Chapter XXXIX: He who will be above all.

Third-Person Point Of View

In the above an inhabited island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Luriel was descending after being thrown out of Yozora's portal having a hard time stabilizing in the air but soon enough was able to do it with the help of his wings, yet from the very same portal a plethora of [Phantasmal] swords, spears, axes, halberts among other weapons were falling like shooting stars at his direction.

Widening his eyes in surprise, Luriel hastily created multiple [Spears of Light] to intercept the incoming weapons in his direction and once they touched the [Phantasmal Weapons] a myriad of explosions occurred at the same time creating a dense mist of magic energy.

But once Luriel thought that he was safe, from the mist dozens of weapons were still going through his direction. Seeing that interpreting said weapons was futile he decided that the best course of action was to elude the weapons.

Flying gracefully with his centuries of experience on the battlefield, he passed through the rain of weapons that were trying to claim his life. Nevertheless, the number of weapons was so big that even with the experience backing him, he suffered from some cuts around his body, but those were just scratches for Fallen Angel.

Annoyed by the seemingly endless rain of weapons the Fallen Angel lost a little bit of his composure and created a giant spear made of light-element and threw it towards the source of the weapon barrage.

With an immense explosion that could be seen kilometers away the seemingly endless barrage of [Phantasmal Weapons] stopped, making Luriel sigh in relief, but…

"My core is twisted in madness, Caladbolg," Yozora said aloud from the island releasing the [Broken Phantasm] from his silver bow, traveling at an inconceivable speed.

Having a dreadful feeling after sensing the concentration of [Magic Energy] on the sword-arrow, Luriel quickly created several shields of light trying to block the incoming attack as he didn't have enough time to evade, but trying was a more than accurate word for the current situation since a few meters before [Caladbolg] collided with the shield, Yozora created a portal connected right behind him as the space started to distort and [Caladbolg] finally exploded.


A great explosion created an even bigger than when Yozora exploded the houses of the Death-Eaters, was visible in the air and there was no sign of Luriel.

"Stop fooling around!," Yozora ordered. "That was not enough to kill you." Hidden by the hood of his [Black Coat], the face of Yozora was full of cold anger looking at the one who dared to look down on him and on top of that giving him orders.

Dispersing the cloud, there was Luriel with an expression full of hatred looking at Yozora His garments burned in several spots but the most perplexing thing was his bloodied arm. "Damn you."

Luriel cast dozens of [Magic Circles] in Li and Yozora's direction sending light spears.

"Impressive, better than the devils, but…" Yozora said as he summoned another spear from [Armiger]. In Yozora's arms, a scarlet two-meter-long spear appeared. The spear gave an ominous feeling and on with the runes Gyfu, Berkanan, Naurd, Sol, and Tiwaz engraved on it.

Yozora fired up his [Aura] and utilized [Ryu] focusing 70% of his [Aura] on his legs and the rest around his body, using [Reinforcement] and activating the [Runes Enchantments] on his boots. Cracking the ground on his feet, Yozora jumped directly at where Luriel not caring at all about the Light Spears coming in his direction.

He raised his spear when the first [Light Spear] was close to him and once the light construct touched Yozora's spear it disappeared as it motes of light without any difficulty.. Yozora continues to tear every spear of light that comes his way with ease.

The spear in Yozora's hands is the one used by one of the most famous demi-gods of Irish Mythology. The son of Donn and the foster son of Aengus Og and the first spear of the knight of Fianna. Gae Dearg: Crimson Rose of Exorcism. One of the spears wielded by Diarmuid Ua Duibhne also known as Diarmuid of the Love Spot.

A spear capable of piercing through any projection made of [Magic Energy]. While not strong enough to sever magic contracts or curses like [Rule Breaker] but is more than enough for this.

Seeing that Yozora was going his way, Luriel started to fly around still sending Light-Spears to Yozora's direction trying to find a breach in his defense.

Yozora in no time kicked the air thanks to the enchantment in his boots and once again restarting his pursuit of the fallen angel.

Finally getting close to Luriel, Yozora made a vertical slash which the former tried to defend creating a shield made of light with his right arm but it was futile in front [Gae Dearg] as the barrier was severed easily as it was made of foam but the barrier was not the only thing that was cut.

"Kuaaa" The fallen angel screamed in pain at the loss of his dominant hand but Yozora's barrage didn't end up there.

"Chūka Zanmai!" Yozora thrusted [Gae Dearg] multiple times, piercing several parts of the body and crushing his magic defense as if they were made of foam.

But before Yozora could continue with his seemly never-ending barrage, a spatial distortion could be felt in the surroundings, all the clouds as far as the eye could see turned pitch black, and a clap of thunder was smithen towards Yozora's direction.

This, of course, was not a natural catastrophe as an even holier presence could be felt in the thunder, but this attempt of taking Yozora by surprise by an unknown enemy turned out to be futile as Li stood in the middle splitting the thunder in two with his spear.

"Youngsters these days have no manners," Li said dismissively as if nothing surprising occurred.

"My apologies." The new party estated with a mild scorn on his face. "But I could not allow you to kill my subordinate"

"Huh? It seems that in my outrage against this worm, I allowed another worm to crawl on the battlefield." Yozora said, still holding an unconscious Luriel impaled by [Gae Dearg]. "Still like Acced previously said, you certainly lack manners, for not introducing yourself, that or you are too arrogant to think that I need to know someone as insignificant as you."

Even if Yozora was acting nonchalant towards the Fallen Angel, he was no fool. If the presence of Luriel felt a few times stronger than the devils he encountered on the outskirts of Tenochtitlan. The new fallen in front of him was way above the league of those beings.

The Fallen Angel frowned at Yozora's blatant disrespect but he was holding back those feelings since he literally was holding his subordinates' life in his hands. "I am Chazaqiel one of Gregory's Cadres."

"Luxu." Yozora said dryly "So? What do you want?"

"Let my subordinate go, The Grigory will compensate you for the inconvenience." The now-identified Chazaqiel said with a stern tone.

For the vast majority of the people living in this supernatural world, this will be a good deal. Even if they are the faction with the least amount of people, they are still part of the Judeo-Christian Faction, the self-proclaimed strongest faction, just by the fact that the Hindu Pantheon doesn't get involved with matters outside their territory. And for Yozora having The Grigory to own him one would be beneficial in the long run, but the thing here is that what Chazaqiel said was not a request.

"You know, for being mortal enemies you lot and devils share something in common," Yozora said pointing with his left index finger.

It was an order.

"Your heads are all.." Yozora said, lowering his finger and pointing at the ground. "Raised far too high."

Several points around the island below the two of them started to shine. Even if Yozora was outraged he didn't discard the possibility of Luriel communicating with someone from The Grigory. So hidden in between the dozens of [Phantasmal Weapons] there were some spears engraved with runes to create an [Anti-Flying Bounded Field] making Chazaqiel descend towards the island.

