trust you, you have to trust them first' or so one of the kids that recently went to the human world said, so I thought that I should be the to give the first step."

"And how do you know that I will not do something bad now that I know your name? For all that you know, I could be pretending until now." I ask because I don't believe that the king is just a goody two shoes.

"Well to begin with, you could have easily killed the whole recognition squad after interrogating them if you had any ill intention, Lean had enthusiastically described your guardian skill but surely his description fell short of what I can see from both of you." He says while looking at both of us. "Not to mention the smell of blood."

"As expected of someone who fought and survived The Great Cataclysm," I said with honesty since Ragnuk could see through us easily, Oberon with many more years of experience behind him would not be easily fooled, not that we tried.

"The Great Cataclysm?" Oberon asks curiously.

"That is how I call the war between the world and "It" since there is no formal name for that war, not that there are Humans that remember it anyways."

"I see... a fitting name for that war." For a moment Oberon's eyes became dull as he seems to be recalling a bad memory.

"Sorry for bringing bad memories," I said as I really didn't mean it.

"Don't worry, I know that you didn't say it with bad intentions Noctis-kun." He said giving me once again a warm smile.

I sighed a little bit after he was calling me by my fake name. "Well, I will introduce myself for real this time, I am Yozora Hoshimura the current heir of the house of Lucis-Caelum, though I am the only living member so technically I am the head of the house but you know, politics," I said the last part with a joking tone.

"And I am Li Shuwen though I go by Lee Hoshimura these days and I am Little Yozora Grandfather and Sensei," Gramps says introducing himself.

After our re-introductions Oberon smiled a little bit wider. "Thank you for your trust Yozora-kun, Lee-san."

"As you said trust is a two-way street so I might as well give you mine," I said with a small smile as it feels refreshing not having to lie after this messy summer. "By the way have you had lunch already? If that is not the maybe we can chat while eating, I have some dishes that all of you may enjoy."

"That would be lovely, though I would not feel very comfortable making our guest cook for us."

"Hahaha don't worry Oberon, after all, cooking is a hobby of mine," I said with a heartful laugh.


After a little bit of talking by me and Oberon, the Squad joined the meal. Oberon is pretty chill about how he treats his people, though being a King for over 2 millennia makes his people stiff in how they treat him even if he truly doesn't care for formalities except on some special occasions. With my conversation with the squad and Ennel, I found out that different from what I believed they do eat meat so I took many different dishes out of my Dimensional Pocket and explained a little bit about what they are so they could choose something that they could enjoy. Oberon also asked the Royal Chef to make some of their traditional dishes and they were delicious, to say the least, so I asked the chef if we could exchange recipes on a later date and he enthusiastically accepted as he wanted to experiment with foreign dishes.

"And that's how I made the whole magical community get mad for the second time this year," I explained a little bit about the recent event that happened in the outside world as Oberon asked me how I was doing.

"Hahaha, those fools got what they deserved," Av said cracking in laugh almost falling off his chair.

"*Pff* Av behave yourself *pff* we are in front of the king." Hei said trying to hold his laugh.

"Hahaha, you aren't doing much better Hei," Mel said with a heartful laugh.

"Don't be so stiff Hei-kun we are just having a casual meal, so formalities are not necessary," Oberon said in a relaxed tone enjoying the whole conversation.

"B-but Yozora-sama aren't you afraid of making the whole Magic Community your enemy?" Lean said with a lot of concern.

"Nope~," I said popping the P. "To be honest I do not care how they about me, most likely they think that I am just a self-entitled brat who is "so full about himself" being born in a good family, besides from their perspective why would they bother trying something illegal against me if they could "just" beat me in my tournament. And with my Luxu persona actually, most of the country is not against me perse, since I took care of some of their problems, sure they don't appreciate that I berated their agents but they know that I could do worse if I really wanted."

"But why are you doing all of this Yozora-sama?" Ennel asked perking the curiosity of the people around. "Usually people as strong as you don't care about the mundane affairs, so it's hard to understand why would you help people like them."

"There is no grandiose reason behind my actions however you could say that it's because I was bored and disappointed," I said telling a partial truth.

"Disappointed?" Oberon asked.

