
Agatha's eyes fluttered open, and she stared at the plain white ceiling above her. Sunlight crept into the room brightly, making it harder for her to adjust to the light.

Slowly but surely, she moved her head sideways, which was a very painful move because of the severe headache she was going through. But the little she saw, she knew she wasn't in her room.

She was in a hospital.

Right. Father beat me to a pulp. How could I forget that?

She tried lifting her arms, but even that proved painful, with all the needles connected to her and going all the way to different IV bags, some with saline, while some holding blood.

She could hear her own breathing due to the oxygen mask placed over her nose and mouth, making it harder to smell or talk.

But through all that thing, Agatha knew one thing. Her whole body was bandaged from head to toe.

Oh God...how ugly I must look. Please don't tell me they saw me like this? At least not Romeo? Please!

This is just so embarrassing.