As he started to fall he glared with mild surprise at Yozora and even if his face was concealed behind the coat Chazaqiel could feel the disdain in Yozora's gaze as soon as he could stare down at him. "Know your place, peasant."

As a seasoned warrior, Chazaqiel didn't just stay still doing nothing as gravity started to do his work as multiple [Magic Circles] started to form around him releasing multiple [Holy Lighthinings] towards Yozora's direction, almost forgetting about his subordinate.

Yozora just raised his left hand and used a supercharged [Shield Charm] charged with [Death Force] blocking the lighting with ease. "Winged Kuriboh," Yozora said, summoning his partner.

"Please make sure that this Fallen does not die." Even in his outraged state, Yozora's rage was solely directed towards the Fallen Angels at this moment. Before handing him to his partner Yozora engraved some runes to make sure that he would not be able to use his [Magic Energy] if he happened to awaken.

"Kuri kurii." Winged Kuriboh said, raising his right claw on his forehead and creating a protective barrier to the still-impaled Luriel.

"Thanks, partner."

{Gramps, he is one of the middle-size bugs of this world. But a useful one so let's try to not kill him.}

{Understood, it might be difficult to subdue him without killing him but not impossible if you use that technique you developed with Oberon's help.}

Even if Yozora was dismissing the existence of Chazaqiel, he is one of the first beings created by the Biblical God and apparently in the peak of the Ultimate-rank of this world. So in raw stats, he is stronger than Yozora without any enhancement techniques, maybe even more than Li.

Yozora opened a portal directly at the island where Chazaqiel landed.

"Cowards! Using trickery to make me unable to fly!" Chazaqiel said with a lot of venom in his voice. "But don't think that this will be enough to defeat me."

"I don't want to hear anything about cowardness from the fool who tried to take me down with a surprise attack," Yozora replied with the same amount of venom in his voice.

From Yozora's back 9 silvery tails could be seen as he flared his [Magic Circuits] releasing his nigh-infinite amount of magic energy and [Aura] enveloping all his body.

'[Memory Partition] +[Thought Acceleration]+[Reinforcement]+[Ryu]+[Runic Chain: Uruz+Anzus+Eiwaz]+[Death Arms].'

Immediately after that Li positioned himself with his usual spear standing and Yozora different from his regular hand-to-hand stand, he positioned both of his arms similarly to one of an old boxing stand as some odd energy could be faintly seen around him.

The tension in the air was palpable as no one made a move at the moment. But after Yozora took that stand, Chazaqiel felt an uncomfortable feeling in the back of his spine, as if in front of him there was his natural predator.

So in these circumstances, Chazaqiel decided to as several [Magic Circles] started to form around him sending a plethora of [Holy Lighthings] towards Li and Yozora's direction.

'[Sonido]+[Nhymest]+[Displacement Magecraft: Acceleration]'


Before Chazaqiel was able to cast his spells Yozora and Li blurred at incredible speed on different sides of Chazaqiel with Li thrusting his spear directly to his neck and Yozora throwing a jab at his kidney.

Chazaqiel was surprised by the speed of his unknown foes, and the only reason he was able to react in time was because of his countless years on the battlefield as well as the air next to him distorting.

He was barely able to move his head back as Li's spear swept right where it was just a second before avoiding being pierced on his throat and at the same time cast a quick shield where Yozora tried to punch him.

Yet Yozora was able to bypass his defense, displacing the space between the [Magic Shield] and his body connecting his blow.

"Kuh '' Chazaqiel grunted in pain after taking Yozora's direct attack without any meaningful defense and it was enough to make him de-cast his shield.

Chazaqiel was about to be sent flying, but Yozora grabbed him by his robe with his left hand and started to relentlessly punch him on the side of his torso until let his robes go and positioned himself to give him an [One Inch Punch] sending him flying this time.

Besides the monstrous strength behind Yozora's punch, [Death Arms] the spell that Yozora casted since the beginning of the fight, falls in the [Death-Element] category that when it touches another living being, corrodes the flesh, the only reason that Chazaqie flesh is not rotten is because of his innate high [Magic Resistance] and Yozora's lack of experience with [Death Element].

But besides that, there is something more primal in that pain, the antithesis of his existence, an energy that is his natural predator. Yozora is currently using an old martial art created in the times of the Old Testament, which was inherited by Mosses and then later by Saint Martha. It is said that one can triumph over an Archangel. Saints that master it are said to be able to beat an "angel of destruction" that leads 12,000 angels, the martial art is no other than [Jacob's Limbs].

Chazaqiel quickly recovered and stabilized himself, but this time the look in his eyes was different. At the start of the fight, he severely underestimated the capabilities of his adversaries even if they were able to take down one of his soldiers.

On his right side, a [Magic Circle] appeared and Chazaqiel extended his right arm towards it, taking a sword reminiscent of a gladius, with the difference of being longer than a normal one, yet it is irradiated [Holy Energy].

But he didn't stop just right there as dozens of black clouds started to surround the Fallen taking some anthropological form reminiscent of two-paired fallen angels.

"I hope you take no offense of using these methods, after all, you started to fight with an ally." The sarcastic remark on Chazaqiel did not go unnoticed by Yozora.

"Not at all." Yozora answered calmly as a plethora of [Phantasmal Weapons] materialized. "You are just postponing the inevitable."

With those words a rain of weapons descended on the Fallen Angels made out of clouds, disfiguring them in mere instants. Chazaqiel on another hand waved his sword as it extended like a snake and moved graciously blocking each of the [Phantasmal Weapons] that were falling in his direction.

Not wasting time, Chazaqiel twirled his sword-whip with mesmerizing fluidity and slithered in the air in Li's direction striking his spear that used to deflect the swift movements of Chazaqiel's sword.

Chazaqiel continued his barrage of attacks from the distance since he was wary of engaging in close combat with Li.

Li on another hand was delighted that after so long there was someone worthy of exchanging blows with, besides his grandson without having to hold back, if anything The only thing that slightly soured his mood, is that he needed to make sure to keep the fallen alive.

'But he said nothing about "Flesh Wounds". ' Li though with a creepy smile covered by his [Black Coat].

On Yozora's side, he was surrounded by the [Cloud Constructs] as they started to regenerate soon after being destroyed. While the power and martial might of the creatures were mediocre at best in Yozora's eyes, the coordination displayed by them was impeccable.

He smashed one of the creatures on the ground with an Aikido throw while back kicking a second one that tried to sneak on him but failed miserably. And different from living creatures the [Cloud Constructs] showed no fear nor hesitation on fratricide.

Using one of the constructs ironically as a smokescreen, another pierced the creature's chest with its bare arm trying to hit Yozora who grabbed it and handstood on it before rotating over it, kicking the creatures, beheading them in an instant.

