Chapter 73 A Question

Zhou Ying greeted the crowd. After choosing the spot for the shed, she left them to their things and returned to the front yard.

After a short while, the women who wanted to learn to grow bean sprouts came over one after another.

After everyone had arrived, Zhou Ying started her lesson. She told them the whole process of growing bean sprouts and the things to pay attention to.

In the end, she even took them to the kitchen for a visit. The whole process took less than 15 minutes, and the women were in disbelief.

"If I knew it was so simple, I wouldn't have come to learn," someone said regretfully." I've just thrown in a hundred clay bricks for nothing."

"No one forced you to come."

Mrs. Bai turned her head and scolded the person. "Besides, everyone knows how to cook, but the same dish will taste different when cooked by different people. If you want to sell your food for money, you have to learn how to cook, don't you?"