
Leo isn't such a good influence to begin with. He has been a nuisance to what Zella could be growing. For instance, he knew it isn't love. Leo must be just retarded to the fact and idea of being in love, and to the parts of having a partner. Zella is the only female present inside a room, and Leo grabbed the chance to have a fling with her. 

As they go on and roundabout the police station, Leo couldn't form an answer. 

He was longing for her presence, missing her every single second, and to the point where everything has gone nothing else but good. Leo shouldn't come up with a lie, and answer it right inside her heart. Zella would have gone far beyond to what he truly knew. 

Leo cleared his throat, saying, "I'm not sure, Jeremy. I was aware of my feelings, but I disagree that it was love. More than I do want to label it as that, I must have… admired her will to escape a land's prejudice, in what she should call home."