Ep.32 angel vs the demon lord and John vs Cerberus pt3

While John reached the vault door

Sebastian who was still fighting Gabriel with six arms now and frantically slashing at Gabriel

Said before blocking an attack from Gabriel

"I must know before I kill the human after destroying your vessel, why are the heavens interfering this time? The other two games you bastards didn't"

Gabriel after swinging his swords at Sebastian who dodged at the last second said with a mocking voice

"You see humanity as fodder while the heavens see potential"

And just as Gabriel was about to charge Sebastian

He and Sebastian heard a deafening roar that wasn't the Cerberus but sounded like a dragon

While a chandelier fell from the roof and crashed on the ground Sebastian was that first to say with a angered voice

"What was that!?"

Before feeling like he was split in two and then after a few moments said

"impossible!! How could that weak human beat kookaburra And reach the vault!"

While Gabriel was laughing saying

"You demons always underestimate humanity and let it get the better of you"

Before teleporting to where Sebastian was catching him off guard slashing two of his arms off as Sebastian was wondering how John killed kookaburra

Sebastian then teleported to the other end of the hall grew two arms back but when he did that his other arms carrying katanas shrank a little.

Sebastian after realizing he was out of time otherwise John would've reach his crystal soon yelled

"[Hell storm]!"

And soon after a fire tornado was spinning around Sebastian and as it kept going longer and longer the tornado grew causing the whole white area to burn to ash

As soon as the barrier was down Sebastian ran to the stairs to stop John but Gabriel after sensing the barrier would fall said

"Oh no you don't! [chains of light]!"

After Gabriel shot chains out of his hands grabbing Sebastian and throwing him to a wall before saying

"Your not going anywhere! [imprisonment of the holy land!" And shooting a transparent white iron maiden trapping Sebastian in it

After a few minutes as Sebastian was about to break out he felt his rift crystal be destroyed and screamed

"NOOO! I refuse to get killed by a human!"

Before the cage vanished and Sebastian fell to the ground looking like a old man who could barely walk around

And as Gabriel released the cage and saw Sebastian he laughed and said

"You demons always think your strength is what matters but it's not"

Before turning to John who just entered the room with Draco following him who said

"Thank you for your help and now that I've destroyed the crystal all I need to do is kill him right?"

Before pointing at Sebastian who was using a katana to stand up while pointing another at John and Gabriel.

Gabriel then said

"yes and when you kill him I'll be waiting over here" before flapping his wings over to a bench that was nearly destroyed

John after seeing Gabriel fly away he turned to Sebastian and said

"I will never spill unnecessary blood so if you do no harm to humanity I will let's you live"

before pointing his guandao at Sebastian

Sebastian who still had trouble standing yelled

"NEVER! I WILL NEVER STOP TO KILL YOU HUMANS!" Before running at John and slashing at his neck

John the said with a cold voice

"So be it"

Before jumping over Sebastian and stabbing him in the back with his guandao and then twisted it causing a hole in the middle of Sebastian

Sebastian yelled while slowly turning to ash


After seeing Sebastian turn to ash and become dust John received some system notifications

(You have destroyed demon lord Sebastian causing the throne of the 81st hell to become empty to the next demon)

(You have been rewarded 131 levels for clearing a black rift alone accomplishing the impossible)

(You may return to earth at any time by saying 'Return' but if you stay for more then two hours you will be forced to leave the rift)

John after confirming that Sebastian was dead turned to Gabriel who was standing in front of a broken table and said while bowing slightly

"Thank you for saving my life without your help I would have died"

Gabriel then said

"Do not thank me yet for we will meet again but I have enough time to answer one question so quickly ask"

John immediately asked Gabriel who was slowly disappearing

"Why is this happening to me!" And before Gabriel completely disappeared he said

"Because you can either save the world or destroy it in the ultimate game for the universe"

After a few moments john thought while staring where Gabriel was 'game for the universe?'