Ep.3 guild starts hunting for John

A day later after the chairmen posted the high rank scout roster most guilds after seeing johns ability were dumbfounded

A women with blonde hair with blue eyes and a lotus flower pin on her suit looked at her computer before shouting "Someone get me a call to the hunters alliance right now!!" Before a man ran in with a phone and left after receiving the phone the women said "hello I would like to set up a scouting meeting with John steward as soon as possible and as for who is asking tell him it's guildmaster Mary rose of the lotus flower guild" before hanging up

At the same time a man at a boxing ring with a lion tattoo on his back got a call

The man drenched in sweat said to the caller "I'm in the middle of my workout so it better be important" then a young voice said over the phone

"Sir a S rank appraisal skill has appeared on the scouting roster would you like us to have a meeting set up with him?" The man in the ring then said

"yes set up a meeting and tell me his name" before the young man said "very well sir and his name is John steward" before hanging up the man drenched in sweat left the ring before thinking 'finally a stepping stone to bring me power over the other guilds I'll have to make sure those vultures don't eat the kid alive' before entering the showers

A few hours after the roster was updated a man with an eyepatch with a sword exited a rift with a few others barely injured and after exiting he received a call saying that a S rank appraisal appeared he said "set up a scouting meeting with this John Stewart and tell me if the other top guilds request it to" before hanging up

Meanwhile John who enter the bar just in time for rush hour sneezed and Jess said "hurry up I need some help over"before John got to work not knowing all of the guilds we're going crazy