Happy New Year!

Hello everyone it's uncle author!

So first of all I wanted to apologize for not posting a chapter for the last couple of months.

Well it's the same ol' story, shitty work problems hahahaa.

Honestly I've been kinda depressed for the last couple of months for situations that are beyond my control, like someone else getting a promotion that in my humble opinion I deserved but for sophistry I did not get, fucking December was a rollercoaster of emotions mostly bad ones hahaha.

And on top of work problems I have the biggest Mental Block of my life hahahaha. Seriously I have written half of the chapter in like a week but then....poof I can't pass from one scene that is driving me nuts hahaha.

And just two weeks ago I had COVID-19 hahaha, but thankfully it wasn't a serious case. Sure I had some problems breathing for a couple of days but in comparison with how many other people had it, I was fine.

But besides yapping the year has not been all bad things and I think that I should be grateful for that.

My sister got a lot better and in great part is thanks to her boyfriend. And going outside of the classic troupe of being an overprotective brother that guy has been nothing but a gentlemen and a supportive man with her, a man of the finest type, so I am glad that someone like him it's with my sister.

My da' lost his job this year, but in a certain and weird way, it brought our family together, you know being more supportive with each other, having our backs together.

And while I did not get the promotion that I wanted, I did get a raise since I am being sent to another work area so it is good for me and my family.

And finally I have readers that have been supportive with me and cheer me up when I am down.

So you know, despite not being an "excellent" year, it was not a bad year.

I know that is kinda corny to wish everyone that you can accomplish all your goals since it's a new year and whatever....But I sincerely hope so. With how many negative things can often seem , a little of good will can help or at least I think so.

So I hope that everyone can have a great year.

With some luck and perseverance I will finish the chapter this month hahahaa, so see ya all, nieces and nephew soon.

Uncle Author, out!!!

*Drops the mic*