Ep.9 out of the frying pan and into the fire

Shortly before John finished the meeting

Jess was cleaning up the bar when she heard a loud bang on the door before she said

"Sorry we're closed for the day" then she heard a young voice say "I don't care we want drinks so open up and serve us!" Before Jess heard a kick and said "I told you were closed now leave or I'll call the cops!"

Afterwards she hear the man say "if you don't open it up we'll burn it down before you call the cops"

Before Jess could say anything a different voice could be heard saying "screw it let's just burn it no one refuses to serve our pyro guild let's teach this area a lesson"before the previous man said [fireball] and shooting it at the door and one in the windows before leaving

Jess starting to panic went upstairs to get some photos and went into johns room grabbing a family photo and grabbing a fire extinguisher before heading downstairs to the front door as she was using the fire extinguisher to clear a path to the front a wooden beam nearly fell on top of her and yelled "help! Anyone!"

John jumping from rooftops to get to the bar and to Jess saw when he got close hunters pushing people back John jumped over them and barged in the front door yelling "JESS! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Before finally finding Jess under a burning board and removed the wooden board then picked Jess up holding some photos before running out

After leaving the burning building with Jess he set her down and yelled "IS THERE A HEALER HERE PLEASE!?" Before a young man came over and started healing her

John after leaving Jess to the healer turned to his bar and family home standing still about to cry then yelled as loud as a train horn "AHHHHHH!!"

People backed away from John like he was a monster before John dropped on his knees looking at this home be destroyed and muttered to himself

'Whoever did this will pay' before the chairmen walked up to John and said "I'll find whoever did this you have my word that their lives in jail will be hard" before patting John on the shoulder

as he was about to leave he heard John say with a dead voice without any life to it

"No whoever burned down my family home and nearly killed my only family will answer to me and me alone" before he got up and left the area