Ep.29 rift exploration pt2

John after hearing the man on the two headed dog said "what are you?" After trying to use [appraisal] to get a system notification

(Unable to use appraisal on this target)

Sebastian then said while chuckling

"I'm a demon but to be exact I'm the demon lord of the 81st hell and this is my Cerberus named kookaburra"

John then used appraisal on the Cerberus and saw it's status


[age] undetermined

[level] 689

After seeing the level John asked while pointing his weapon at them

"What do you want and why am I the only one who could enter this rift?"

Sebastian then said while slowly walking down the Cerberus's arm to Johns height "because you are special and to insure that we can have a conversation in private, follow me" before taking out a two katana's and slashing the air creating another rift and walking threw and while John was reluctant to go in kookaburra shrank to the size of a bull and pushed John into the rift before it closed after John and kookaburra entered the rift

Meanwhile outside the rift

The chairmen who just arrived at the construction site yelled out to everyone "I DONT WANT ANYONE TO COME NEAR THIS RIFT!"

As people were running around setting up blockades the chairmen was about to make a call before hearing a deafening roar and looked up to see a dragon that was black and gold with some scars on its body land by him and carrying a hundred or so people wearing some red and gold armour with a dragons skull symbol on their armour before they jumped down from the dragon and saluted the chairmen

Then a women with pink hair wearing a black and white armour walked to the chairmen and said

"Hello chairmen Damian plover my name is Jenny flaks vice guild leader of the dragon slayers" but before the chairmen could say anything the 40ft tall black and gold dragon slowly morphed into a human with red hair wearing a greatsword on his back that was clearly made out of a reptile and walked over to the chairmen and asked before looking at the portal "Riley scotch, what's the situation and who entered the rift?" The chair then bowed a little and said "it's an honour to meet you both and only one person was able to enter and the name was John Stewart of the man who entered the rift"

Riley and Jenny both looked at each other and Riley said to the chairmen

"if he survives this rift I will wish to speak to him"

The chairmen said with a cold voice

"I won't allow him to be poached by you as John is special but I'll try to set up a meeting"

After hearing the chairmen Riley then said while holding out his hand

"I'll only want a meeting nothing more but for now let's hope the kid survives" before turning to his subordinates and yelling

"Everyone ready yourselves for combat should the rift break! Jenny set up the barrier and help the chairmen out where you can"

Before he heard everyone yell "YES GUILD MASTER"

Then after everyone dispersed Jenny activated her SS rank ability [walls of absolute power] before a clear white dome surrounded the construction site and the 3 blocks over and said to Riley who was standing facing the black rift "barrier is up!"

Riley then muttered while still looking at the rift

"Now we wait"

Meanwhile John who got pushed into the portal by kookaburra saw in front of him a tower that went above the clouds and saw Sebastian in front of a door and said "where are we?"

While still getting pushed by kookaburra

Sebastian then said

"We are at my home the world pillar" before opening a door to a small dinner table and pulled out a seat and said

"Please sit we have much to discuss"

But before John could say anything kookaburra picked him up by biting his shirt and put him in the chair

Before walking over to Sebastian and lying down

After Sebastian sat down he said "I bet you have some questions"

John while slightly shaking said

"What do you mean by the king of the 81st hell, how many are there?"

Sebastian then said

"While we talk your baby dragon is starving give it this" before snapping his fingers and a giant leg of meat the size of 2 story building appeared beside John

Before John could say anything a system notification popped up

(Host is in the area of high grade demonic bull meat and it is recommended to feed to *Draco so to speed up its growth)

(Would you like to feed soul pet Draco?(Y/N) before John clicked anything he asked Sebastian

"what's your goal and how am I special?"

Sebastian then said with a cold voice that sent shivers down johns spine

"To make a ally capable of helping with the war against the heavens and the other demon lords"

John just sat there being confused and shocked and asked Sebastian

"Why would I help you and how many heavens and hells are there?"

Sebastian then said chuckled and said while giving a creepy smile and bloodlust vide as if saying he just wanted to kill anything that moves

"There's 1000 hells and 1000 heavens but what makes you think you have a choice on whether or not you help me rule the heavens and hells"

before disappearing and then reappeared beside John while holding one of his katanas by johns neck and join after feeling the katana slowly cut his neck quickly grabbed his guandao but before he could grab it Sebastian said while shaking his head "that's not nice but now I know what you choose" before grabbing the guandao and throwing it away from John and as John got up and ran to the guandao Sebastian took out both katanas and threw them at johns legs then jumped on them to stake Johns legs to the ground before running a knife against Johns neck and saying "last chance to join me" John then spat blood that was in his mouth at Sebastian

After backing away Sebastian yelled "how dare you!! I'll skin you alive!" Before slashing at John to then be blown away but a bright golden light and hearing a voice yell "you have broken the rules for the last time Sebastian!"

Meanwhile Sebastian summoned his two katanas freeing John and said with an happy voice

"Well well well hello Gabriel come to fight me again after losing 3 thousand years ago?"

John then looked up and saw a 15ft man wearing white with glowing gold armour and 8 wings on his back say

"You have broken the rules of the worlds and will be punished"

Before kneeling down and healing John and said "stay here I'll handle him"

Before turning to Sebastian and drawing two greatswords and saying "this time you will interfere with the game no longer!" Before charging Sebastian

Sebastian then said

"Finally I get to skin you again I've been waiting for over 3000 years!!" Before jumping up and slashing at Gabriel