"Most of the wizards in the Magical Community stopped striving for improvement, England the place I currently call my home it's one of the worse cases in the world, they truly believe that their way is the only one, they are conformist that think that they are the apex when they are nothing but slightly bigger ants honestly among the countries I had visited they are really on the top list of weakest countries in general consensus if we exclude their "strongest" wizard, so I want to do this to open so they open their eyes for trying to improve once again, cause if they remain like they currently are, I dread that something awful will happen to them." This part was how actually feel, other countries invading them is not a problem since the number of witches and wizards is so low that unless something big happens they would not risk decreasing their numbers even more, but the same can't be said about normal humans or...

"Excuse me, everyone," Oberon said interrupting my thoughts. "There is something I need to talk about with Yozora-kun and Lee-san in private, would you be kind enough to leave us alone for a moment?" Oberon asked in a kind tone, but even if his words seemed like a request, it was an order.

"Yes, your highness!" Everyone said at the same time standing from where they were sitting, and going straight to the exit.

"Av," I called the muscular Fae.

"Did something happen Yozora-sama?" Av asked with a confused look on his face.

A smirk creped out of my face. "Nothing serious, just remember that you owe Hei mead for a whole year~, "I said in a playful tone while Av's face became pale.

"Damn! I had forgotten about that." Av said in despair while looking at Hei. "Buddy, your know that I was joking right?" Av said hoping that Hei wouldn't make him pay.

Hei in another hand looked quite serious, but if you look carefully you could notice a slight smile on his face. "Today's drinks are on Av!"

"Yes!!" Everyone cheered while leaving the room.

"Nooo! My salary!" Av said dejectedly as he left the room.

"Kuhahaha that was mean on you Little Yozora." Gramps laughed at Av's misfortune.

"Well, he ripped what he sows," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Sorry for interrupting the fun," Oberon said scratching the back of his back.

"Don't mind, after all, if you want to talk alone it must be pretty important taking into consideration how you treat your people." Seriously he is a nice guy but his people don't look down on him, not like a certain red-haired demon king. "Also, I wanted to talk with you in private so it is also convenient for me that you asked the same, but please you go first."

This time Oberon's previously careless expression turned serious. "How bad is it? How strong are the wizards outside?"

My eyes widened at the meaning of his words. "So I was right...But answering your question, I would say that Ennel Squad could wipe most of the wizards outside if we don't take planning and numbers into consideration." I mean those guys are good, it just happens that gramps and I are better.

"*sights* To think that wizards would decline that bad... Not that they are not capable but they are not the strongest among us, above the average, I would say" Oberon said with a concerned expression.

"You were right after all Little Yozora, something is making humanity weaker," Gramps said with a frown on his face.

"Not just humanity," Oberon said with a sad expression. "Everyone and everything outside here it's constantly becoming weaker, being dragons, centaurs, goblins, merfolk, or humans."

"So you know why this is happening," Gramps said. "I doubt that this is something related to the being you call "It" as someone with such power would care to make his enemies weaker taking into consideration that in its twisted way, he wanted to have fun and make the human weaker wouldn't be on his plans."

"Yes, 'cause it was made by one of my best friends in the world and your ancestor," Oberon said with a sad look on his face.

"Huh? Wait what?" Talk about the plot twist. "Didn't he die after the wizards betrayed him?"

"He did, and I would never forget that day." His already sad expression became even sadder. "My friend was many things, but he certainly wasn't perfect. Every story that still remains about his deeds only says about how great and brave he was, but he was like the rest of us at the time, he was scared, angry, and tired. At the time neither of us knew what a peaceful life was as we were born when the war already started, our parents tried their best to have a "normal" life in our early years but that was impossible in times of war, so we dedicated our whole life for the sake of the world. While his talent was unquestionable that also gave him pressure from everyone so he became "the hero" that the world needed, so he expended on the training grounds or the battlefield since he was able to properly hold a weapon. Even with the help that Ragnuk, Fill, Naur, Luna, and I could provide to help his emotional state, there was just so much that we could do. So after the war ended and he and Luna decided to settle down, he got his well-deserved peace and happiness finally out of the problems with a happy family but...THOSE WRENCHED IDIOTS HAD TO RUIN EVERYTHING!" For the first time since we met, Oberon raised his voice and pure hatred could be heard in his voice.

