Chapter 218 Framing (2)

"But I've eaten crabs a lot in the past, and this has never happened." Father Tian was full of doubts, and he ran out in a hurry.

"Can I see what you guys ate tonight?" Gu Chengrui looked at Tian Jingzhong and asked.

"Bring Doctor Gu over." Tian Jingzhong turned his head and spoke to the maidservant.

The maidservant responded and brought Gu Chengrui to the dining room. Other than crabs, there was nothing else out of the ordinary.

After that, he checked them one by one, especially the hot pot soup base. He didn't want to cause trouble for the restaurant.

Finally, he looked at the beef and mutton. He pointed to some loose meat strips and asked the maidservant, "Where did you buy this beef and this mutton? The meat doesn't look very fresh."

"I don't know either." The servant shook her head.

"It can't be. I heard that this was fresh meat that had just been slaughtered. " Tian Jing Zhong followed over and said.