Not wasting the chance another group of construct attacks at the same time from all possible directions typing to hit Yozora while he was momentarily in the air.

"Fools," Yozora muttered as he materialized a copy of [Gae Dearg] on his hands.

Spinning on his own axis, Yozora slashed all the constructs easily before standing on the ground.

The power of these creatures was by no means significant in Yozora's eyes but the teamwork and tactics employed by these creatures demonstrated the experience of hundreds of years, demonstrating how Chazaqiel was able to survive through multiple battlefields including the Great War.

High-kicking one into oblivion, only leaving behind fragments of the "Clouds" but from those fragments, two more soldiers reformed once more. 'These things regenerate from the slightest amount and on top of that they multiply, [Gae Dearg] is somewhat useful against them but since they detach themselves quickly they still can survive as they don't have a constant influx of [Magic Energy] from the source. Not to mention that even with the [Bounded Field] I set up, it's just a matter of time for someone to show up, so I will just burn them until nothing is left.'

From Yozora's hands, two colored flames started to flare. On his right hand an ethereal blue flame blazed to the level of his elbow and the same happened on his left hand yet instead of the blue flame it was a pale yellow-colored flame that in contrast with the blue flame produced an intense cold.

The twin flames started to take the shape of something reminiscent of bastard swords. " [Mammon: The Dichromatic Twin Flamberges of the Netherworld]"

Moving forward his flame-swords, Yozora made a horizontal slash towards the [Cloud Constructs] sending waves of fire that because of the difference of temperature created a huge whirlwind of scorching temperature, burning all of them leaving no trace at all in mere seconds.

'It seems that Gramps is having fun.'

Li was fighting the Chazaqiel already used to the patterns of the esoteric weapon of the Fallen. Some scratches could be seen on his coat, yet none of them reached his flesh.

But the Fallen was not having an easier time, as several bleeding wounds could be seen around his body. Albeit none of them were serious, the fact that an "unknown" person wounded him, enraged him to no end.

To his utmost regret, even if his pride was wounded by admitting it, he was not the match for Li when it came to weapon mastery, so he started to cast [Light Spears].

Watching the [Magic Circles] behind Chazaqiel, Li could not help but snort at the Fallen's desperation. "Too slow."

Deciding to step it up a notch, Li increased his speed, evading easily most of the [Light Spears] coming his way, and with some that put a mild effort to evade, and sweeping with his spear the advances of the sword-whip.

"You damn lowly being!" Chazaqiel screamed with a lot of hatred in his voice. "Know your place!"

"You are the only ignoramus that doesn't know his place." Someone muttered apparently behind him.

To his surprise he suddenly turned around ready to defend himself, just to see that there was no one in his proximity. But a hundred meters away Yozora was standing doing nothing but watch the fight, but not even his [Black Coat] could hide the smirk on his face.

It was just a simple trick of displacing the sound of his voice so Chazquiel would think that was behind him but good enough to fool him once, but that was a mistake that it would cost him dearly.

Having a dreadful feeling he steadfastly raised his defense as he looked backward where Li previously was just to find no one, but his honed battle instinct through countless fights told him that something was wrong.

And that something was the only thing that helped him to barely evade receiving a major injury that it could have, yet just because it could be worse does not mean that it was just a mere scratch.

*drip* *drip* *drip*

For a single moment that was the only sound that could be heard on the whole island.

Chazaqiel was holding the place where his arm used to be as blood started to fall on the ground where his severed arm was.

Finally processing what just happened Chazaqiel gritted his teeth in utmost anger and yelled so loud that could be heard on the whole island. "You fifthly animals!" And with that scream, an incredible amount of [Magic Energy] started to erupt from the Fallen Angel's Body.

Not playing around anymore Chazaqiel started siphoning a great amount of [Magic Energy] changing the environment and making the sky turn gray as several Cumulonimbus clouds started to form around the island.

"So you will let him finish whatever he is preparing?" Li said, appearing beside Yozora after retreating from where Chazaquiel was.

Blinding lighting started to appear and shortly after thunder rumbled as the shockwave was strong enough to affect the ground beneath the clouds.

"No," Yozora stated. "I will show him how outclassed he truly is."

'[Yokai Transformation: Second Form.]'

With that thought the nine tails in Yozora's back retracted but instead of ending there, three majestic pairs of silvery wings bulged from Yozora's back. His heterochromatic eyes remained yet, his left eye changed in color, to a deep yellow one with a vertical slitted pupil with his hair remained the same with the addition of some golden strands.

Lighting started to flicker around his wings and with a single flap of them new thunders started to echo behind him as the clouds previously summoned by Chazaqiel started to waver at the new precedence of someone capable of controlling them.

"God's Rage!" Chazaqiel roared in his rage stopour and while lighting started to condense in the gigantic cloud that he created it was suddenly stopped by a few words of Yozora.

"Meteolojinx Recanto." Yozora proclaimed as the magical-induced meteorological phenomenon halted for a brief moment.

Chazaqiel's eyes widened in uttermost surprise realizing that his own spell was being held as he finally looked at Yozora's direction to be even more surprised at the sight of the wings on his back.

"What-are-you?" Those were the only words that he could speak out of his shock.

"Someone that you never should have messed with," Yozora said with a definitive tone as if was just stating a fact. "But fear, as you will not perish today…"

Yozora slowly raised his hand to his chest height specifically in front of his heart. His right index finger touches the right thumb and the left index finger touches the left thumb so that two circles are created. His left palm is facing inward in front of the right palm which is facing outward.

"Domain Expansion"

A burst of [Magic Energy] started to burst from Yozora's body which started to envelop the whole area surrounding them along with violent spatial distortions as the world around started to actualize to Yozora's technique as the area started to get enclosed by the barrier created by him.

And when the barrier was finally closed, darkness was prevalent in most of the [Domain] created by Yozora just illuminated by a single star that no matter the position where one was standing was visible. Splashes could be heard as Yozora started to walk and like the star, no matter where someone tried to look Yozora was there.

"[Rearrangement Of The Star]"

"This….cannot be possible." Chazqiel blabbed while his emotions were in a stupor. "Only gods can create domains! I don't sense an iota of [Divinity] coming from you! Just what the hell are you!"

"As I previously said," Yozora said in a cold tone. "I am someone you shouldn't have messed with."

And after those words, the sole start on his domain shined for an instant and Chazqiel just fell out cold, as a miniature star appeared on Yozora's right hand which he momentarily stored on one of the [Black Cards]

Dismissing his [Domain] in an instant the landscape changed once against the island where the "battle just occurred.

"*sighs*" Yozora let out a tired sigh also dismissing his [Yokai Transformation] as even with the nigh-infinite amount of [Magic Energy] that could be produced by his [Magic Circuits] it was still tiresome not to mention the sheer amount of calculations that were needed for creating a [Domain].

