Chapter 221 Happy News

After the seedlings were planted, no one expected that the county would distribute some wheat seeds as assistance. However, there weren't many—only enough to plant half the land.

But this was already enough to make the people happy.

Therefore, just in case, the paddy fields near the river were all changed to dry land and planted with spring wheat.

Zhou Ying didn't change her plan. She still intended to plant white sweet potatoes throughout the manor.

A month later, people began to get their income back from the fields because the vegetables matured, and smiles appeared on their faces again.

One day, Zhou Ying returned to the village early because she was having her period, which was unpleasant.

On the way, they just happened to meet Madam Qiao walking outside, so she had to go up and greet her. "Grandma, are you taking a walk?"

"Yeah, are you not busy at the restaurant today?" Madam Qiao greeted her back with a smile.