Chapter 318 Marriage

"I'm not too good at it, but I've studied for a few years.

"However, after I passed the exam, my family was too poor, so I changed to practicing martial arts and became an armed bodyguard."

"No wonder you could speak your words clearly. Then it's settled. I'll change my clothes, and we'll set off." After Tian Jingzhong finished speaking, he turned and returned to his inner room.

The village chief turned his head. "Congratulations, Brother Hu. Our two villages are quite close to each other, so we'll have to look out for each other in the future."

"I don't deserve to be called 'brother'; I'll call you Uncle Qian. Please take care of me in the future, Uncle Qian."

"Haha, don't mind if I accept being your elder, then. If you need any help in the future, don't hesitate to ask. I'll definitely help if I can."

At this time, Tian Jingzhong changed into clean clothes and came out. The few of them exchanged a few polite words and then parted ways.