The President's Message

Demised and toothed skin of a person clashed towards Leo's flashlight and hand. In such a drastic change, Leo's instincts awoken, retrieving a crowbar from his bag. The light dimmed through their feet, illuminating the shadows on the nearby wall. Zella was fast, too, reaching out to the holster plastered in her jumpers. 

She pushed down the trigger, but Leo's body clattered at the back, sliding his feet like an ice skater. Etienne and Jon Cho reacted fast, sent a flying kick to the attacker, which is a bizarre, tall, and mounting person. His skin was dry, thin to bones, and one slap of a hand, the body's have gone red, bruising fast. 

Louise fell down on the back, but Zella locked the gun first, before coming to her rescue. The boys started to fistfight, taking turns on punching and injuring the man. Getting stuck on a mess intervene the plans they had made rapidly.