Chapter 268 A Small Joke

"You too. It's just too hot these days. Remember to drink two bottles of energy drink every day to prevent dehydration."

"I will." Zhou Ying replied. She got up, lit a plate of mosquito incense, and put it in the room.

Coincidentally, someone came to visit Gy Chengrui for medical consultation. He got up and went to attend to the patient.

When he was sending the patient off, Zhou Ying found that his leg was walking funny and his shoulder was stiff. When he returned, she asked directly, "You're not feeling heaty but injured, right?"

Gu Chengrui was stunned for a moment and shook his head. "Why would I be injured? I'm a doctor, not a guard. Let's quickly pack up and enter the interspace."

Zhou Ying snorted coldly after hearing that. She got out of bed and walked in front of him, raised her hand, and was about to take off his clothes.

Gu Chengrui quickly grabbed her hand and said, "Don't. I'm injured, but there's no wound. A stick just hit me."