Chapter 365 A Fake Couple

"Miss, don't be afraid. We have no ill intentions towards you and your child. We just want to investigate the man, Brother Peng." Bai Jingping tried his best to speak as gently as possible.

When the woman heard this, she finally looked up at them. Seeing Bai Jingping look at her sincerely, she did not make things difficult for the children.

She immediately relaxed and started to cry.

However, the mother and son only cried loudly, but both didn't intend to open their mouths.

"Where are you from? Is there anyone else in your family?" Bai Jingping asked, looking pensive.

The woman shook her head and began to cry.

"Your voices?" Bai Jingping probed.

"Ah, ah." The woman opened her mouth and pointed at her mouth, shaking her head.

"You were drugged and muted?" Sun Hongliang exclaimed.

The woman nodded repeatedly, and her tears started to fall like beads from a broken necklace.

"Animal." Bai Jingping cursed angrily.