Chapter 172 New Year (8)

"Yes, yes. We'll talk another day when we're free." Mrs. Yao echoed and immediately followed Mrs. Liu.

Zhou Ying took this opportunity to leave but didn't go with them. Instead, she returned to her own home to prepare a hotpot.

She didn't forget Gu Chengrui said that Gu Chengxi would come for a hotpot meal today.

So she got busy after she got home. She prepared some other dishes and knew Gu Chengxi needed to eat more, so she cooked two bags of rice noodles.

When it was almost noon, she prepared a pot of charcoal. However, there was no copper pot at their home, so she had to use a small iron pot instead.

On the other hand, Gu Chengrui couldn't leave as easily as she did. His clan surrounded him, and he had to explain chili and vegetable planting to them.

It wasn't until the smell of rice came from the patriarch's house that they took their leave.

After he came out, Gu Chengxi immediately chased after him. "Hi, hi, third brother."