Ep.17 justice

After leaving the void guild building John still wearing the fox mask got a phone call and it was listed as chairmen so John answered and said

"Mr chairmen how can I help you"

The chairmen then said "the pyro guild master is in my office with a few of her subordinates I would like for you to join us in a meeting soon"

After the chairmen said this John thought

'Finally, time to deliver justice'

While still being on the call John said "I just finished my meeting with the void guild for our mutual agreement so I'm not far and as for when I arrive tell the front desk that a man with a fox mask will ask to see you and call me unknown to not leak my identity"

After understanding what John meant the chairmen chuckled and said "very well I'll have it arranged" before hanging up and looking to Diana who was sitting on a couch sipping some tea with 6 others with bruises,cuts and black eyes while they all sat on the floor behind her

The chairmen then picked up the phone and dialled the front desk saying "this is the chairmen, soon a man wearing a fox mask will wish to speak with me just don't ask questions and send him up" before hearing a young man say "very well sir is their anything else I can help you with?"

The chairmen then said "no that will be all thank you" before hanging up and looking to Diana and saying "soon johns backer will come here and as he has a personal relationship with him I doubt he'll be happy to hear your subordinates burned down his favourite bar"

Diana then almost choked on her tea at the chairmen's remark and thought

'How big is this kids backer!? Is it someone from the top 500 in the leaderboards!?' Diana thinking of all the possible reasons started to shake

Meanwhile as John was attracting some attention because of his mask stopped in front of the hunters alliance headquarters and entered the door

Before making his way to the front desk a women stood up and walked over to John who was wearing the fox mask and said with a smile "hello sir the chairmen is expecting you please follow me"

John then nodded and followed the lady to the elevator and brought him to the chairmen's door and knocked then said "Mr chairmen I've brought the guest you were expecting"

After hearing the women the chairmen then said

"bring him in please" before the door opened and everyone saw a man in a black trench coat with a fox mask say "good evening mr chairmen I heard good things from John it's a pleasure to meet you" before extending his hand to the chairmen

While shaking johns hands he said "I assume your hear to meet the ones responsible for johns current predicament?" Before looking at Diana who was sweating while looking at John

After seeing Diana, John sat on the couch and said in an angered voice to Diana

"So you're the one who let go of the leash of your dogs hmm?"

Diana after hearing him quickly said "Sir I am sorry for what my subordinates have done and to make up for it I've already started construction to rebuild the building and I have punished the ones who started it all" before pointing to the 6 men with cuts bruises and black eyes

After a few moments of silence John said with a lifeless voice "once the construction is done I don't want you or your guild to even think about John and I'm letting you all of easy as I said to John I wanted to skin you alive then burn you to ash but John made the choice to spare you so next time you see him you will do well to mind your manners"

While the chairmen was on the verge of laughing Diana looked like it was the end of the world and said with a trembling voice "I swear I will never make John see me or my guild again once the construction is finished" before standing up and dragging the 6 men out

After Diana left John took off the mask and started laughing along with the chairmen