"They just wanted to live in peace with their kids and give them what they couldn't have, but no, the wizards had to be paranoiac morons that couldn't fathom the idea of someone stronger than them not being under their control. After all the sacrifices that he made for the sake of the world, even if Somnus didn't want to kill all the wizards in the world, that created a deep hatred in his heart towards the world, so when he erased his existence from the memories of the wizards his hatred changed the ritual that not only made him be forgotten by the magical community but also cursed the world into a constant decline."

Well, that is a lot to digest, honestly, I cannot blame him for that, if I were in his shoes I would have killed all the wizards that were involved in that attempt, but he had a family to take care of and eventually he would die so his descendants would be hunted down or worse, I might sound like I always think the worst about people but after acquiring Kiara's Clairvoyance I learned what humans are in their worst."Did you know about this when you decided to be far from the rest of the world?"

"No, it was a mere coincidence that this happened, I don't think that even Somnnus knew about it, if that was the case he would at least warned us about it, I just found out a millennium ago about the decline of the word when one of his descendants came here and talked about how strong were the people outside. If I had known about this before I would have warned my friend about it and invited them to come to live here, but it was too late for that. Thought I did warn their descendants, but they decided to stay in the outside world. After all, that is the only life they know."

"Tell me, after all, that has happened, do you hate wizards?" I asked of mere curiosity.

"No," Oberon said in an instant. "I'll admit that it took a lot from me to not slaughter those foolish people that betrayed Somnus and Luna, but if I had done that, it would be the same as spitting on Somnus's sacrifice. And my dear friend Luna, my poor Luna." Oberon said with a lot of grief. "She was also a witch, so they were my dear niece and nephew, so how could I ever hate what they were? And now so many years had passed and the culprits of what happened are no more, so why would I hate people for a reason that they don't even know? And while what they tried to do to you angers me, you also talked about a lot of people that support you, so no I don't hate them as a whole. Nobody can choose the conditions of their birth, so it would be foolish of me to just hate them for something they had no control over."

"I see, well it's good that you don't hate them as a whole if I were in your shoes I don't know if I could say the same." While I fully agree with Oberon's words as there is a logic behind them, I am not so nice that I would care about logic.

"But hearing that you don't like the decline of the world there must be a reason for that because your people will not be affected by this if you keep living here."

"Quite clever Yozora-kun," Oberon said with a small smile. "As you say there is a reason why I don't like this, and it's because if this continues the world will perish once "It" comes back."

Honestly, a part of me feels like this is just Oberon's paranoia as I believe that "It" was an Outer god or at least it's Avatar since a "normal" human was able to take an "arm" out of him, not to mention that Fuga is watching over this...."You think that that thing is going to come back, don't you?"

"Yes, and if things remain the same as before there is no way that the world will survive this time," Oberon said with a dread tone.

"But why would he return after all this time? it doesn't even make sense." Honestly if "it" wanted to return he would have done it several years ago…

"I know 'cause I will die by his hand."

"What are you saying doesn't make any sense, can see the you are a seer, aren't you?" In this world, some people can "see" the future, I know that Fate in this world is a thing so at least there are some seers like Trelawney, that even if she was dismissed as a fraud, almost all her predictions came to pass.

"Indeed, I am, while I can't control my visions after all these years from time to time, I can see glimpses into the future. With this ability, I was able to help everyone on the battlefield on some occasions avoiding the deaths of many people, sadly I didn't have a vision that helped me to avoid Somnus' death. But around a week ago I had a vision, where the world became a desolated land, countless dead bodies were laying on the ground, and there were just a handful of beings remaining alive, and in front of me there was "It" piercing my heart with his remaining arm."

"Do you have any idea of when this is going to happen?" I don't doubt his words cause, I don't think that he is the kind of person to lie about something so serious and on top of that, the cause of much of his misery in his early years of life, but sadly he shook his head in negation.

"I was not able to discern anything that gave a hint in the time frame when that happened, but from previous experiences, I know that I can't see beyond 50 years into the future, so at best we have that amount of time that is if I was killed at the beginning."

"So we have to find a way to break Somnus' curse so the world has a chance." While I don't care about the destiny of this world, I have people that I care for in this world, and while I am sure that in the future once the system works once again, I can purchase something that lets them come with me to another world, but as stubborn as they are I don't doubt for a second that they will try to help to avoid this world demise, at the very least I know that this is not going to happen around the next 4-5 years or else the mission of this world would be completely different. "So, do you have any ideas?" While I know some Noble Phantasm capable of doing that, but at the moment I do not have them so that's not viable.