"Kuri kuriiii!" Winged Kuriboh flew directly to Li and Yozora's direction still holding the berated Luriel.

"Thank you for your hard work, partner," Yozora said with a soft tone after his anger was almost quelled, patting Winged Kuriboh's head.

"Kuriii" Winged Kuriboh said cheerfully.

But the merry scene was ruined by an annoying sound.

"Ughh" Luriel groaned in pain as he recovered his consciousness and, opening his eyes, they widened shortly after contemplating the scene in front of him.

"Supreme Commander!" Luriel screamed at the top of his lungs and glared at Yozora. "What did you filthy monkeys do to him!" Luriel yelled with almost fanaticism in each of his words.

"He is not dead. If that is what you are asking, crow." Yozora said with disdain. "After all how people will know an epic without a bard to recite it."

Luriel gritted his teeth in sheer anger at Yozora's statement. "How dare you" treat the Supreme Commander as a mere storyteller!"

But Yozora snorted at Luriel's rant. "How dare I, you say?" He said with utmost amusement as if he just heard a good joke.

"Well, you lot have entertained me more than I thought using him as a bard would be adequate, even if you are just someone who was kicked out of his home."

"We are the superior race! Why would we be subjected to serve insignificant beings as humans!? Why should we restrain our desires like Father said while he allows humans to be engulfed in depravity? Beings that barely can live a century! The weakest of all races! So what is the problem if we look down on them!?"

"You are getting me wrong, crow. I am not condemning you for doing as you desire, you are even half right. Even in the non-supernatural world, the strong eat the weak, and humans do the same with other humans. It is only the strong that can do as they wish from the beginning of time."

"But it always made me curious why there are always fools boasting about their heritage."

"Humans boast that they are from a certain part of the world or part of some ethnicity. Wizards and Devils yelling aloud that they are from a certain family, and you Crow proclaiming that Fallens are the superior species."

"Though I must admit that you have some fair points, you have a better starting point than others and I can understand that, after all, different from you, I am not a fool.

"No one is born equal, that's an absolute rule in the world."

"But here is where you are wrong, you Fallen Angels are not on the Apex. Nor are there angels, devils, yokai, gods, or dragons. Certainly, all of you have a better starting point but what is the point of having a few steps ahead if your finishing line is so close?" Yozora said almost laughing at the last part. "It so laughable, you being so proud of yourself for just from a fixed race, devils getting stronger just by getting old, you fallen having a fixed strength thanks to your dear father and Dragons just by breathing, but what is the bloody point if you are will end up as weaklings at the end of the day."

Luriel scoffed at Yozora's words. "So, at the end of the day, you are just a hypocrite. You stand there, preaching how we are boasting about being superior, yet you act like you have the moral high ground, you must be one of those foolish human supremacists that are born from time to time thinking that humans being God's favorite children are the superior species hating all other races."

"Kukuku hahahhaha" Yozora laughed at the statement of the fallen. His laugh was full of mockery, disdain, and to some degree, amusement. "Once again you are getting things wrong, while there is no point in explaining this to a dead man, I will be graceful enough to grant you some knowledge before your last breath."

"I never said that I hate all supernatural beings, as a matter of fact, I do not hate anyone for being from a determined race such a foolish belief." A hint of anger was clear in Yozora's voice. "Of course, I do have some reservations with some races or people from certain parts. After all, they had done more than enough to obtain that, Greeks are the prime example of that. But that does not mean that I would slaughter every person in Athens or all gods from the pantheon."

"No, what I feel hatred for are those buffoons that feel at the peak just by the simple fact that they are from a determined part of the world, faction, family, or race. It is a good thing to have pride in your upbringing and it would be moronic to not use your natural advantages."

"As I said, nobody is born equal and I am the foremost example of that."

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"Because of who I am, I will stand on the peak."

"Arrogant human, berating us for thinking that we are the strongest yet you are saying the very same thing. Even challenging the Dragon Gods for that place." Luriel spat with despise, not even realizing the contradictions in his words.

"It is not arrogance or even pride to begin with."

"I am just stating a fact."

"It would have mattered not if I was born in the weakest race or the strongest. Is not because I am from a determined family or race, it is because I am me, that I am above you and look down on you, no more no less."

"You are talking nonsense!"

"You know, I almost pity you," Yozora said not sounding condescending at all. "None of you can see what I see, and you never will. That is why you are and always will be…"


"Mongrels," Yozora said with utter disdain at the Fallen Angel.

After Yozora muttered those words, silence permeated the whole room for different reasons.

Fuga remained in silence since even if he would have liked to laugh at the faces that the majority were making, it would have broken his oath of never hurting "Waifu's" feelings. And looking at Aqua's expression it was not the time to fool around.

Antanas was utterly surprised at the display of Yozora's abilities, he had a chat with Kazuma when the boy proclaimed to be at best High-Class…

'High-Class my ass he played with Ultimate-Class Fallen Angel as if they were kids!' That was the thought of Antanas.

But like everyone in the room he had traveled for countless worlds and as an Otaku could recognize that arrogant tone anywhere.

Kazuma and Celes-chan were not that surprised as they already knew about Yozora's situation for quite a time, yet they hoped that they still had some time before Aqua learned what was happening to him, with a little bit of luck Yozora would have solved the problem. But they underestimated the reaction that Yozora would get after arriving in his "home" world.

And Aqua…

"What was that?" Aqua said with a pained expression on her face. "That was not Yozora…my Yozora would never talk like that."

Aqua knows Yozora better than anyone, and she perfectly knows that he would never talk like that. He always hated people calling him "genius" or something similar and while he is conscious of that he would rarely accept it. But bluntly admitting that he is someone who is above someone was someone that he would never do.

Aqua looked at the faces of everyone present and could discern different emotions from everyone but looking at Kazuma's and Celes-chan's faces, she realized…that they knew.

"How long?" That was the only thing that she could ask.


"Don't Aqua me! You knew that this was going to happen and you hid it from me!"

"I had my first suspicion when Dumbledore tried to pry on Yozora's mind but it became more evident when the bullcrap of the hearing happened."

"Same," Fuga admitted.

"I noticed once when their training went out of control in Spain," Celes-chan admitted.

"And you did nothing?!" An enraged Aqua screamed. "If you never planned to do anything, why did you not say anything to me?"

"Exactly because of this!" Kazuma screamed, losing his cool. "We knew how you would react and would try to do something stupid! The higher-ups are already on your toes and if you tried to do anything, that will be it."

Aqua gritted her teeth in frustration as even if what Kazuma said is logical, at this moment she does not care about rationality. "Then why didn't you give him a reward that will solve this problem?! Fuga has been screwing the rules about rewards this whole time."

"Hey," I have been following the rules…technically." Fuga tried to joke to lower Aqua's anger, but the genius only made her angrier. "Wait, wait is not that I didn't want or anything, he has to do this alone."

