
One Week Later:

The news of the death of Alexander Russo had spread far and wide, and that doesn't only include the whole of Italy, but the whole world. And in that one week, a lot has happened to The Cross Sword mafia.

First of the first, attacks from rivals.

While many hadn't dropped their guard down as they believed Gustav was still alive and their first and foremost threat, some of them that had pledged their loyalty to Xander or had an enmity with him were not very open sighted.

For they took this as their chance and attacked the Russo’s in every way they could possibly do, but the results were fruitless on their side. They had managed to cause little to no damage at all to the Cross Sword Mafia.

For this was something Gustav had seen coming, and he had already prepared himself, and not just that, but he also knew who was mostly likely to attack.