Swimming Pool

It is a danger sign; a war that might broke out. Nothing can replace the grudge Tina had on the protesters, and it has been going on for 20 years. Someone dared to break the cycle, and they gone wiped out from the map. 

"What if they're doing this to show that Idris has a division? That among the people leading us, Tina has been dictating every people to bow down their heads once they read the law… does it sound right to live in a prison like this?" 

Leo was slowly waking up. If it weren't for Zella, he wouldn't open his eyes. Leo's going to turn a blind eye to every possible thing that'll rise from the ashes. Deaths after deaths, blood after blood, and a tooth for tooth. 

"We killed them in a blink of an eye, thinking it is right, like they didn't plead for innocence. We thought there's freedom if we deal with what they desired, but the Cassanos are also one of their lapdogs—the people they'll discard when they're no longer of use."