"Why? So he could keep entertaining you?"

"I am afraid that it is more complicated than that," Zelretch said coming out of a portal.

"You!" Aqua yelled as she quickly moved towards Zelretch's direction trying to punch him, but was stopped by Kazuma and Celes-chan. "Let me go! It's all his fault! If he had not created that defective thing my Yozora wouldn't be in danger!"

"Aqua you perfectly know that is not his fault! If anything it is The Organization's fault for not verifying the possible consequences."

"Well, not even I knew about that if I have to be honest," Zelretch admitted. "The reason I deemed [Armiger] one of my biggest failures is I didn't find anyone capable of wielding it, so I exchanged it with your organization in the hopes of finding a possible wielder, but it seems that underestimated the influence of using part of Gilgamesh [Saint Graph] or rather the influence of the wielder on [Armiger]."

"What do you mean?" Asked Aqua, frowning a little bit.

"Yozora's existence is more ridiculous than you think," Zelretch said with a sigh. "Even though I have the suspicion that he wouldn't be able to truly master the [Kaleidoscope] if he ever got to study it, I could not put my finger on what was the problem as it was something that I felt instinctively, but his development made me remember something that I saw a long time ago in a movie, quite ironic taking into consideration Yozora's current work. So I went to prove if my theory was right…and it is."

"Stop being redundant and get to the damn point."

"There are no other Yozora Hoshimura, to be precise there are no other versions of him in the omniverse as far as I could find."

"Different from that movie, it doesn't seem that his existence is not artificially made by someone or something, a kind of miracle in a sense. And while there are some existences similar to him like DC4 but that is only within his [Multiverse]. But I theorize that the reason for his rapid increase in power and skill derives from the fact that he is a [Singular Existence]."

"Is that why Yozora acts weirdly when he uses his clones? Even if they are not true Parallel Existence that almost acts as if they were."

"Maybe indirectly, as Yozora has a strong sense of self and it gets stronger as time passes, and from what Kanojo-chan told us he always acted like this, by the way, didn't you all find it weird how only not being able to remember his name affected him that much? Even if names hold power over people, he should not be affected that much as he shouldn't have a strong sense of self as he was only a regular human by our standards, we have plenty of examples of people getting reincarnated or transmigrated getting their names erased from existence and on top of that the way Truck-kun erases people existence is very safe in comparison of other methods like [Ichimonji] or what happens when the Chainsaw Devil eats other devils."

"How can you be so sure? You know that thing had his eyes on him, maybe he was chasing other versions of him and killed them."

"Maybe he could do that with many but I hardly doubt that he could have done it with all of them. Also, there are multiple versions of Hiroshi his younger brother, Aveline his mother, and Hideo his father where all of them are a family except for Yozora. Granted that not all versions are always born from the same parents, it took me longer as I had to use some tricks to verify if there were other versions of him."

"Resuming what is happening to Yozora," Zelretch said, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"While not native from that timeline, in one of my travels I was a witness of the Ainsworth Holy Grail War and saw the influence of how even after passing through [Pandora's Box] Gilgamesh was able to retain his ego, so when I used [Gates of Babylon] to guard the [Noble Phantasms] as I couldn't create a [Reality Marble] without consequences to the user I had to be careful as I erased the ability of "Holding all the treasures of the world" and modify it to just weapons, I also erased any trace of Gilgamesh or so I though."

"Yozora origin, [Sovereign] made him capable of wielding [Armiger] as it could be if he had [King] [Emperor] or [Monarch] so he wasn't the only option in the whole omniverse. But I didn't predict that his affinity with the [Soul] element something that does not exist in my universe as well as his origin [Star] that one of his symbolism could be used as [Renewal] and [Rebirth] so it made possible that from the miserable fragments hidden within [Armiger] Gilgamesh to be "reborn" in Yozora's soul."

"Then why don't we just pull him out of his soul? I am sure that it would be similar to extracting an [Horcrux] or a [Sacred Gear]."

"If it would be that easy, Yozora would have done it ages ago. At this point, he could perfectly extract the [Horcrux] from Harry Potter and even reap some benefits for the boy. But the problem is that now it counts as part of his soul, so it would be the same as tearing his soul out, and a soul like his, which is a mystery for the most part even for beings like us, would be nigh impossible to heal if something goes wrong."

"So you're telling me to just sit here and do nothing?" Aqua said gritting her teeth.

"Yes," Zelretch said without baiting the eye. "As Kazuma said he has to do this alone, any outside interference will just harm."

Aqua could just clench her fist in frustration being once again unable to help her paramour.

"Damn it!" Aqua screamed at the top of her lungs as she punched the nearest wall creating cracks resembling a spider web, trying to let out her frustration to no avail.

Tears started to fall from her blue eyes, as she started to punch the wall once again. "It's so damn frustrating!"

"Why?!" The frustration in her voice was palpable for everyone present in the room.

"If I was just only a little bit earlier!" Aqua punched the wall as blood started to drip from her hand.

"If only I was smarter I could have thought of another way to save him!"

"If I had not been so damn selfish at that time."

"If I wasn't this damn useless!" Aqua punched the wall for the last time but this time there was barely any strength behind it. "What should I do?"

Yozora's death in his first life was something that still had a heavy sense of guilt on Aqua. Even if by all rational ways of seeing it, it was not her fault and on top of that, gave him the opportunity of living.

Under normal circumstances Aqua would have laughed at the mere thought of a mere fragment taking control of Yozora's body even if that fragment was the so-called "King of Heroes", washing it out and saying that her Yozora is the best.

Yet, the sheer surprise of seeing her paramour act like that, while she is not oblivious to Yozora's "dark side" figuratively speaking. She knows how much he hates to verbalize those thoughts, how forlorn it made him feel, making her lose all sense of rationality. No matter who you are how strong you are or even how much trust you have in your partner's success. There is the undeniable truth, that no matter what, nobody remotely sane would be rational about their loved ones being in danger no matter how low the probability of that was.

On top of that, the despair of being unable to do anything for him not even being capable of being on his side on this trepidation made Aqua's prior concerns arise once more, in her inability to help him.

"No…" Aqua muttered to herself. "There is something I can do for him."

If she knows him as well as she thinks she does, even if some of the things he does seem irrational and meaningless to the majority, she knows why he is doing that. But doing what she is thinking of doing is touching the limits of what is permitted by the organization if not breaking them, but…

'Consequences can be damned.' Aqua thought to herself. 'I will not stand doing anything, not again'

As ironic as it can be, the fire of determination started to burn like a raging fire in the eyes of the Goddess of water.

The engines of her plan started to rotate in that very instant, yet different from what most would believe she is not stupid enough to start her machinations in front of everyone as they will stop her.

