Chapter 144 Grassland Taste

"It's what he should do. You guys go ahead." After Manager Liu finished, he looked at Sun Hongliang and said, "Since Mrs. Zhou gave you a chance, you must do your best."

"Don't worry, uncle. I will do my best." Sun Hongliang bowed.

After the two of them sent off Manager Liu, Zhou Ying took Sun Hongliang to the kitchen and introduced him to the main dishes in the restaurant.

Finally, she said, "Bring a menu home later and note the main points. Also, there will be a 30% discount event tomorrow.

"We'll only charge 70% of the total price, which is one of our publicity highlights. You must remember it well.

"In addition, we have a membership point system. If anyone spends ten taels of silver tomorrow, you will issue them a membership card until you have issued all 100 cards.