"*sighs* If I knew it when it happened maybe I could do something about it, but since I found out about it I tried a couple of times of breaking it, but my endeavor has been futile as the curse has been engraved in the world for so long that it is practically a part of it," Oberon said with a frown on his face.

"All right I will investigate on my own to see if I find something that will help us, take this if you find something let me know," I said handing him a mirror like the one I gave to the others. "You just need to say my name three times and you will be able to communicate with me,"

Oberon was examining the mirror and a smile formed on his face. "What a clever artifact, did you make it?"

"Yup, enchanting is one of the things I do the best if I have to be honest," I say scratching the back of my head.

"Don't be humble, this is quite an impressive way of communication, would you mind if I study it?"

I appreciate that he asked before doing so. "I don't mind, if you want I could just give you the blueprints and the enchantments, so you can use them among your people." Honestly, I do not care too much about this item as it's not complicated to do and since we are in some sort of Alliance giving this is not a problem.

"No, it's enough to just let me study it, after all, life can be pretty boring if I don't find something to do from time to time." He said chuckling a little bit. "But now that we are settled, you mentioned that you also wanted to talk with me, so how can I help you?"

"Well actually asking you about why people were weaker than before was one of the things I wanted to know." But sadly, the reason behind it became more complicated than I expected. "Another thing if have you seen something like this?" I said taking the philosopher stone out of my pocket dimension.

"What a surprise," Oberon said with a melancholic tone. "To see a philosopher stone after so long, I am surprised that there is still water from the Mimisbrunnr."

Wait what! "Are you talking about the well where Odin sacrificed one of his eyes to have a drink of it?"

"Mmm, I remember that there were some humans that used to pray to that god I haven't met him so I can't be certain if he exists" Well that was a surprise. "But the water that I am referring to it was a special one that just appeared in some rare trees around the world which granted knowledge to whoever drink it, usually you could only find a couple of drops of it, but the downside was that with time the person would get insane, so some investigated how to use it and the philosopher stone was the culmination of it, thought it would only give a glimpse of knowledge related to alchemy, the "elixir of life" was very helpful to extend the life of some soldiers, as for gold well it is a good magic conductor, so it was helpful in the desperate times, not to mention that the stone itself is a good magical conductor."

"I see." Well, that explains the voices, well now I am curious about where that knowledge comes from, is something like "The root" in this world? Maybe is linked to the source of the magic of this world. "Well to be honest I "borrow" this stone from a man known as Nicholas Flamel that is currently the only known person "in" recent years to make one, but know that you are saying that the water of Mimisbrunnr was needed to make it, now I think that he just got lucky as I haven't found any verdict records cause even in the magical community that is just a myth."

"Well it is not so surprising, after all even back then it was a rare material, I think that I still have some of my annotations about the philosopher stone, just give me a little bit of time to translate it to some language that you can read."

"Thanks, that will save me a lot of time in my research." I was glad about this since now I have to make another research to eliminate the curse of the world.

"No problem we must help when we can, speaking of that there is something else that I can help you with?"

"Actually, there is. You see the other reason why I come here is hoping that you still have some of the weapons of the knights of the round table, not that I want to take them with me I just need to see them for a bit." I clarified to avoid misunderstanding.

"Sure, no problem," Oberon said nonchalantly.

"Wait that easy? Not that I am being ungrateful or anything but I thought that those were something special to your people."

Oberon just smiled. "Oh, and they are, they were a bunch of interesting humans and the first ones after so many years that my people could open to, something I am grateful for. I still remember the day when Vivian came here with a little boy and she decided to adopt him as her son, little Lancelot was one of the best swordsmen that I had ever seen and had many good qualities that people could only hope to have, I just wished that he wasn't such a philander hahaha." He said the last part with an awkward laugh. "Anyways, I know that you only need to look at them to make a perfect copy of them like Somnus so I don't have a problem with that, we can go tomorrow in the morning as I need to unseal the room where they are gathered."

"Thanks, I really appreciate it," I said making a small bow.

"Don't worry, this will also help us in the future battle," Oberon said with a smile.

"By the way, which of the weapon do you have?" Now I am at last sure that Arondight it's here from the affection that Oberon has for Lancelot, so I am very excited to know which weapons are there.

This time Oberon made a playful smile. "You'll see."