"I will believe in Yozora," Aqua said with a heavy tone as she dried up her tears. "There is no way that the biggest hypocritical mongrel of all time will stand a chance against my Yozora."

The mood in the place started to get a little bit better at Aqua's words, making everyone relax. Especially Fuga, who was almost tempted to give "the main waifu" a hug since he could not stand seeing her sad, even if that would mean taking another punch from her who he would gladly accept if it would make her not be sad.

But among the group, someone was gazing at Aqua, not totally buying her sudden change of mood, but will remain quiet to not raise any more commotions, however, will remain vigilant to ensure that the goddess would not do something that she would regret.

DXD World- Seventh Heaven.

Third Person Point of View.

Michael was not having a good day, not at all.

After his father's demise in the mutual destruction against the Original Satans at the Great War, he was put in charge of the [Heaven's System] as he was the best candidate to manage it.

Although he was nowhere close to his father's power or knowledge about the system itself, as he did not leave any instructions on how to handle it, Michael tried his best to make the system work to the best of its capacities. However with time and the absence of God, even with all of Michael's efforts, "Bugs" started to appear in many parts of the system. At first, it was not such a problem as they were just minor incidents that he even managed before his father's death.

Even so, these "bugs" started to become bigger and bigger so he required assistance from his brother and sisters to manage the system the best he could, but that entailed all sorts of problems since they required more "manpower" to get hold on the system, but there was a major problem.

Without God, Angels cannot be born.

So they had to rely more on their human followers for matters related to the mundane world. By no means, Michael look down on them, he has on numerous occasions witnessed the potential that humans have, and being his father's golden boy, he would be smacked if he even tried to look down on them, but different from them in a way it is easier to fall in sin for humans.

Michael is not oblivious to the fact that Angels can sin as he has seen it with many of his former Brothers and Sisters, including the Seraphs no one is exempted. It is rather obvious as they fall, but humans on another hand can keep their sins more…concealed in the eyes of the majority. If it was his father, he would be able to see everything from the throne but alas he was not his father and could not be in every corner in the world.

Human's free will allows them to be even kinder than most of his brothers and sisters but the opposite can also be true as he has seen them make actions that even devils would frown upon. That was true even for the church where some black sheep were among their ranks, not all were set to do heinous acts but rather search for personal profit.

Or simple some that are rather…. Spirited when it comes to their way of praising the Lord. From time to time some people have different interpretations of the holy scriptures, not that Michael was against them since every one of them ends up with almost the same values and praising his father.

The problem comes when there is an internal problem within the same religion and in recent years with the movements of Lutheranism, more and more headaches were present on the Seraph's head in both the mundane as well as the supernatural world. Having internal warfare, took a lot of their time in both worlds, not to mention the constant fight with the Fallen Angels for territory.

Not to mention the constant havoc made by the devils in the last couple of decades with their civil war. While most of their fights were located in the underworld, some of them had been in the human world causing devastation in their path. One of them had more effect on the lives of the regular population a few years ago in the Sea of Marmara against the daughter of the original Leviathan, which caused a lot of devastation in one of their territories.

But none of those are Michael's current preoccupations.

First, the [Heaven's System] started to send signals of someone stealing [Sacred Gears]. Michael is unable to keep watch on who is the owner of a [Sacred Gear] or search for them with the help of the system. However, since stealing a [Sacred Gear] causes an interruption in the cycle of distribution, it automatically informs Michael.

This is not a so uncommon occurrence, using his former brother Azazel has an unhealthy fascination towards them and while he has become a lot tamer compared to the old days after falling he still collects them from those with unruly personalities.

However, this case was a lot different since what was stolen was a [Longinus] which even Azazel refrained from the possible retaliation from the [Heaven System] and missed the opportunity to study them. While he cannot be sure which of them was stolen, from the readings. It was clear that it was not one of the ones imprisoning one of the Heavenly Dragons or else the System would have acted more erratic.

Which raises the question of who was capable of such a feat? Even other pantheons abstain from doing so in fear of his "father" retaliation. Maybe Azazel lost the fear of trying to acquire [Longinus] or maybe a skilled Magician.

But using his spies in the location that the [Heaven's System] gave, which was on Fallen territory, informed that Fallen Angels were acting frantically searching for something or someone around the territory, so the former option was discarded.

But the biggest concern for Michael on the day was that someone was able to use energy similar to the Second Heaven outside of it.

There is a reason why the Second Heaven is used to imprison the Angels who sinned. It was created by God with energy capable of harming and debilitating Angels similar to what their [Light] and [Holy Element] work for devils. One of Heaven's greatest secrets is only known by a handful of people and it was made almost imperceptible to other beings outside of Angels and Fallen Angels.

If someone was able to replicate that they would lose the biggest advantage that they have against the devils and other Pantheons which have enmity towards the [Heaven]. A bigger threat than losing just a [Longinus] if it could be replicated more than once because it is just a sole individual.

And taking into consideration that the two events transpired in a close amount of time it is fair to assume that it was the same person involved or at least the same group. So Michael commanded all the capable Angels to investigate the event.

Michael frowned thinking about the possible hardships that his brothers and sister will face in the future if it comes to light.

He just started at the vacant throne left by God. "Father, is this another of your tribulations?"


Azazel P.O.V

"Well, what a crappy day," I muttered to myself.

It started pretty well when one of my people informed me of the possible encounter with an unawaken [Sacred Gear] in one of our territories and a possible [Longinus] on top of that.

Ignoring the fact that those are hard to find and it was in our territory, making us avoid any political bullcrap that other [Faction] would arise for our intervention was a big win for me…not that I really would care if it was a [Longinus], I just don't want to listen to Shemhazai incessant nagging of how irresponsible I am…and the paperwork that damned thing that I will attribute to Lucifer to the end of my days.

And on top of that, I was about to score a beautiful big-breasted married woman in a bar in Paris. Some would say that is a trash fetish but I will just say that they don't have enough game to pull it out. Besides that is always more gratifying if there is a challenge on it.

But that was all ruined after I received a message from Shemhazai. I didn't listen to all the things that he said just 'Blah blah blah, someone messed up, blah blah blah come quickly.'

And since I could not "end" things quickly with her as it would ruin my reputation, I had to drop it.

Teleporting myself to the location Shemhazai sent without really looking, I appeared on a beach in the middle of nowhere "So what's up? Which Pantheon did we pissed this time? Please tell me that it was not the Greek though I would not mind to stare at Athena's beautiful legs, I would like to avoid all of Zeus' nagging, especially after we keep the majority of the Ottoman Empire that was not in control of the church."

But to my surprise, Shemhazai did not sigh as he usually does at my remarks, but kept a serious expression on his face, which made it clear that we were balls deep in whatever the problem was.

"Someone stole the [Sacred Gear] that you had your eyes on," Shemhazai said with a stern tone.

