Chapter 6

"Death would be a blessing to Will", Wiley said.

He was repairing his broken shoulder piece. He had been up all night working. The damage was severe.

"That fool! Sonofabitch!!!! How dare he do this to me! I should have won! That rascal had someone helping him. I need to kill her before she kills me! But how?"

He was down in his basement. The only light he had was from a small lamp. His suit hung on a small clothes rack. The night was filled with silence. Just the perfect time for him to think.

"I need to find their weakness. But they have no powers! SHIT!", he cursed.

The workbench rocked a little. He grabbed a pair of pliers and began twisting some wires. There was a brief spark. After all, he did obtain superhuman powers. He could create dark matter.

"Why am I worried? Everything will work out. I can just kill them with a blast of matter", he chuckled.

He put the top part of his suit on. The damage was unnoticeable. He then took it off.

"I will find you Will and Margaret. And when I do, I will kill you! MWAHAHAHA!"

We started our day off with training. I taught Josh Martial Arts. He caught on pretty quick. We then sparred each other. He managed to knock me down but I got him with a sweeper kick. Margaret was watching with amusement. She had been shadow boxing in the mirror.

After training, we had breakfast at a Waffle House. Josh ate quickly.

"Slow down dude", Margaret warned.

"Sorry. I am just so hungry", Josh replied with a waffle in his mouth.

We finished up breakfast and started our day. Josh had left for school. He was a senior at New Yorker East High School.

"See you at work", Margaret said.

She left. I just stood there. My phone rung. It was Frank.

"Yes Frank?"

"I need you to come in to work. I have a situation that needs to be dealt with immediately", he explained.


I arrived at work. The front window had been repaired. Frank walked up to me. He had all his items with him.

"There is a gas leak at home. Can you take deliveries?", he asked.

"Sure", I said.

"You are a good man Will."

Frank ran out the store. I leaned over the front counter. It was only eight o' clock in the morning. I began having a flash back. This flashback was of my my family.


"You can make do it!", my dad yelled.

I was on the track team for my high school. We were in the finals. I was racing against two other people. If I didn't win, I would lose my scholarship to Yale. I came in second place. My world turned upside down. I quit the track team and my grades dropped. I stopped socializing with people. I began feeling worthless.

"Things will get better son", dad would say.

"All I can do is pray", I replied.

He gave me a pat on the back.

"Let's go workout", he said.

"Not tonight dad", I said.

He let out a sigh.

"Your mom would have been proud of you."

"Thanks dad."

He left the school in his red Mustang.


The front door opened. It was a customer. She wore blue jeans and a red jacket.

"Is Will Stoke here?", she asked.

"That is he", I replied.

"My name is Detective Bailey of the New York Police Department. Can I speak to you for a second?"

My heart pounded. What if she knew?

"S-sure", I stammered.

"As you might have known, there's a vigilante on the loose. I want to know about him. And his sidekick."

"All I can say is that from the media, they are a menace."

She walked around the store. She seemed to be inspecting. She walked to the back of the store.

"Do you honestly believe them? Do you think they are really a menace?", she questioned while looking around.

"Well I honestly think they're innocent. They fight evil. They are a voice for the innocent. We need more people like them!", I protested.

"Good to know. Now tell me, have you ever met him?"

My heart was pounding. She was asking too many questions. I knew if I told her I was him, she'd arrest me.

"No. I haven't. But my shift lead has met him twice."

After I said that, Margaret walked in.

"Here is her now."

Margaret looked surprised.

"Hi Margaret. I'm Detective Bailey. May I ask you a few questions?", Bailey asked.

"Sure", Margaret replied.

"Have you met The Vigilante?"

"Yes ma'am. He is there for the people. A true guardian."

Bailey's phone rung. She answered it while walking outside. When she went out, Margaret ran over to me.

"Who is she?", she asked.

"I think she knows our identities. But don't say anything that'll give her a hunch."

Bailey walked back in.

"I am needed at a crime scene. Here is my business card", she said as she handed me a white card.

She bolted out the door. Margaret was becoming nervous. She was trembling.

"Everything will be alright. I promise", I assured.

"She is going to find out about us. If that happens, then we'll be sent to prison. And if we are in prison, then the crime rate will go up", she insisted.

"Think about all the heroes you have read about. From Spiderman to Batman. All of them managed to hide their identities. We can do the same."

She took the business card from my hand. There was a white star on it. She took her right index finger and slid it across it. Her eyes widened.

"This star seems familiar. I can't put my finger on it. It stands for something", she explained.

"What does it mean?", I asked.

"It is related to H.A.N.D."

"But they broke up. Once Possessor was defeated, that was the end of it. Only Michael and Ryein survived."

"No. Something isn't right. This was about two decades ago. How does she know about them?"

"Maybe she worked for them. Or one of her relatives knew them", I suggested.

"What if that was Ryein?", she said.

"That couldn't be here. She would be in her forties. Detective Bailey look young."

Margaret paced back and forth. She was gnawing on her thumbnail.

"I think she knows something. I think she is a vigilante. She was the first person to talk to us. She might have already known about us."

I thought this through. Why would Bailey want to come after us if she is a detective? The front door opened. It was a party of five people.

"How may I help you guys?", I said.

"We would like five small greek salads. No dressing", said the shortest of them.

"Your total will be thirty four dollars and nineteen cents."

Once they paid, Margaret made their order. The group of men looked sketchy. One of them was staring at me with interest.

"May I help you?", I asked him.

He just stood there. I couldn't tell what he was feeling. I excused myself from the area. The tension in the room intensified. The men began walking towards me.

"What is going on here?", I questioned.

They were silent. Margaret grabbed her phone to dial 911. Before she could dial, her phone shutoff. Along with it was the power to the store. Four of the five guys vanished. There was only one guy. He was wearing an all black suit.

"Who are you?", I asked.

"The Shock!", he said.

A bolt of electricity was shot at me. I dove to the ground. Margaret ran to the back of the store.

"You will die Vigilante!", he said.

"What did I do to you?", I belted.

The Shock was about the same height as Wiley. He somehow had superhuman powers.

"You want to stop our doing!", The Shock yelled.

"Give me a break! I am doing you. a favor!"

He shot a wave of electricity at Margaret. She jumped away. She had managed to change into her suit and grab her bow and arrows. An arrow hit The Shock's arm. He let out a cry. Margaret and I stood in shock. Standing in the entrance of the front door was a lady in black and white. Who was she?