Ep.36 the start of the Arcane Executors guild pt1

The next day as john was making some breakfast with Jess when his phone rang and when John picked it up he saw the caller as unknown and answered saying


Then a familiar voice was heard saying

"Am I speaking to John Stewart?"

John then said after taking another bite out of a sandwich

"This is John, who is this?"

Then voice then said

"This is Jimmy rouge"

John then replied saying

"How can I help you jimmy"

Jimmy then said with a happy voice

"I just wanted to thank you for the ability growth and wanted to repay you and I heard from Riley that you'll be starting a guild of your own so consider this as a gift to"

John before he could respond saw a notification on his laptop saying

[transfer received from the prophecy guild $30,000,000]

John then said with a shocked expression

"Thank you and when I have finally set up my guild I'll let's you know the details for the upgrade but remember that you can choose a candidate once a month and not for free"

Jimmy then laughed and said

"I'll remember the terms and of course it won't be for free"

John said after putting his dishes in the sink

And confirming the amount that was gifted on his laptop

"Thank you again now I will need to hang up and set up my guild goodbye"

Before hanging up the phone and saying to Jess

Who was still eating

"I'm guessing your wondering about the guild I'll make?"

Jess then said after finishing her sandwich

"Well with your skills you can turn a rock into a diamond so yea I kinda expected you to make a guild but promise me something"

John then said

"And that would be?"

Jess then said while typing something on Johns laptop

"You make me vice guild leader"

John then said with a happy expression

"You think I'm going to give it to someone other then you?"

Jess then smiled and said while turning the computer around to reveal a hunters office website

"Good then I'll find a suitable location for the office while focusing on the staff and your secretary"

John then after writing down a number from the money transferred from jimmy said

"I received this from one of our allies, so we can use this to order the building but while you handle that I'm going to head downtown to meet the chairmen and scout the first few hunters"

Jess said after seeing the number and looking back at the website said before she started typing

"Ill arrange the contract to the hunters you hire then I'll deal with the other stuff"

John then nodded and said before flipping a sign saying we're closed

"Take as much time as you need"

Before walking outside and getting into a taxi towards the hunters alliance headquarters

After reaching the hunters alliance and paying the taxi John entered the building and made his way to the front desk and said to the young men at the desk

"Hello my name is John Stewart and I'd like to create my own guild and receive the low rank scouting list"

The man behind the desk smiled and said before handing John a clipboard with some paper and a pen on it

"Ah Mr.Stewart the chairmen has made the preparations for the scouting list but I can guide you to a private room to fill out the guild creation forms"

John then said with a smile

"Lead the way"

The young man then said

"Follow me please"

before leading John to a room with a red number 8 on it and said before opening the door to reveal

John then said while looking at the table in front of him with some weapons and a couple of books

"I assume that these items are to be appraised?"

The young man nodded and said

"Indeed, the chairmen as ordered me to guide you to this room for appraisal and to privately list your information about the guild you will create so I will be right out side the door"

Before handing John a tablet for the items and a couple pieces of paper with the words in bold on it saying

{guild registration}

John said to the young man while inspecting the papers

"Thank you, I'll let you know when I'm finished"

The young man then bowed and said before exiting the room

"Take your time and if you need anything I'll be outside the door"

Once the man left John pulled out the tablet and started writing down the info of the items

After the items were listed he moved to the books

When John noticed something with one of the books

[incomplete Phoenixes rebirth cycle]


[description] (passive) (useable 3 times)

A phoenixes ashes when killed for their final time will deliver partial knowledge of their rebirth cycle allowing the user to be reborn from their ashes when killed but only for a limited number of times

John after writing the information down thought

'Seems I'll need to do more appraisal work to find more information about items and other things'

Before remembering that he couldn't use his appraisal on Sebastian When he entered the rift alone

After about an hour John then opened the door and gave the young man from earlier the tablet and said

"All the information is there and may I see the scouting lists for when I submit the guild information"

The young man then said after checking the information from the tablet

"Thank you for the appraisal on the items just now,

The chairmen said that you will be compensated for the appraisal when these items go on the auction house and as for the rate you'll receive the chairmen has set the rate to 20%"

John then said with a confused face

"auction house?"

The young man then said while writing down on a piece of paper and then handing it to John

"The Toronto's auction house will host the bidding this Friday and most of these items will go there and be sold to the highest bidder, this paper has the address on it"

John then put the paper in his pocket and said

"Thank you now may I see the scouting list?"

The young man then said before handing John another tablet and opening a hunters scouting website

"Here you are sir. All guilds have access to the hunters scouting website but only a select few from the chairmen or someone of equal importance have access to the high rank scouting list"

John then asked while looking through the list

"What's the difference between the high and low rank?"

The young man said

"The low and high ranks are determined by the rank off the skill. Low rank skills are F ranks to B ranks and high ranks are A rank to SSS rank and any high ranks are handle very carefully by the chairmen or someone on equal status as the chairmen"

John then nodded and said

"Good to know thank you"

The young man then said after checking the guild registration papers from John

"Is this all the information for your new guild you will create?"

John then smiled and said


Before the young man could say anything his phone rang and said to John before answering it

"Excuse me for a moment"

While the man was on the phone call John started looking at the low rank scouting list and was making mental notes on hiring hunters for his guild before seeing a few interesting questions ones

{Robert rose}

[alchemist] C-rank

{Arthur Ross}

[beast tamer] C-rank

{Kim grant}

[heal] F-rank

While John was making notes of people to scout the young man suddenly said

"Sir can I speak to you for a moment?"

John turned and said to the man


After getting Johns attention the man said

"My higher ups called me and said that you can have access to the high rank scouting list so I can upgrade the system on the table to look at the high ranks list"

John then chuckled and said

"No need I won't need the high rank list"

The man was dumbfounded as most guild masters would do anything to have access to the list and said

"Sir you really need to think this through some more"

John then said while looking back at the low rank list

"One man's trash is another's treasure"

The young man didn't bother anymore and said while looking at the list that John was holding

"If you want to book a scouting appointment with any hunter you can call the hunters alliance"

John then nodded and said before seeing the man leave

"Thank you"