"Well, a pity." I mean it is kinda of disappointing that I would not be able to study it for a while after all, human life expectancy is rather short so a couple of decades is not a big deal. Besides, it is not like I am the only one capable of…

"And the previous host is still alive," Shemhazai said, interrupting my thoughts.

Well, that is interesting.

"Any information about the one who did it?" I said with a rather expectant tone, as this would open a lot of doors for future experimentations, not to mention that it would be that if we can bring that person to our side and learn his methods would be a big boon to our faction. "But why are we in the middle of nowhere? Wasn't that [Sacred Gear] located in the Holy Roman Empire?"

"You really did not listen to my message?" Shemhazai said with a sigh which in response I just shrugged my shoulders. "Come with me."

'Well, it seems more serious than just that.' I thought to myself as I followed Shemhazai to wherever he was taking me.

While following him, I could feel remnants of [Spatial Distortions] and it was rather a big one when it happened taking into consideration that it seems that it was not recently that this occurred, but something feels off, similar to when a god pulls out his [Divine Domain]...

'Shit, which god did these morons pissed off? Wait no. that is not quite correct, While the feeling is similar there is not a single trace of [Divinity] in the air nor is the same feeling that I know from [Dimension Lost], so what the well happened here?'

But once again my thoughts were stopped cold as I got a disgusting and repulsive feeling in the air, something that I just felt once before falling, Something that I wish from the very core of my being that I was wrong about.

Stopping at the same time as Shemhazai in my range of vision there was the berated body of an unconscious Fallen Angel, Chazaqiel to be precise.

Multiple lacerations around his body were made by a weapon, a spear if my guess is right, but the most visually outstanding thing is his missing right arm. While I will not claim that he is a powerhouse to be feared, his set of skills is rather ample which would make him at least able to escape if he encountered someone above his weight league, which raises more and more questions.

But all that falls short of the feeling emanating from his rib cage area. Casting a quick [Detection Spell] my suspicions to my deep regret, my fears were confirmed.

"Who knows about this?" I said dropping any fool behavior as utmost importance.

"Just a couple of foot soldiers that received a distress signal," Shemhazai answered.

"Make sure that they remain silent about everything that they saw here," I said in a definitive tone as this is too important to have any leek. "I will leave it to your discretion how to handle that."

Nodding at the implicit message behind my words. "Choose only your most trusted man to investigate and find any clues that they can find." I may not like to admit it but not everyone in Grigori can be trusted., especially not something like this.

"I will retire to talk with some of my spies if they heard something from the church or [Heaven]. While the probability of them knowing this is minimal, I want to cover all bases and use whatever resources are necessary to save Chazquiel's life, he might have some valuable information about whoever did this to him." I don't doubt that if Michael knows about this, he will keep tight-lipped about it.

"There is more," Shemhazai said with some hesitation. "Follow me."

'Fantastic, what now?' I thought with exasperation thinking that the situation could not be any worse as I followed him.

The place that Shemhazai wanted me to see was just a scorched part that usually would not be odd after the "fight" that Chazaqiel had. And again as if Father was mocking me that statement came to slap me in the face.

'Shit shit shit…' Was the only thing that I could think of looking at what Shemhazai wanted to show me.

There is no way in Father's name that I could forget this. How many of my people had been burned to nothingness by this abomination in front of me? Admittedly they feel way weaker than Luci's used to be in the past, but to my information, Rizevim did not inherit his father's flames, so he had another son that none of us know about? Do I have another nephew?'

"I will need a drink or two after this," I said in the sincerest way that I have said in a long time.

Yozora's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and I was standing in a place that I was too familiar with…my inner world. Different from what most people believe, everyone has their own inner world yet not all are capable of even accessing it, let alone manifesting it like people with Reality Marbles do. Seeing that I am here it seems that my "little" outrage was more severe than I believed.

"*Tch* It seems that I passed away, well at least I was able to hold it after preparing my "gift" to Chazqiel." I was not concerned at all as it was not the first time that happened, just mildly annoyed.

This place is almost the same as the last time I was here. Looking on one side I could see the starry sky with a seemingly endless amount of stars being reflected in the ground giving the visual effect that there is no beginning and no end to this place. The slightest movement made by me creates ripples by the little amount of water on the ground. But there was something that felt a little bit off yet at the same time mixed perfectly with the place, a black throne.

On the other side, instead of the night starry sky, there is a semi-arid greenland ecoregion with some poplar trees around and a river that could be seen from the distance was in a perpetual state of golden hour, But what stood out the most was the giant city in front of me. A city that I had seen in both of my lives in more than one way. And walking from the main building I could see the man who was responsible for my biggest headache till the moment.

"You know it is actually of bad taste to wear only gold, it makes you look like a pimp," I said to the imbecile in front of me.

The man was wearing full body armor without a helmet, but even without it, it would be hard to make any damage to his head as the enchantments in the armor still protect it. The man was quite tall, around 1.80 meters, his golden standing hair as if it was a blazing flame and his crimson-like blood eyes that gave an ominous feeling.

"As if I would take dressing advice from a mongrel that goes around fooling other mongrels wearing a black coat."

"Touche." I conceded. "So? What do you want?" I said not to beat the bushes.

"Hoh? You are acting quite hastily, usually, you would stand there making a fool of yourself until the time is up."

"Just answer," I said with a quite annoyed tone. "Believe it or not, I have better things to do than entertaining a stupid buffoon."

And different from what most people would believe that would happen at my blatant disrespect against him, he just brushed it away. "The pot calling the kettle back. Is that how you people of these days say, is it not? Calling me a buffoon while you are nothing but the jester for those gods."

I shrugged my shoulders at his words. "What can I say? If you are good at something, never do it for free. They have things that I want and they need something from me, it is just business."

Usually with the kind of personality that both of us have, neither would just accept this kind of disrespect and would jump directly to each other's throats. The first time that I was here that is exactly what happened, but regrettably, to my luck as much as I do not want to accept it none of us was able to do anything against each other as there was some kind of barrier separating our inner worlds, and no matter what we do we cannot break it. So, after the third time I was here, Gilgamesh just gave up, at least from the outside perspective, so we just basically shit talk to each other to see who pisses off the other more.

"I am getting tired of that attitude of yours, Mongrel," Gilgamesh said, narrowing his eyes.

"Stop barking and just say whatever the hell you want to say." Looking at him only irritates me to no end.

"You noticed, didn't you? Whatever this barrier is, it is getting thinner. "Gilgamesh said with a grin on his face. "That's why you want to leave this place, otherwise as you said, you would keep barking around like the mongrel you are."

"Despite the inconceivable thought that you, a lesser being like you born as a king. Even if every other king born after me is just an imposter, you are not half bad, for a mongrel that is." Gilgamesh said in a mocking tone, but soon his smirk turned into a scowl. "And somehow you are even worse than that faker."

For once I decided to remain silent, to hear what he was ranting about.

