Chapter 208 Borrowing Ice

No matter what the villagers presumed, the matter was settled. Although the profits were much lower, there was still work to do, so the villagers weren't too unhappy.

In the end, Gu Chengrui told Father Gu and Second Uncle Gu about Qiao Lansheng's arrest. If they wanted to start a shipping business, they could start now.

At least, no one would be targeting them.

Zhou Ying took advantage of an opportunity while importing more soybeans and green beans over the next half-month. She took out 5,000 pounds of flour from her interspace and put them in the restaurant's warehouse.

She also prepared 10,000 pounds of black, unrefined flour for the long-term workers in the manor and a boat of bran and tofu dregs for the cattle and sheep, which should be enough to feed them for half a year.

At the same time, they planted sweet potatoes on 80% of the land around their house. In the future, if they wanted to promote the seeds, they would have a source.