
"The Calvorite head sector, Jeremy Tyran, is eyeing on the temporary implementation of a rule that comprised of searching and authorizing a house-to-house clear inspection to prevent the entry and hiding of Telamur fugitives and runaways to our land's citizens' homes."

The Cassanos were having an early breakfast inside their conference room. The hall that was still out-of-bounds of Zella's reach and the only room they can talk about their pressures and secrets of.

Randall scooped up his cereals, but he immediately put it down when he heard the news. Vincent poured milk down the glass, and it's now spilling out. Etienne and Jon Cho glanced at each other, their jaws dropping.

"Jeremy Tyran signed the new rule effective as of tomorrow."

The flash of headlines flourished once again and was dubbed by another actor.