"All of you is fake, your personality playing around with those brats that you call friends, the courting rituals with that goddess just by the mere fact that you are overlapping her presence with your former paramour, your face, body, and even a name to call your own is just a mere offhand name that another mongrel gave you so your mind did not brake."

"And the best part is that you are even fake to yourself! The last faker I've met at least admitted that his ideals were drenched in hypocrisy, but you? You keep lying to yourself, trying to act all good and save some random people just because is the right thing when you could not care about them and calling yourself average, getting pissed by the slightest hint of flattery, acting all humble, saying that "It is nothing" or that they are giving you too much credit. Wanting to live around mediocrity just by the mere fact that you don't want to be alone once again. Quite hilarious that even if you say the contrary, you have a clear animosity towards the devils, and yet both of them are allergic to a G-word."

"Even In your previous life, you could have achieved greater things, but what did you do? You settled with a life of complacency and mediocrity, wanting to play the house with that woman Ao.."

"So what?" I said with an emotionless tone. "You honestly believe that I cannot see my own faults? That you know me better than I do? Quite arrogant of you, I must say."

"The thing is. I decided all of this." I said in a definitive tone.

"You say that my personality is fake? I choose to act like that, that is what is called being multifaceted, something that is pretty obvious for someone with my origin I might add."

"My face not being my own?" I snorted at that. "If I really cared about that meaningless thing I could have changed it ages ago or have you forgotten what my main magecraft is?" I retorted at his claim.

"As for my name…I concede, Kazuma could be a little less obvious when he decided it, but it really fits me so I decided to keep it."

"As for wanting to live in mediocrity, you could not be more far from the truth. Being mediocre is not the lack of ability but the lack of will to pursue your goals."

"I hate mediocre people, always whining about how they are not gifted enough to reach a certain goal or blaming others because they didn't have the drive to pursue it. Useless whiners, I almost hate them as much as the blood supremacists." Those were my heartfelt thoughts, and that is why I did not have a very good first impression of Ron.

"I abhor that they diminish my accomplishments as a mere product of my innate abilities and not the effort that it implies. Of course, I am not benighted to the fact that I am more skilled than others and how fragile the minds of the young ones are, so I like to play it cool to not hinder their development." But again, he tried to compare himself with Harry's ability in Quidditch.

"Trying to berate me calling my existence fake when barely a lustrum ago, I thought that you were nothing but a visual novel character, a product of someone else imagination. Giving me a litany of offenses of how hypocritical I am by not being a pompous, arrogant, self-entitled brat for not crying to the heavens that everyone else is beneath me."

"Sure, given by my prior actions it is clear for everyone that I enjoy drama not so ironically the "star" of the show, and making self-entitled imbeciles realize how tiny they are in the great scheme of things and you… are next."

"Kukuku hahaha !" Gilgamesh started to laugh madly. "Are you mad, boy? You defeating me? What a fool" Gilgamesh said humorously before continuing. "How foolish, I am…"

"You are nothing." It was not an opinion, belief, or viewpoint. It was a statement.

"Sure, your whole being might me something but now? You are no more than a fragment of a fragment. A splitter that is nothing but a momentary inconvenience in my path, a scrounger, something that will eventually cease to exist." I said with all the contempt that I could muster.

"So enjoy your delirium in the modicum power that you have over me as your days here are counted, there is no if just the when." With that statement of mine, the world started to tremble as some cracks started to appear in the now-visible barrier.

"And when the time comes, be sure that I will enjoy putting you in your place, writhing beneath my feet, making you realize how foolish you were by even daring to think that you could defeat me and more importantly…"

"You had the audacity of trying to mutter her name with that filthy cavity that you dare to call a mouth." The sole fact that he tried to use her memory, makes me want to rip every single of his extremities.

"It is personal now," I said with a seriousness that made me think that everything I said before this moment was nothing but lies.

"*hmm* getting so worked up for someone that does not even remember you, such foolishness." I will not even bother to highlight how humbug he is saying this.

"People only die when they are forgotten, so our moments together still live within me, even if I died once"

"So good luck in your futile endeavor of trying to control my body, 'cause I will never be forgotten again."

I will not…

"Your epic has ended far too long ago, but mine has not even reached its epilogue…"I looked at him with derision before giving him a taste of his own medicine.



Hello niece and nephew, it's Uncle Author and I am back!!!

Jezz man, what a crappy month I must say hahaha. Well, the good thing is that it is getting better after the bullshit that was recently happening in my work hahaha. That is one of the reasons that I was not able to update chapters or answer your comments so I apologize for that.

So yesterday was the anniversary of this fanfiction. The time flies when you do something that you enjoy hahaha. 1.54 M reads and 7.4 add to library!!! I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the support that you have given me so far, to both the old readers some of them since when the first chapter was update to the new ones.

I must admit that looking backward there are things that I would like to change *cough* Chapter 4 *cough* and also I would like to have more time to write more chapters and not go this slow-paced hahaha but not everything is possible. Recently someone complained about that I don't delete all the announcements…Well, I understand that it can be annoying for the new reader and the people who reread the novel, Yes I am looking at you PrimalWhiteStar *stares in Mexican* hahaha. But I keep them since there are a lot of positive comments from all of you and I don't want to erase them, so sorry if it is annoying.

So in the chapter, Yozora said "Yes" and the question was "Is violence the answer for anything?" hahaha. But being serious I know that many of you noticed the effects of the "Mental Corruption" in Yozora in the instance that he ironically went out of character Also someone once said that Yozora sometimes is too self-aware… so in this chapter, you got the answer of why and why does he always do many…flashy things taking into consideration his origins as you know that going against your Origin in the Nasuverse is practically impossible, the Emiya father and son being a prime example of that.

Here I would not say that Yozora went nuclear, believe me when I say that when he goes nuclear would be epic, not for nothing Fuga feels pity for other worlds that come after his.

As for Aqua….man I really think that I subconsciously have something against her hahaha. But as Fuga said she is the "Tragic Waifu", I really want them to meet each other again, but still not the time.

Also, I hope that you liked the use of Domain Expansion! Is something that I really have been planning for a long time since for obvious reasons he cannot use a Reality Marble for the moment. I have given some clues about it for a while and more details will be given in the next chapter.

As for Gilgamesh...he is going down…eventually. Have you ever heard about beating your inner demons? Well, I took it personally when I was writing Yozora hahaha but instead of demons an egomaniacal demi-god…I don't know what is worse tbh.

Finally, since things stabilized in my work I think that I will be able to write chapters more often, not to mention that my vacation is near.

So, with anything else to say, thank you for reading this chapter.

If you like this ff so far, please make a review on the main page, This will help me a lot so more people get interested in reading it.

Also, leave a comment with your thoughts on this chapter and maybe drop a stone or two(I am starving) hahaha.

See you again in the next chapter!