Chapter 126 The Manor (3)

At the same time, Zhou Ying also learned that the main output of this manor was cattle and sheep. 

Although more than 100 acres of fertile land could grow wheat, millet, soybeans, and other grains, nothing was left after feeding the people in the manor and the livestock. If the year's harvest were terrible, they would need to buy some from outside to supplement the livestock feed.

When Chang Shun saw them out, the couple went to the fields to look around. The wheat was growing well, but there were many cracks in the ground, and the legs of their pants had turned white.

"Uncle Chang, isn't this place a little too dry?" Zhou Ying couldn't help but frown.

"It's a little dry. In previous years, there were already two rounds of rain and snow at this time. However, there was only one huge rain this year, barely wetting the ground. So, the land is naturally dried.