Chapter 260 Delivering Food

However, Mrs. Yao also knew it wasn't appropriate for them to keep receiving the young couple's goodwill without returning the favor. She could only reply, "Our situation isn't good either. Why don't we give them 20 pounds?"

After Madam Qiao heard it, her heart felt much better, although she was still dissatisfied. She looked at Father Gu and ordered, "50 pounds is my final decision. Also, bring some dried vegetables over."

After she finished speaking, she went back to her room.

"Mother, I'll remember it. I'll send it over in a while." Father Gu spoke hurriedly.

Mrs. Liu wanted to refute, but Father Gu glared at her. She could only snort coldly and said to Mrs. Guo, "Hurry up and wash the dishes. Who are you waiting for?"

Although Mrs. Guo was unwilling, she didn't want to be someone Mrs. Liu could vent her anger on. She immediately got up and got busy.

When Mrs. Sun saw this, she immediately got up and helped.